First reviews for Dark ERA

Here are the first reviews for Eduardo Tarilonte'slatest library Dark ERA !

5 stars


Sound Bytes Magazine
"It’s unique and sounds great. It is so obvious that the author of this library has a great passion for all kinds of mystical and magical eras of history, and as a result, this library is a splendid storyteller, carrying its own personal voice and character"

StrongMocha  Five out of five stars
Dark Era is a must-have if you are excited by the barbaric Vikings and the northern vibe.

Sample Sound Review 5 Out of 5 Stars
Dark Era really connects with me. The samples used in this library are simply beautiful, dark, and spellbinding. It’s no wonder why so many composers endorse Eduardo Tarilonte’s sample libraries. His sound design in the days of old eras cannot be duplicated, he is the master when designing fantasy driven libraries

Dark ERA definitely has the same qualities as the style-forming libraries of Eduardo Tarilonte that I know of so far and my subjective feeling is that the sound quality is even more rich and powerful, so that instruments can be directly integrated into productions without further technical finesse.

Megasynth 4,7 out of 5 Stars
I admit I'm a fan of this ERA series, and I'd almost describe Dark ERA as the best variant of this series. From the variety of instruments with the articulations and effects that can be called up via the keyswitches, the soundscapes with loops and voices, to the sound quality - everything is just right here.


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