Erstveröffentlichung: 23.01.2024


4.0 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

ab Lager lieferbar
$ 5969

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Das ultimative Electronic Kick Toolkit

Treten Sie ein in die Zukunft der elektronischen Kick-Drum-Perfektion mit Dropkick, dem Toolkit mit 8 ausgiebig getesteten und fein abgestimmten Prozessoren speziell für Kicks. Heben Sie Ihre Kicks von der Masse ab. Lassen Sie sie hart, laut und mit maximaler Wirkung klingen. Dropkick ist ein Hack für Ihre Kick-Drums, der professionelle Producer-Techniken und Prozessoren von Analog-Emulation bis Psychoakustik kombiniert. Dropkick ist ein extrem schneller und einfacher Weg, um schwache Kicks kraftvoll klingen zu lassen, und diejenigen, die von vornherein gut waren, werden in Super-Kicks verwandelt.


Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

  • Who is Dropkick for? Dropkick is designed for sound designers and electronic music producers, catering to various genres such as EDM, Drum & Bass, Techno, Trap, House, and more.

  • Features - 8 in 1: The plugin offers eight processors, each finely tuned for multiple genres, providing a comprehensive kick toolkit.

  • Power and Focus: Utilizes a high-pass filter technique to enhance the low end, resonating at the fundamental frequency and removing unwanted sub-harmonics for a strengthened and extended bass.

  • Phase Warp: Implements phase warping to shape transient character and lower peak levels, using analog-modeled filters for smooth transitions and added warmth.

  • Control the Power: Includes features like DAMP (removing higher frequencies), CLEAN (dynamically removing boxiness), and TRIM (shortening kick tail) to allow precise frequency content shaping.

  • Get More Punch: SNAP enhances attack and punch with an advanced transient processor, dynamically shaping the attack stage based on frequency content for maximum impact without significant peak level increase.

  • Enhance: FIRE uses psychoacoustic techniques to enhance the kick's sound, re-synthesizing the low end and harmonically enhancing mid/high frequencies, while OVER employs an "over the top" compression technique for detailed highs and controlled mids.

  • Realistic 3D GUI: The plugin features a realistic 3D GUI that adapts to user needs, offering flexibility in size adjustment for screen space optimization.

  • Audio Quality and Compatibility: Provides 64-bit internal audio processing, ensuring high-quality audio at any sampling rate, including 192 kHz or higher.

  • Smart Bypass and Intelligent Sleep on Silence: Smart bypass management prevents clicks or harmful noises during automation, and intelligent sleep mode conserves CPU when processing is unnecessary.

In summary, Dropkick is a versatile plugin designed for sound manipulation and enhancement, offering a range of tools to shape and optimize kick drum elements for various electronic music genres.

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4.0 of 5  
25.01.2024 Language: englisch




  • macOS 10.7 oder höher
  • 32 bit & 64 bit
  • Intel Prozessor


  • Windows 8 oder höher
  • 32 bit & 64 bit
  • Intel oder AMD Prozessor
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