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AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win

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$ 49

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The first Nylon-Electric-Piano based on Spectral Transformation

ElectroNylon: A never-seen-before instrument based on Real-Time Spectral Transformation that will allow you to go from a Nylon Guitar to an Electric Piano in real-time, just moving a slider.

ElectroNylon is based on Spectral Modeling (realistic modeling technique since spectral models are scanned from real instruments). ElectroNylon is an electric piano and a nylon guitar, and everything in the middle. A unique instrument made out of the spectral models from a nylon guitar and two electric pianos (reeds and tines based).

Real-time spectral transformation takes harmonics and formants and blends them mathematically. Allowing you to do this transformation in real-time with no CPU-usage increment.

ElectroNylon Banner

Sampleson's Luthier Series

The spirit behind the Luthier Series is to bring to life crazy and impossible ideas, mixing sounds and behaviors from instruments we love, and making them playable and enjoyable virtual instruments ready to inspire you.

ElectroNylon is the first creation of this series. A unique sound including finger noises, slides, and many other details from a nylon guitar mixed with the vintage sound that a reed and tines electric piano can create.

Product Features

  • Spectral Modeled Nylon Electric Piano

  • Real-time Spectral transformations. - Based on real samples

  • No velocity-switching

  • Ambient FX

  • Chorus FX

  • Drive FX

  • Reverb FX

  • Scalable HD interface

  • No extra purchases needed (like Kontakt, UVI, etc) or any other 3rd party player

  • Ready to be loaded into major DAWs (Cubase, Logic Pro, GarageBand, Cakewalk, Reaper, BitWig, Nuendo, FL Studio etc)

  • Only 35MB

 Produits similaires

 Specs techniques


  • macOS 10.15 or higher
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 7 or higher
  • 64 bit

Enregistrement Requis:

Sampleson products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.sampleson.com to activate your license.

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