Ein Synthesizer mit Seele
Der BA-1 ist eine moderne Neuinterpretation des kultigen Analogsynthesizers von 1982, der wie ein Spielzeug aussah, aber wie ein Biest klang. Er bietet Ihnen reine und authentische Texturen, die schnell zu programmieren sind und vor Farben nur so triefen.
- Die erste echte, analog modellierte Emulation des CS01, eines beliebten und kultigen Monosynths von 1982
- Erweitert die Klangpalette des Originals erheblich - dank sorgfältiger Upgrades und neuer Funktionen
- Enthält eine farbenfrohe FX-Sektion, inspiriert von preiswerter 1980er Hardware
- Unterhaltsam und einfach zu programmieren, dabei überraschend vielseitig
- Über 500 hochwertige Presets und eine Re-Gen-Funktion zum sofortigen Erstellen neuer Patches
- Wenn Sie authentische, an Lofi erinnernde Synthesizer-Texturen in einem Plugin suchen, ist dies das Richtige für Sie!
Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:
The Legacy
BA-1 is based on a portable 1980s synth with a toylike appearance and a gritty sound. Despite its small size, it left a big mark on music history, while still flying somewhat under the hype radar. The original has been used as a secret weapon for bubbly synth textures by some of Sweden’s most successful pop producers of the past two decades. It was also a staple of 1990s digital dancehall and beloved by the indietronica scene for its raw lo-fi quality. The ‘CS01’ - as the original is called - has never been properly captured in software form.
The Sound
In keeping with the motto ”it’s an evolution, not an emulation”, Baby Audio modeled the hardware with the greatest possible accuracy, before carefully upgrading it with new and useful features. A second analog-modeled oscillator, FM, polyphony, and more, help to vastly expand the sonic palette of the original. All while keeping its signature sound unspoiled.
Additionally, BA-1 lets you drain the battery, bend the circuits, and use the built-in speaker – for an authentic lo-fi aesthetic that you could normally only get with hardware.
If you know Baby Audio, you’ll know that effects are their specialty. So they’ve treated BA-1 with an FX section worthy of its own plugin. The effects chain is inspired by budget 1980s rack hardware and captures the lo-fi charm of the home studio scene of the era. The overdrive is modeled after a guitar pedal, while the delay, reverb and chorus effects are based on cheap, but amazing, digital rack units. In BA-1, the effects are not an afterthought but an ingrained part of the sonic signature. So tweak, use, and abuse them.
The simplicity
BA-1 is simple, but surprisingly tweakable. Baby Audio put great effort into tuning all parameters to be in the perfect sweet spot. This results in a rewarding programming workflow where tweaking BA-1 is a lot of fun and you’ll create new patches on repeat. And if a simple interface is not fast enough, you can always use the smart ‘Re-Gen’ feature. Hit Re-Gen and BA-1 will automatically create new and musically tuned patches with every click.
Included Preset Packs
BA-1 comes loaded with 500+ presets, including specialty packs created by some of the top sound designers in the industry.
- macOS 10.11 oder höher
- Native Apple Silicon M1/M2
- Windows 10 oder höher
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