The Score

The Score

4.7 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Kontakt Player, Mac, NKS, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 19.73 GB

in stock
$ 399

 19.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

The Score Header


Composing professional film music is a difficult task. In addition to musical creativity, a great deal of technical knowledge is required as well. Until now.

The Score is our groundbreaking all-in-one scoring tool, covering a massive range of genres, styles, and instruments. Our goal is to provide you with the perfect assistant, making composing as creative as possible, without any limits. Skip all technical burdens and start making music now.

  • Perfectly matched scoring toolbox, guiding you from the start to the end of your composition.

  • Massive, colorful instrument collection: 46 orchestral, 37 synth, 20 band, 34 world and 18 drum instruments and more (160 in total)

  • Comes with 150 animated stories to inspire you. Each story includes four different arrangements with a vast dynamic range, meant to help you tell your own musical tale.

  • Includes various groundbreaking power tools: Chord Studio, Melody Studio, Dynamic Mixer, and Adaptive Customizer.

The Score is our All-In-One solution for scoring. It’s a perfectly coordinated toolbox to give you access to the popular sounds-like-film-music feeling right Out-of-the-Box. Compose professional scores quickly and joyfully in a jam-like composition process. Or compose your music note-for-note using our huge collection of single instruments.


The Score gives you everything you need to compose for any genre, right out of the box. Start with inspiring stories and use our smart tools to get on track instantly. Further shape your work with over 160 individual instruments. Our intuitive interface makes your composing efficient, straightforward, and fun.

The Score GUI Screen Banner


The Score comes with 150 complex stories for a quick entry into every genre. Stories are animated arrangements, each featuring diverse musical variations and a vast dynamic range. All Stories are completely customizeable - they are the foundation of your creative progress.

  • Quick Entry: A Story is a carefully arranged color selection to quickly get you into any mood and genre.

  • Variations: With keyswitches, switch between any of several musical variations within each story.

  • Dynamics: Use the modwheel to take control of the arrangement and dynamics of every story.


Get an idea of what the Stories sound like with our interactive previews. Skip through the different Stories and trigger the chords with the buttons below.

NOTE: This is only an interactive browser preview. Our 150 Stories can be played freely and are completely customizable.


All Stories are made of 10 arranged instrument slots, which you can exchange at your will. To cover the extremely diverse scoring palette, The Score comes with over 160 instruments, covering everything from all orchestral instrument sections, to countless diverse synthesizer and band instruments, world music soloists, percussion, and more. The Score gives you everything you need to create the perfect composition!


The Score contains huge pool of instruments that can be played freely or in combination with a set of revolutionary and intelligent composition tools. It's up to you whether you want to be inspired by The Score's tools or just dive into the huge pool of instruments - and play them freely.


The key to many good scores is the combination of accompaniment and melody. The Score comes with two separate instruments (Ensemble & Lead), each focusing on one key aspect, to ensure the most efficient workflow.

The Score Ensemble and Lead GUI

  • The Ensemble instrument will help you create diverse accompaniments.

  • The Lead instrument will help you create unique melodies and lead content.


3 steps to the perfect score

The Score Find GUI

1. Find Your Inspiration: The Score’s Ensemble instrument is the heart of every score. It lets you compose beautiful arrangements within minutes.

  • 13 Genres: The Score’s color selection is incredibly diverse, filling up 13 unique genres.

  • 12 Styles: The Score takes the dramaturgist perpective, helping you immediately find the right mood for every scene.

  • 150 Stories: The Score comes with 150 diverse stories. Create your own stories from scratch or find inspiration from existing ones.

The Score Shape GUI

2. Shape Your Sound: Choose instruments, adjust the dynamic palette and modify the sound of the selected story with a variety of the best effects available.

  • Control Dynamics: Refine the dynamic range of the story. In The Score, this is a very powerful feature: Create extremely organic arrangement transitions between dialog and non-dialog scenes just within one Mod Wheel movement.

  • Add Effects: Use diverse high-end FX to polish or heavily modify your sound. The Score comes with 23 FX from the newest Kontakt 7 version, including various EQs, Dynamic-, Delay-, Modulation- and Reverb effects.

  • Re-arrange: All Stories come with 10 instrument slots and are completely customizable. Use this browser to engineer your orchestration with 160 instruments.

The Score Play GUI

3. Play Your Score: Dive into every bit of your story as true creator of your composition.


Click on an instrument to change its behavior and customize every detail.

  • Envelope for Longs: Modify long notes relating to the Mod Wheel. Invert the curve to create astonishing morph-effects and incredibly organic textures.

  • Step Sequencer for Shorts: Use the Step Sequencer to modify the velocity of short notes relating to the movement of the Mod Wheel.

  • Customizer: Design your own individual musical patterns with up to 5 pitches simultaneously for fuller arrangements.

  • Drum Map: When having a percussion instrument selected, the customizer automatically becomes a drum map for handy drum programming within The Score.


Get Inspired by unheard melodies & create your own

The Score’s Lead Instrument is the perfect partner to the Ensemble. Compose astonishingly beautiful melodies and let the Lead enchant you with its beautiful melody instruments.

  • Instruments: Choose between up to 2 beautiful melodic instruments.

  • Effects: Use top-notch effects to polish your sound.


The Score’s Melody Studio™ lets you create unheard of melodies with one click using a unique Markov chain-based algorithm. Simply generate and polish melodies to make them your own.

The Score Melody GUI

  • Get Inspired: Let our magic algorithms enchant you with amazing melodies, based on your settings.

  • Combine: Combine the power of our Melody Maker and the Chord Studio™ by importing chord progressions into the Melody Studio™.


Move and shape every note in the editor to create exactly what you have in mind.

  • Make it Your Own: Make the melody your own within The Score by adjusting the notes to your taste. Export the MIDI including the dynamics to your DAW to orchestrate it further.

  • Control Dynamics: Control the dynamics to create beautiful expressive melodies.

  • Adjust the Algorithm: Customize the conditions of the algorithm to get the desired results.


The Score comes with a unique Chord Studio™ to expand your tonal cosmos. Get inspired by the chord progressions that come with each story and make them your own.

The Score Chord Studio GUI

Key Features

  • The ultimate all-in-one set of scoring tools

  • A mind-blowing customizer controlling 10 layers of melodies and harmonies

  • Mod Wheel fully optimized to maximize the energy and tension

  • An entire orchestral selection with 160 instruments

  • 150 incredible animated Story presets with four different arrangements and endless possibilities

  • 4 groundbreaking tools: Chord Studio, Melody Studio, Dynamic Mixer, Adaptive Customizer

  • Lead instrument to design virtuosos and melody

  • 19.5 GB of uncompressed data

Update 1.2 Features

  • Free Mode: Use each slot as a freely playable instrument. Create your own Stories that can mimic specific articulations, ideal for grand orchestral sustains.

  • External Mode: Bypass THE SCORE's sequencer engine and play each slot on its corresponding MIDI channel from your DAW.

  • Added an undo/redo option on the Play Page.

  • Solo/Mute buttons are now automatable.

  • New Story category of “Ensemble”: 20 additional Stories that show you the full potential of the Free Mode.

Works with the FREE KONTAKT PLAYER Version 7.8.1 or higher

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Flag DE spaceBeat 06/2024




Fazit:  The Score kann zwar nicht die Feinheiten detailreich komponierter Orchesterwerke ersetzen, punktet aber als ein wertvoller musikalischer Ideengeber. Mit seiner hohen Klangqualität und Vielfalt an Instrumenten kann er selbst bei anspruchsvollen Projekten im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit stehen. sei es im Film, Werbung, Games oder elektronischer Musik. Dank der einfachen Handhabung können auch Einsteiger professionelle Arrangements erschaffen. Auch professionelle Komponisten kommen dank der Anpassungsmöglichkeiten und Details wie der MIDI-Exportfunktion voll auf ihre Kosten.

Vera Schumacher



Flag EN spaceSound On Sound 02/2024

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Review Summery:

Sonuscore have taken the concept underlying The Orchestra and improved it in almost every aspect. The Score provides an instantly inspiring toolset for creating musical cues but still offers the composer plenty of creative input and control via a feature-rich UI.

by John Walden


Flag DE spaceProfessional Audio 12/2023





Best Service und Sonuscore haben nicht zuviel versprochen: Jede Story, jedes Pattern in The Score lässt sich beeindruckend detailreich den eigenen Wünschen anpassen und individualisieren. Doch trotz aller Eingriffsmöglichkeiten bleibt es trotzdem ein Baukasten-Prinzip, das irgendwann eintönig klingt und Musik, die wirklich komponiert wird, die auf Leitmotivik, sorgsam gesetzten Nebenmelodien und ausgefeilter Satztechnik fußt, so natürlich nicht ersetzen kann. The Score beeindruckt durch Klangfülle, hat aber wenig Tiefe, könnte man auch sagen. Doch das ist auch nicht der Sinn und Zweck dieses Software-Instruments. The Score ist vielmehr ein Klangbaukasten, konzipiert für Musikuntermalungen aller Couleur, der eine gute Basis bildet für weitere musikalische Ausgestaltungen. Oder eben einen Einblick bietet in die Spielweisen verschiedener Genres - und darin ist es einzigartig und äußerst inspirierend.

Flag DE spaceKEYS 12/2023





Wahrscheinlich wäre es etwas überhöht, jetzt mit einem superlativischen Slogan wie "noch nie war Filmmusik so einfach" ins Rennen zu gehen. Natürlich kommt es immer noch auf den kreativen Kopf dahinter an - und das ist auch gut so. Zweifelsfrei aber legt Best Service mit The Score eine Sammlung vor, die nicht einfach eine Sound Library, sondern mehr ein Inspirations- und Kompositionswerkzeug ist und vielleicht nicht die künftige Filmmusikproduktion revolutionieren wird, wohl aber für reichlich Inspiration sorgt und manchen kreativen Arbeitsprozess erleichtert. Auf jeden Fall trägt das Programm zur Ideenfindung bei und überzeugt daneben mit sehr guter Handhabung wie exzellenter Klangqualität. Die 399 Euro (UVP) sind insofern sehr gut investiertes Geld.

Christoph Klüh


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5
24.11.2024 Language: englisch

The Score is amazing; I cannot wait to see what I am capable of doing with this magical product.

5.0 of 5
15.11.2024 Language: englisch

I have been reviewing this product since release and I finally purchased it. I want to learn scoring and making music in general to pictures, scenes and videos. I have only scratched the surface of this plugin/instrument and it has so much potential to help those with little music background. To be able to add in your own element to make it your own or to make it from scratch is amazing. The instruments sound great. They even have individual instruments! The only down side I have found so far was there are very few light hearted uplifting styles and that the hybrid section does not feel very hybrid. I personally feel that this plugin/instrument has a lot going for it and look forward to seeing future updates and stories added. The export midi is a huge plus! If you are learning to score or want to learn how to combine instruments together, this is for you. I would even go so far as to say that this would be great for seasoned folks. For generating ideas, you can not go wrong here. They hit the mark with this one.

4.0 of 5
19.08.2024 Language: englisch

The ensemble engine is interesting and very similar to The Orchestra Complete 3. The individual sounds however are just okay. If you're looking to play around with the stories to get inspiration for a track, this may be a good tool for you.


Made for Kontakt Player

This product requires the free Native Instruments Kontakt Player, the latest version can be downloaded through Native Access, Native Instrument’s download manager!

The minimum required Kontakt version for this product is stated in the product description or can be found on the manufacturers website.

System Requirements:


  • macOS 11, 12, 13
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or Apple Chip
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)


  • Windows 10 or 11
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or similar CPU
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)

Supported Interfaces:

  • Mac (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AU, AAX
  • Windows (64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AAX

Legacy Versions:

If you require legacy installers of Kontakt Player please refer to this Knowledge Base Article.

Required Registration:

All Best Service products require you to register with the manufacturer at for downloads or activation.

Best Service products for Kontakt Player Only require you to additionally register with

This product requires an activation!

This product requires Native Access for installation, registration and activation. Start the Native Access-Software and log in using your Native Instruments credetials to start the setup.

To sucesfully activate your product Native Access requires a working internet connection.

An Offline Activation on a different computer is Not Available with this product.