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AS Piano Collection

AS Piano Collection

3.7 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Größe: 5.12 GB

ab Lager lieferbar
$ 249

 11.45BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Die AS Piano Collection besteht aus 5 Pianos von Acoustic Samples. Sie sparen rund 40% beim Kauf dieses Bundles. 

Dieses Bundle bietet Ihnen eine großartige Auswahl verschiedener Pianos - Vom großen mächtigen Klavier-Konzert bis zum alten Jazz-Sound lässt sich alles mit dieser Collection klanglich in Szene setzen!

AS Piano Collection Map

Detaillierte Beschreibung in englischer Sprache:

Kawai-EX PRO

The Kawai-EX Pro sample Library is a fabulous, powerfull and bright 9-foot (276cm) KAWAI EX concert grand piano that used to be in the Kennedy center in Washington DC. We worked closely with Lance Herring on this library (this is our second attempt after the AcademicGrand) and decided to give our project a new dimension, we carefully recorded this extraordinary instrument with 3 microphone pairs and state of the art Gear to try and recreate how powerfull and precise this instrument can be.

OldBlackGrand InterfaceOldBlackGrand

Everybody keeps on sampling the best and cleanest piano ever! here is a completely different approach. We sampled an old Pleyel Grand Piano (F-71240 model from 1928) with vintage gear like a studer console and tube microphones, it has the rich and warm sound of the old jazz/blues or even classical music recordings.


The AcademicGrand is a 1963 Steinway D concert grand which has seen countless recitals and concerts over the years where it served as the University of Arkansas´ primary concert instrument. The piano has been an inspiration to hundreds of students and visitors, and with being well-maintained and cared for, it´s a wonderful instrument with a unique history and classic American Steinway sound.


APian Interface

The A-Pian Grand piano is and old french Gaveau piano. Gaveau was a French piano manufacturer. The company was established in 1847 in Paris and used to be one of the three largest piano makers in France (after Érard and Pleyel). This particular piano was build in 1960 and is reffered to as a "crapaud" ("Petite Grand" in english), which means that it´s a little smaller than a "quart de queue" (baby grand). It has a very particular sound, very bright and full of inharmonicity in the bass due to the short lenght of the strings. 


The B-Pian Upright is a bad, old, out of tune, mecanically unperfect but still usable upright piano. After watching a movie (we won´t say which one) scene with a guy playing on an old upright and hearing what clearly was a 9 foot grand, we decided that it was time to produce that sound everybody knows, the sound of the piano you played on when you started learning the piano, the one that you were at your friends place and is taking dust and that goes out of tune in two weeks.


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Die hier angezeigten Bewertungen, sind von Kunden, die dieses Produkt auch bei uns erworben haben. Alle Bewertungen wurden über das unabhängige Portal eKomi abgegeben.

1.0 of 5  
27.02.2018 Language: englisch

Sound is no good, so bad, if possible I almost want to returns the product. Advertising is false?not like the demo sound. ***

5.0 of 5  
11.08.2017 Sprache: deutsch

Sehr gutes Produkt. Interessant auch die alten Klaviere. Zum dem Preis absolut top!

5.0 of 5  
27.03.2015 Language: englisch

und and dynamics tools seems good: while individual piano fattening gigabits


UVI Powered

Die aktuelle Version von UVI Workstation 3 ist in diesem virtuellen Instrument enthalten!
Weitere Informationen zur UVI-Workstation sowie die neueste Version (kosternloser Download) erhalten sie HIER.


  • Stand Alone Anwendung für Mac und PC
  • VST für Mac und PC (Cubase und andere VST kompatible Sequenzer)
  • AAX native (Pro Tools) für Mac und PC
  • Audio Units (Logic Pro und andere AU kompatible Sequenzer)
  • "Falcon" kompatibel

UVI Workstation 3 Systemanforderung:


  • macOS 10.8-10.15
  • 64 bit
  • Festplatte: 7200 RPM (SSD Festplatte empfohlen)
  • RAM: 4GB (8GB oder höher dringend empfohlen)


  • Windows 8 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Festplatte: 7200 RPM (SSD Festplatte empfohlen)
  • RAM: 4GB (8GB oder höher dringend empfohlen)

57,8 MB Festplattenplatz (Mac Installation 233 MB; Windows 64 Installation: 266 MB)

Erforderliche Registrierung:

Für die Nutzung von Acousticsamples Produkten müssen Sie sich beim Hersteller unter www.acousticsamples.net registrieren, um Ihre Lizenz zu aktivieren. Für die Nutzung von UVI Libraries ist auch eine Registrierung bei www.uvi.net erforderlich.

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