
Date de sortie : 10.07.2020
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, Win

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$ 14.9949

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Vibrator Banner

Add some Vibe to your sounds

With Vibrator like the Uni-Vibe, you can add movement to your mixes and instruments/sounds. Create spacial width effects and shimmer. Tuck the effect under your source with parallel mix control for added flavour to static, monophonic and dull sounds.

Product Features

  • Vibrato Speed
  • Intensity
  • Width
  • Host tempo sync control

 Produits similaires

 Specs techniques


  • macOS 10.7 or higher (10.9 recommended)
  • 32 bit & 64 bit
  • RAM: 2GB


  • Windows 7 or higher
  • 32 bit & 64 bit
  • Pentium IV or Athlon XP
  • 2 GHz
  • RAM: 2GB

Enregistrement Requis:

Plug And Mix products require you to register with the manufacturer at and with to activate your license.

This product requires an activation!

An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.