Bundle 2

Mac & Win

en stock
$ 89.95139.95

 2.37BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

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Recording & mixing for beginner to pro levels

This bundle includes:

  • Recording & Mixing training 
  • Pro Tools training series

You’ll get a great foundation for recording, editing, mixing, and in-depth training on how to get the most of your Pro Tools system. If you really want a complete education, and you use Pro Tools, Secrets of the Pros highly recommend their Bundle 3. It’s only a bit more expensive and goes far deeper into recording and mixing. This bundle is still a fantastic deal though and will help you speed thru years of learning the hard way.



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Note: All courses are available online only and in English only!

Enregistrement Requis:

Secrets of the Pros products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.secretsofthepros.com to activate your license.

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