dearVR Pro 2

dearVR Pro 2

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 199249

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Binaural, Ambisonics & Multi-Channel Spatializer

Bring your production to the next level with the state-of-the-art spatializer. Experience total control, whether mixing in multi-channel speaker formats up to 7.1.4 and 9.1.6, binaural, or Ambisonics. Being inserted in the audio track, dearVR PRO 2’s ultra-precise early reflection and reverb engine adds another layer of spatial experience, leading to true-to-life sounding productions with natural depth that puts you in the center of the sound.



  • Stereo + Binaural Output: Supporting stereo and binaural 2-channel headphones output

  • Ambisonics Output: Supporting first-, second-, and third order Ambisonics (AmbiX/FuMa)

  • Extended Multi-Channel Loudspeaker Output: Supporting 35 loudspeaker formats, from 5.0, 5.1.4, 9.1.4, up to 9.1.6

  • 3D Panner: Position and move audio sources in a virtual 3D environment adjusting azimuth, elevation, and distance to the listener

  • Stereo Input: Position stereo tracks and alter the stereo width

  • Occlusion: Easily simulate a sound being physically blocked by another object with an adjustable occlusion modeler

  • Osc Head tracking Support: Connect your OSC head-tracker to enable head tracking in dearVR PRO 2

  • Real-Time Auralization: Powerful real-time processing that continually changes the delay times and directions for early reflections arrivals as you move an audio source

  • Ultra-Realistic Acoustic Presets: 46 vivid virtual acoustic environments to choose from, each independently recallable per plugin instance

  • Adjustable Acoustics: Adjust the size, dimensions, and acoustic characteristics of virtual environments and as well as the balance between early reflections and reverb

  • High- And Low-Pass Filter: Shape early reflections and the late reverb with individual HP and LP filters

  • Advanced Spatial Algorithm: State-of-the-art processing allowing any multitrack session to be mixed in 3D with a high level of out-of-head localization

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 Specs techniques


  • macOS 10.12 or higher
  • Apple Silicon compatible


  • Windows 8 or hihger
  • Intel-compatible CPU with SSE2 instruction set (minimum 2 GHz recommended)


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