925 Compressor MKII

4.0 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 34.99129

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MIA Laboratories’ Main Mix-Kompressor

Der 925 Compressor MkII ist die zweite Generation von MIAs Main-Mix-Kompressor. Dieses Plugin wurde - ähnlich wie der 409 Opto Compressor - nach physikalischen Modellierungsprinzipien entwickelt. Dieser Main Mix-Kompressor bietet Ihnen die volle Kontrolle über ein sehr breites Spektrum von Kompressionseigenschaften, besonders geeignet für Main-Mix-Anwendungen, aber auch für Bus-Mix oder mehrere separate Kanäle mit programmabhängiger Verarbeitung.


  • Stereo Link Operation
  • Externe Sidechain
  • Output Level / Gain Reduction Meters
  • 29 MIA Presets

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

The high speed of this compressor’s detector allows it to follow the actual waveform instead of the envelope of the program material and -along with the Logarithmic gain reduction- produce more natural compression. This is often the case in hardware vintage and modern equipment, and has resulted in the 925s’ broad range of compression characteristics. It is especially suited for main-mix applications but also buss-mix or multiple separate channels.

925 features Variable knee response, allowing more compression to be applied, especially on high-transient sounds like percussion, samples, vocals etc. In this version, we are introducing the Slope / Ratio mode selection, which significantly changes 925’s compression curve, resulting in completely different character and dynamic response. 

The specially developed ‘Damping’ control is also introduced in 925 MkII, which allows for smoothing and fine-tuning the detector’s response, adding to the versatility of this tool and providing the user with greater control and shaping of the signal’s envelope. 

29 carefully tuned Presets provide a solid starting point for a variety of use cases. A host of new features has also been included in MkII, including Sidechain Filtering, Band Compression and Dry/Wet control.

925 Compressor MKII Gui

Features :

  • Stereo Link Operation - In “Stereo Link” mode the same amount of compression is applied to both L/R channels, based on the sum of the two. With Stereo Link disabled, compression takes place independently for each channel, whilst retaining common controls for both.

  • External Sidechain - Use any other channel of your mix as an input to the side-chain of MIA 925 Compressor, or to process the sidechain signal independently of the program material. Note we have not included any filtering process to the sidechain path in order to provide flexibility in the eq or filters used externally.

  • Output Level / Gain Reduction Meters - Very fast and detailed display, to give you an accurate and clear perception of the compression process.

  • MIA Presets - The 925 MKII offers a modest collection of carefully designed MIA Presets, to achieve quick and balanced results, or to act as a perfect kick start towards your desired result.

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Die hier angezeigten Bewertungen, sind von Kunden, die dieses Produkt auch bei uns erworben haben. Alle Bewertungen wurden über das unabhängige Portal eKomi abgegeben.

4.0 of 5
02.03.2020 Sprache: deutsch

Sehr gute Bearbeitung von Transienten, wenige Plugins können so "knallig" klingen. Daher top für den Stereobus (wenn dieser Sound gewünscht ist) oder Drums. Wird auch explizit als Stereobus-Kompressor beworben, daher kein Universalkompressor für jeden Einsatzzweck. Eher reduzierte Einstellmöglichkeiten (kein Lowcut im Sidechain, Kein Mix-Regler). Summa Summarum: Kann nicht alles, aber für bestimmte Aufgaben außergewöhnlich gut!



  • macOS 10.7-10.14
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 7-10
  • 64 bit

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