BFD Stanton Moore Grooves Expansion Pack

BFD Stanton Moore Grooves Expansion Pack


AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win

en stock
$ 29

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Over 300 irresistibly funky patterns

Stanton Moore Grooves is a BFD Groove Pack containing over 300 irresistibly funky patterns for your BFD3, BFD Eco and BFD2 sessions. Although it is intended to accompany the BFD Stanton Moore Cymbals pack, it can be used with any kits in your installation. The Grooves feature kick, snare, hihat and cymbal parts dripping with Stanton Moore's classic brand of New Orleans funk.

The set comprises 7 Palettes in 4/4 with over 200 Grooves and 100 Fills in total and is perfect for funk, R&B, rock and pop genres.

Stanton Moore Grooves is produced by Cymbal Masters.

Product Features

  • Groove pack for BFD, BFD Eco and BFD2

  • 200 Grooves and 100 Fills

  • Funk, R&B, rock and pop genres

 Produits similaires

 Specs techniques


  • macOS 10.13 or higher
  • BFD3 version 3.4 or higher


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • BFD3 version 3.4 or higher

Enregistrement Requis:

BFD products require you to register with the manufacturer at and with to activate your license.

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