Blue Cat Energy Pack

Blue Cat Energy Pack


AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

ab Lager lieferbar
$ 183.11

 9.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Energy Pack - Dynamik unter Kontrolle

Dieses Plugin-Paket enthält Blue Cat’s beste Tools zur Bearbeitung der Dynamik Ihrer Audiospuren: Blue Cat's DP Meter Pro überwacht die Levels und bietet dank seiner Sidechain Features einzigartige Ducking-Funktionen.

Blue Cat's Dynamics enthält alles, was Sie für die Breitband Dynamikbearbeitung benötigen, während Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix sich um Multiband-Effekte kümmert.

Der MB-7 Mixer von Blue Cat ist der perfekte Begleiter dieser Dynamikprozessoren: Mit ihm können Sie leistungsstarke Multiband Sidechain Effekte erzeugen.

Abgerundet wird das Paket durch die Limiting-Funktionen des Protectors.

Detaillierte Beschreibung in englischer Sprache:

This bundle includes

  • Blue Cat's DP Meter Pro - "A unique audio meter and side chaining tool" - Blue Cat's DP Meter Pro (DPMP) is a unique audio analysis tool: it combines very flexible and customizable audio meters with advanced side chaining control capabilities thanks to its MIDI and automation outputs. The metering capabilities of the DPMP plug-in let you control and monitor audio signals exactly the way you want.

  • Blue Cat's Dynamics - "The most flexible all-in-one dynamics processor" - Blue Cat's Dynamics is a full featured dynamics processor: it can be used as a compressor, limiter, gate, expander, waveshaper or all at once! The dynamics response of the plug-in can be tweaked with a unique two-thresholds system, and provides detailed visual feedback about its behavior.

  • Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix - "Multiband dynamics processing revisited." - Blue Cat's MB-5 Dynamix is an extremely powerful all-in-one multiband dynamics processor: it can be used as a multiband compressor, limiter, gate, expander, waveshaper or all combined at once, on any part of the spectrum. The unique dynamics processing section of the Blue Cat's Dynamics plug-in has been streamlined and integrated.

  • Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer - "The multiband mixing console and VST/AU host with built-in effects." - Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer is a unique plug-in that splits the signal into several frequency bands and lets you mix and process them as if they were separate tracks. Each band proposes controls that can be found on a mixing console, and more: bypass, mute or solo each band separately to isolate frequencies you want to work on.

  • Blue Cat's Protector - "A brick wall for your master buss." - Blue Cat's Protector is a 0 dB stereo brickwall limiter with adjustable dynamics response. It will typically find its place on the master bus of your DAW to protect your audio output from overshoot, limit the general volume and improve the perceived loudness, thanks to a very transparent frequency response.

 Ähnliche Produkte



  • macOS 10.9 oder höher
  • Intel Prozessor
  • Standalone: Core Audio-kompatibles Audio-Interface.


  • SSE2-fähiger Prozessor (Pentium 4 oder höher).
  • Windows 8 - 10
  • Standalone: ASIO-, MME- oder WASAPI-kompatibles Audio-Interface (ASIO empfohlen)


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