Aeris: Hybrid Choir Designer

Aeris: Hybrid Choir Designer

4.7 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win
Download Größe: 7.30 GB

ab Lager lieferbar
$ 299

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Aeris final Header

Leistungsstarkes Vocal Instrument

Aeris: Vocal Designer ist ein virtuelles Instrument, das sowohl Chöre als auch einzelne Stimmen bietet. Dafür wurden Männer- und Frauenchöre aufgenommen und mehrfach gesampelt, aber auch Solo Stimmen wie z.B. Bass, Tenor, Alto und Soprano wurden berücksichtigt. Desweiteren bietet Aeris mehrere Artikulationen mit Vibrato und True Legato sowie eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche, die das Anpassen der Stimmen ermöglicht. Zusätzlich wurde dieses Vocal Instrument mit 8 Effekten und über 100 Presets ausgestattet.

Box and ScreenFEATURES:

  • Multisampled Male and Female Choirs
  • Multisampled Bass, Tenor, Alto, Soprano Solo Singers
  • Ah’s, Oh’s, Oo’s, and Hums
  • Non Vibrato and Vibrato Sustains
  • True Legato
  • Over 100 Unique Resampled Pads
  • Hybrid Sound Design Capabilities
  • 100’s of Pads and Effects Presets


Detaillierte Beschreibung in englischer Sprache:

Vir2 multisampled both male and female choirs, as well as solo bass, tenor, alto, and soprano solo singers performing vowels A, O, U and hums. With articulations including non-vibrato, vibrato, and true legato, composers and producers will easily be able to create lush vocal performances for their projects.

Aside from playable vocal patches, Aeris: Vocal Designer also provides the user with a vast amount of sound design tools for endless customization. With up to four LFO’s, users can modulate their choice of volume, pan, low pass, high pass, bandpass, and tuning. Additionally, Aeris includes dual sequencers for complex pattern creation, as well as eight powerful effects to make sound design truly limitless.

Vir2, along with a team of industry-leading sound designers and composers, have created over 100 unique pads sampled from the original source material of choirs and solo singers. The pads utilize two powerful engines giving composers and producers the ability to create a near-infinite number of unique, lush, and inspiring vocal-based sounds for their music.


Aeris Performance Screen

  • TRUE LEGATO - All vocal groups were recorded with true legato, giving users the most realistic sounding vocal performances available.
  • 6 PERFORMANCE GROUPS - The Performance patch places the full power of male and female choirs, as well as four solo performers including bass, tenor, alto, and soprano, at your fingertips.
  • VOWEL SELECTOR - Each choir group and solo singer were recorded performing four different vowels: Ah’s, Oh’s, Oo’s, and Hums.
  • FLEXIBLE MODULATION - All AERIS patches contain four separate LFO slots which can be engaged simultaneously. Modulate your choice of volume, pan, high pass, low pass, bandpass, and pitch.
  • DYNAMIC SEQUENCER - AERIS’ step sequencer gives users an additional layer of sound customization. With two separate slots, users can have multiple step sequencers engaged at the same time. Choose from six different modulation types including volume, pan, high pass, low pass, band pass, and pitch.
  • 8 POWERFUL EFFECTS - The effects page brings you six different built-in effects including a compressor, delay, chorus, flanger, distortion, and stereo spread.


Aeris Pads Screen

  • 140+ UNIQUE PADS - Choose between 140+ inspiring pads organized into six different categories, including calm, uplift, distorted, tension, motion, and effects.
  • CREATED BY INDUSTRY-LEADING PROFESSIONALS - The Pads patch features pads created by sound designers with credits including Mad Max: Fury Road, Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes, The Dark Knight, Inception, and more.
  • SOURCED FROM CHOIRS & SOLO SINGERS - All pads were created exclusively using AERIS’ choir and solo singer sample content.
  • COMBINE SOUNDS WITH AERIS’ DUAL-PAD ENGINE - Users are given two pad engines which can be triggered simultaneously, or individually, for endless original sound design and atmospheric composition.


Aeris User Screen

Option for users of full version of Kontakt:
The User patch provides you with full access to the backend of Aeris, allowing you to drag in your own samples and use the interface to manipulate the sounds.

  • USE ANY SOUND SOURCE - Drag in any .wav or .aiff file and begin tweaking your sound. Use Acidized WAV and Apple Loop files to create tempo-syncing patches.
  • SAMPLE. IMPORT. CREATE. - No longer be limited to the sounds you buy. Record your own samples and import them into Aeris to create something truly unique.
  • FULLY UTILIZE AERIS - Make Aeris’ powerful interface work for you. Utilize its built-in reverb, envelope, LFOs, Step Sequencer and effects for boundless sound design.


Aeris has been designed for seamless integration with the KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series and Maschine, offering you a unique hands-on experience. Manipulate Aeris’ interface using the controls of all NKS compatible hardware.

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Die hier angezeigten Bewertungen, sind von Kunden, die dieses Produkt auch bei uns erworben haben. Alle Bewertungen wurden über das unabhängige Portal eKomi abgegeben.

5.0 of 5
10.09.2019 Language: englisch


5.0 of 5
03.04.2017 Sprache: deutsch


5.0 of 5
10.02.2017 Sprache: deutsch

Sehr vielseitige und gut editierbare Sounds. Ich nutze das Produkt als Musikproduzent!


Made for Kontakt Player

Dieses Produkt benötigt den kostenlosen Native Instruments Kontakt Player, die neueste Version kann über Native Access, dem Download-Manager von Native Instruments, heruntergeladen werden!

Die erforderliche Kontakt Version für dieses Produkt entnehmen Sie bitte der Produktbeschreibung oder der Herstellerseite.



  • macOS 10.14 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or Apple M1 (native)
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB empfohlen)


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 oder ähnliche CPU
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB empfohlen)

Unterstützte Schnittstellen:

  • Mac (64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AU, AAX
  • Windows (64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AAX

Vorherige Versions:

Wenn Sie eine ältere Version des Kontakt Players benötigen, besuchen Sie bitte diesen Knowledge Base Eintrag.

Erforderliche Registrierung:

Für die Nutzung von Vir2 (by Big Fish) Produkten müssen Sie sich beim Hersteller unter registrieren, um Ihre Lizenz zu aktivieren. Für die Nutzung von Kontakt Player Libraries ist auch eine Registrierung bei erforderlich.

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