Synthesizer Solos

4.0 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Taille du téléchargement: 1.24 GB

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$ 17.0849

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Synthesizer Solos Header

Synthesizer Solos - An instant touch of ‘classic’ for any funk, rock, prog or electronic project.

When it comes to virtuoso solo performances, virtual instruments can’t fake it. You need the real deal. That’s exactly what the ‘Solo’ series of libraries delivers: inspiring solo performances from top-class instrumentalists in a convenient loop and phrase format. In Synthesizer Solos, you get a masterclass in solo improvisation delivered using four different classic analog synthesizer sounds. If your latest track needs to shred a classic keyboard solo, Synthesizer Solos will provide all the fast finger action you need.

Virtuoso Solo Synthesizer Performances

The library features 1.7GB of sample data in total, with over 570 loops and phrases. 143 performances are available, played with four different sounds. A range of musical keys are used, and tempos spans the 108 to 124 BPM range. However, with Elastik’s powerful timestretch and ReTune technology, you have all the flexibility you need to slot the phrases into your project. Loop lengths vary depending upon the style of the solo but the phrases are logically organized in style-based groups, so it’s super-easy to build a solo of any length. The four synth sounds used are full of analog goodness but recorded dry; simply add your own reverb, delay or other effects to taste. By layering the sounds or morphing from one to the other you can create fat unisono leads or interesting solo variations.

Extended Phrases For Full Solo Construction

Like all the ‘Solos’ libraries, Synthesizer Solos is ideal to build a complete, extended solo, or simply to provide an individual ‘hook’ melody line. Used in either way, you get a musical vibe that only an accomplished musician on top of their game can deliver. If you need to add some genuine synthesizer magic to your next project, Synthesizer Solos is a virtuoso lesson in analog synth improvisation. An instant touch of ‘classic’ for any funk, rock, prog or electronic project.

Powerful And Flexible Phrase Manipulation Within Elastik

Ueberschall‘s Elastik Loop Player allows easy matching of loops in tempo, scale, key and pitch to your own song projects. The intuitive browser manages not only the loops of Synthesizer Solos but all Elastik libraries for immediate access to all samples. Creative tools such as resample, formant and reverse as well as an extended sequence mode enable creative sound design on the fly.

Credits: All Synths played by Klaus Henatsch (Nektar)

Attention: Please note that the backing loops used in the demo are not part of the library!

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4.0 of 5
29.05.2021 Language: englisch

good quality

 Specs techniques

Free ELASTIK 3.6.3 Loop-Player is included in this product.
With its intuitive Loopeye editing environment, the high-quality pitch, key, scale and tempo manipulation algorithms and the huge collection of Elastik-ready sample libraries, spanning almost every conceivable musical genre, Elastik is a powerful workstation for loop-based musicproduction. It can be used either as a standalone application or as plugin within almost any DAW on both Windows and macOS platforms.


  • macOS 10.12 or higher
  • Apple Silicon Support
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 8 or higher

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