Ceilings Of Sound Pro

Ceilings Of Sound Pro

4.0 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 199249

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A Unique Approach To Equalizing

Ceilings Of Sound Pro is a Hyper-EQ and a truly unique equalizer, designed to streamline your editing and capture detail & presence in your mix. It is the first equalizer to use the spectrum of noise to drive the equalization process and its powerful features make it an equalizer that can fit beautifully into your arsenal of FX plugins. Ceilings Of Sound Pro is optimized for multiple instances during projects with large track-counts.

Ceilings of Sound Pro GUI


  • 15 user-definable ceiling bands with 49 noise-slopes each.
  • Click-n-drag ergonomics.
  • "Auto generate ceiling" function for quick and easy ceiling creation.
  • Selectable Universal Mixing Blocks for auto generate.
  • Lockable ceiling elbowpoints.
  • "Conform spectrum to ceiling" feature that instantly adheres the equalizer to the ceiling shape.
  • Switchable 50/31-band graphic EQ, low-CPU, hi-precision.
  • Reset single EQ band, group of EQ bands or full EQ.
  • 49 ceiling guides.
  • "Tilt" EQ by noise slopes
  • Mix % knob.
  • BPM synced "Morph" up to 8-bars.
  • Autogain
  • Metering with infinite hold and click-reset.
  • "Live" function with spectrum smoothing and analyzer average options.
  • Optimized for multiple instances.

Whether you are a Producer, Mix/Mastering Engineer, Musician or Singer/Songwriter, Ceilings Of Sound Pro has got you covered with more than 700 presets to breath new life into your recording, mixing and mastering projects.

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Les commentaires présentés ici sont des clients qui ont acheté ce produit chez nous. Tous les évaluations ont été donnés sur le grand portail Internet indépendant d’eKomi.

4.0 of 5
03.12.2024 Language: englisch

Interesting. Happy to have it.

 Specs techniques



  • macOS 10.10 - 11.0.1
  • Intel Core 13 or higher
  • 4 GB RAM


  • Windows 7 - 10
  • Intel Core 13 or higher
  • 4 GB RAM

Enregistrement Requis:

AyaicWare products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.ayaicinc.com and with www.ilok.com to activate your license.

This product requires an activation!

For the activation you can either choose between using an iLok dongle (iLok 2 or iLok 3) or the iLok Cloud authorization process.

The iLokDongle can be used to run the protected software on different computers. Your licenses can be easily manged using the iLok License Manager. A internet connection on any computer and a free user-accout at www.ilok.com are required to authorize the product. To protect your investment against theft or loss we recommend the iLok Zero Downtime protection with TLC.

*This USB protection device is not included with your order, it is a separate item you have to buy additionally.

iLok Cloud requires an iLok account, which can be setup for free at www.ilok.com. Please install the latest version of iLok License Manger so you can manage your authorizations and active an iLok Cloud session. An active internet connection is required for all iLok Cloud sessions.

Please check with the software manufacturer which iLok version is required at least if you want to use a hardware iLok!