Mutation Machine

Mutation Machine


ACID, Apple Loops, REX, RMX, WAV

en stock
$ 99

 4.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

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Mutation Machine brings you 113 construction kits...that´s right, 113 construction kits of the most versatile and unique sounds on the market. These distorted, mutated and processed futuristic drum and percussion rhythm beds can be used in a number of different musical settings. From electronica to cinematic scoring and sound design this library has it covered.


  • 113 Construction Kits. All kits recorded at tempos ranging from 62-227bpm.
  • WAV Loops: 3.16GB (758 Files)
  • Apple Loops: 3.11GB (758 Files)
  • REX Loops: 1.48GB (883 Files)


 Specs techniques

This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


Enregistrement Requis:

Big Fish Audio products require you to register with the manufacturer at to activate your license. To use Kontakt Player Libraries you also need to register with