About Modern Upright
The Modern Upright is based on a Yamaha U3 upright piano - regarded by many pianists as a modern classic. It has a tight and defined tone with an airy ambience that makes it fit nicely into almost any production. Included presets cover everything ranging from smooth jazz with a mellow, warm tone to bright pop with an upfront sound.
- Yamaha U3 Upright Piano
- Distinct, blendable characteristics
- 7 Different recording perspectives
The Instrument and its Presets
Our Modern Upright is based on a Yamaha U3 piano in excellent condition that was recorded with great care in a large auditorium. This auditorium is a soundstage that is mainly used to broadcast live performances with very high acoustical standards. The room has a detailed ambience with a medium/long decay time.
Modern Upright features seven microphone perspectives ranging from close to far, floor to soundboard and mono to stereo. This gives you nearly limitless sound design options and lets you tailor the sound of the piano to the exact needs of your song, all within the Addictive Keys engine.
We recorded using the following:
- Front Ribbon (Stereo XY): Coles 4038
- Front Ribbon (Stereo Wide): Coles 4038
- Back Tube (Stereo Wide): Sela T25
- Bottom Tube (Mono): Neumann U47
- Floor PZM (Stereo Wide): Sennheiser MKE212
- Close Ribbon (Mono): RCA 6203
- Ambient Tube (Stereo XY): Neumann M269
Die Addictive Keys - Engine
Addictive Keys, das Piano Plugin von XLN Audio, bekannt durch das Plugin Addictive Drums definiert einen neuen Standard für virtuelle Keyboard Instrumente.
Addictive Keys bietet die Möglichkeit, die Mikrofonierung des Instruments zu variieren und damit den Gesamtklang entscheidend zu beeinflussen. Die Auswahl der Basisklänge besteht aus folgenden Instrumenten: STUDIO GRAND, MODERN UPRIGHT PIANO und MARK ONE E-PIANO.
Zwölf Velocity Layer sorgen für eine naturgetreue Abbildung des Dynamikumfangs.
Die Samplesets werden in Rekordzeit geladen, so ist jedes Instrument ohne Wartezeit sofort spielbereit. Ideal für den Life Einsatz!
Addictive Keys bietet für jedes seiner Instrumente eine kleine, aber gute Auswahl an Presets.
Die Instrument-Settings bieten viele Kontrollmöglichkeiten über die spezifischen Eigenschaften des jeweiligen Instrumentes. So sind Lautstärkeverlauf, Obertongehalt und Tonhöhenverlauf der Instrumente in der Sample-Playback-Sektion mit drei Hüllkurven und einem resonanzfähigen Multifilter zu steuern.
Ein Instrument besteht maximal aus einer Mixtur von drei Mikrofonen. Für jeden dieser Mikrofonkanäle bietet das Instrument einen eigenen Noise-Generator, mit dem man gezielt Rauschen und andere Nebengeräusche wie Vinylkratzen etc. hinzufügen kann. Außerdem findet man hier einen parametrischen 3-Band-Equalizer sowie Insert-Effekte mit den klassischen Modulationseffekten Chorus, Phaser, Tremolo und einen kombinierten Compressor/Distortion- Algorithmus.
Eine weitere Möglichkeit der Klangveränderung ist die Timbre-Shift-Funktion. Hier wird das Sample-Mapping so modifiziert, dass es zu einer Formatverschiebung kommt, mit der man den Klang im Handumdrehen drahtiger bzw. dumpfer machen kann. Über den internen Mixer kann jedes Mikrofon gezielt auf zwei Hall-Effekte geschickt werden.
weitere details in engischer Sprache:
Addictive Keys brings the world's most inspiring and interesting keyboard instruments into the studios of songwriters, producers, and musicmakers.
It's unique sonic capabilities, smart workflow, fast load-times, and outstanding sound quality are designed to help you stay in the creative flow and to compose great music while you're in the zone.
Addictive Keys ships with tons of inspiring presets neatly arranged in "ExploreMaps." Each preset even comes with previews that present the preset in the perfect light. If you're in a hurry, you can use presets as-is so you don't lose inspiration. If you're in the mood to design new sounds, the powerful sound engine gives you great control over each instrument. You can even mix and match microphone setups!
To push the sound design envelope even further, the Addictive Keys engine has outstanding effects and envelopes to take your sound from clear and natural to heavily processed and other-worldly!
Finally, we include a standalone version that runs without requiring any music software. So if you just want to play, you can do so without any hassles.
Hosted Mode
Addictive Keys works as a virtual instrument running inside your host music software. It supports all of the major plug-in formats: VST & AU (32 and 64-bit), RTAS (32 bit) and AAX (64 bit).
This means you can use Addictive Drums within most music applications including: Pro Tools, SONAR, Cubase, Logic, Live and many others.
Standalone Mode
Addictive Keys can also work as a standalone instrument, without requiring host music software. This makes it easy to load an instrument, find an inspiring preset, and start playing without having to launch your music software.
This is perfect when you just want to play without waiting for music software or deal with routing.
- macOS 10.9 or higher
- 32 bit & 64 bit
- RAM: 2GB (4GB recommended)
- Windows 7-10
- 32 bit & 64 bit
- RAM: 2GB (4GB recommended)
Enregistrement Requis:
XLN Audio products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.xlnaudio.com to activate your license.
This product requires an activation!
An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.