Blade 2

Blade 2

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 80.03

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16 Voice Virtual Synthesizer

Rob Papen Blade 2 is an exciting additive synthesis virtual instrument that provides a rich palette of infinite audio possibilities for both sound design and performance with a ton of new features and stellar presets that will captivate synth fans.

Generate beautifully original sounds with superb depth and range. Tweak your tones with countless modulators, filters and onboard effects. Add energy and excitement with the advanced XY pad. Achieve more motion with the killer step sequencer and so much more...

Blade 2 excels at evocative, evolving soundscapes, ambient effects, deep, sweeping pads and wild wobbulating effects, as well as crazy leads, and mega basses. In fact, the sound bank is so huge there are patches for all types of music styles. If you're growing weary of the same old virtual analogues and sample-playback instruments, Blade 2 will certainly bring your creativity back to life!

Blade 2 GUI Screen

  • Next to the Harmolator mode, you will now find an additive mode which allows you to morph or mix between 4 additive waveforms using the XY pad. Of course, in addition to using these additive waves, you can also create and edit your own!

  • Another addition is a dedicated wave-analyze section that allows to analyze of sample data into a waveform, which then again can be used in the Harmolator or Additive section.

  • To expand the sound options, even more, Blade 2 also includes an additional analog-type oscillator plus a noise oscillator. However, it doesn’t stop there, because it now has 32 different Filter types to help shape your sound further!

  • The Arpeggiator section inside Blade 2 has also received a huge update with some very cool features.

  • There are now two additional rows for controlling the X and Y position of the XY pad. Also new is the ‘ratcheting’ feature including different ratcheting modes.

  • Last but not least, Blade 2 has 3 Multi-FX processors with the high-quality top-notch – Rob Papen - FX.

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 Specs techniques


  • macOS 10.13 or higher
  • Apple Silicon compatible
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 7 or higher
  • 32 bit & 64 bit

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