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BFD Orchestral Expansion Pack

BFD Orchestral Expansion Pack


AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win

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$ 2549.99

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Klassische Percussion-Instrumente

BFD Orchestral ist eine Expansion für BFD3, BFD Eco und BFD2 und enthält ein einzigartiges Set an Konzertpercussion.

Die enthaltenen Sounds eignen sich perfekt für die Komposition von Filmen und Werbespots sowie für anspruchsvolle Musikproduktion und kreatives Sounddesign.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

BFD Orchestral features a variety of orchestral bass drums, snares and hand cymbals alongside chromatically tuned timpani and concert chimes which are sampled over 1.5 octaves and perfect for unusual melodic lines. Other highlights include suspended cymbals with huge decays due to the lack of a stand to dampen vibrations.

BFD Orchestral is recorded using carefully selected high-end equipment to capture the dynamics and sonic beauty of these instruments. All the sounds have the versatility to fit into all kinds of genres and mixes.

Product Features

  • Expansion for BFD3, BFD Eco and BFD2

  • Chromatic concert timpani and chimes

  • Orchestral bass drums, snares and cymbals

 Ähnliche Produkte



  • macOS 10.13 oder höher
  • BFD3 Version 3.4 oder höher


  • Windows 10 oder höher
  • BFD3 Version 3.4 oder höher
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