Tune Real-Time

Tune Real-Time

Date de sortie : 09.08.2016
5.0 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

en stock
$ 35.88

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Instant Pitch Correction Plugin

Waves Tune Real-Time provides smooth, natural-sounding vocal pitch correction instantly and automatically, as soon as the notes leave the singer’s mouth. Designed for live performances as well as pre-production, tracking and mixing in the studio, the plugin’s innovative pitch detection and correction technologies ensure that the tuned vocal retains the vocalist’s natural vocal sound. Producers, engineers and performers can use the plugin for subtle pitch correction, but also as a creative pitch quantization effect – all in real time.

The intuitive controls, simple layout, and touchscreen compatibility are key for engineers who have little time to fuss around and need to quickly get solid and "ready-to-go" vocals.

Tune Real-Time Screen

Waves Tune Real-Time can be easily programmed per song and customized to the singer's articulation. You can control the range, choose a scale, mark in advance specific notes to fix or avoid, control the plugin’s sensitivity, and even tune a singer's vibrato while preserving its natural movement. If you don’t know the scale of the song, you can enter the notes using the virtual keyboard, or set the plugin to follow a melody played in advance or in real time via MIDI.

Waves Tune Real-Time is compatible with all Waves SoundGrid applications and eMotion mixers, and can work seamlessly with any live console via MultiRack without the need for complex setups.


  • Automatically tunes vocals in real time
  • Ultra-low latency for instant response
  • Optimized for both studio and live settings
  • Advanced formant correction to retain natural vocal sound
  • Corrects vibrato while preserving its natural movement
  • Creative pitch quantization effects
  • Program or play the pitch correction via MIDI
  • Runs on any live mixing console via MultiRack SoundGrid
  • Compatible with all SoundGrid applications: StudioRack, MultiRack, eMotion ST, eMotion LV1

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Les commentaires présentés ici sont des clients qui ont acheté ce produit chez nous. Tous les évaluations ont été donnés sur le grand portail Internet indépendant d’eKomi.

5.0 of 5
03.04.2022 Sprache: deutsch


5.0 of 5
01.01.2021 Language: englisch

One of the best Waves plugins. If you work with vocals, get it. Thank you, Waves and Best Service!

5.0 of 5
02.11.2020 Sprache: deutsch

Tuning in Echtzeit? Mit diesem Plugin ist das kein Problem.

 Specs techniques


  • macOS Monterey 12, Ventura 13, Sonoma 14
  • Intel or Silicon Architecture
  • RAM: 8GB (16GB recommended)
  • 1024x768 or higher display resolution


  • Windows 10 / 11
  • 64 bit
  • X64 compatible Intel or AMD CPU
  • RAM: 8GB (16GB recommended)
  • 1024x768 or higher display resolution

Please check for details and latest information HERE!


7 days demo licenses are available HERE (registration and activation required!)

Bundle- / Product-Content
All Plug-Ins, Collections and Bundles include the identical content/version as described on www.waves.com. As the content/version might be extended by the supplier from time to time, our descriptions might not be up to date in rare cases.

To always get the latest WAVES version, you need a valid WavesUpdatePlan "WUP". With a new purchase of PlugIns and Bundles 12 month of Free Update Plan are included!

Enregistrement Requis:

Waves products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.waves.com to activate your license.

This product requires an activation!

An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.