

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST3, Win

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$ 63.49

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Realistisches Air-Plugin

Air simuliert die natürliche Dämpfung höherer Frequenzen, die bei der Ausbreitung von Klängen durch die Luft entsteht, und sorgt so für perfekt simulierte Frequenzgänge bei Dialogen oder Effekten, die natürlich entfernt klingen sollen.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

Sound Particels Air GUI

Use Air for different purposes:

  • Sound Effects - A close-by object doesn't sound like a faraway object. Quickly reinvent sound effects by adding depth and distance to your sounds. No need to record everything all over again.

  • Mixing - With just one knob, it is possible to accurately simulate the distance of any sound. Air will apply the exact EQ and distance attenuation necessary to make audio assets perfectly resemble real-life sonic events.

  • Automated Dialogue Replacement - The biggest challenge of ADR is making it sound as natural as if it was recorded on the original set. Air helps in achieving a natural-sounding distance effect, so that ADR never sounds misplaced again.

  • Music - Easily take away some presence of specific items within your projects. Let instruments breathe and mixes shine with this ready to go plugin.

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  • macOS 10.9 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Apple Silicon kompatibel
  • 2-Core CPU oder höher
  • RAM: 4GB


  • Windows 7 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • 2-Core CPU oder höher
  • RAM: 4GB
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