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SOS Review: The Score

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A few months ago, we released the groundbreaking All-in-One Scoring Tool The Score together with Sonuscore. Sound on Sound magazine tested the virtual instrument and in this article you find out how The Score proved itself in the practical test.

John Walden from Sound on Sound writes about The Score:

"The Score provides an instantly inspiring toolset for creating musical cues but still offers the composer plenty of creative input and control via a feature-rich UI."

In the practical test, the author discusses the ease of use of The Score:

"The more I used The Score, the bigger my smile became. Working your way through some of the preset Stories is instantly gratifying; you just voice a few chords, modulate the dynamics with the mod wheel, and switch between the five performance variations with the keyswitches." 

... and further ...

"It really can be mind-blowingly easy to realize a fully formed arrangement in real time."

Buy Best Service The Score, by Sonuscore here!

We are particularly pleased with the positive final conclusion:

"This is a hugely inspiring platform for composition – The Score scores on many levels."

Read a part of the The Score SOS Review here!

Many thanks to Sound on Sound and John Walden for this great article!

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