Drum Flow

Drum Flow

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 199219

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Hervorragende Drum-Sounds in jedem Mix!

Harrison Drum Flow verbessert Ihren Drumsound und sorgt für Punch, Details und Attack, ohne dabei Nuancen, Klarheit und Wärme zu beeinträchtigen. Mit dieser Komplettlösung für die Drum Processing können Sie Ihr Schlagzeug mit Präzision formen und ihm Persönlichkeit, Dynamik und Ausdruck verleihen. Mit sechs anpassbaren Modulen können Sie den Schlagzeugcharakter verändern, Sub-Sounds hinzufügen und Kompression, EQ und Gate anwenden - alles in einer Benutzeroberfläche. Drum Flow ist das ultimative Plugin für professionelle Toningenieure, das Ihnen die Kontrolle über jeden Aspekt Ihres Schlagzeugs bietet, damit es in jedem Mix hervorsticht.


  • Wellenform- und EQ-Anzeigen für Transienten
  • Expander/Gate strafft den Drumsound und beseitigt Übersteuerungen durch benachbarte Drum-Mikrofone
  • In einfach zu bedienende Modulsteuerungen unterteilte Verarbeitungselemente
  • Master-Regler, bestehend aus Eingangs-, Ausgangs- und Routing-Sektionen
  • Wet- und Dry-Pegelfader

AVA Drum Flow GUI

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:


  • Drum Character: The Drum Character is an EQ that detects the transients of drum hits and allows you to EQ their Attack and Tail ranges separately.

  • Expander/Gate: The Expander/Gate is a dynamics processor that attenuates signals below a set threshold. This is useful for removing unwanted parts of a signal that were picked up due to microphone bleed.

  • Signal Generator: The Signal Generator offers a convenient way to enhance drum hits with various types of synthesized signals, such as white noise on a snare or a low-frequency sine wave on a kick. The generated signal is fed through a gate which is keyed off of the main input allowing the signal to be triggered on drum hits. The generated signal can then be blended with the main input signal in parallel using the Wet and Dry faders.

  • Compressor: The Compressor is based on the Harrison Mixbus channel strip compressor with the addition of Attack and Release controls.

  • 32 Channel EQ: The 32C Channel EQ is modeled after the analog EQ found on the Harrison 32C channel strip. It has four bands with Frequency and Gain controls, optional high & low shelf filters, and an Output Trim control.

  • Filters: The Filter module contains a Low-Pass Filter (LPF) and a High-Pass Filter (HPF) with variable slopes. Set the corner frequencies of the Filters by adjusting their Frequency knobs or by typing values directly in to the corresponding Frequency control labels.

  • Module Controls: The processing elements are separated into modules which can each be individually bypassed, soloed, and reset using the following controls on each module’s top bar. The Reset button resets all of a module’s parameters to their default states. The Solo button bypasses all processing outside of the module being soloed except for master controls (polarity, input and output trim). This allows individual modules to be auditioned exclusively without hearing the effects of any of the other modules. The In button toggles the enablement of each module. If disabled, a module’s processing is bypassed and its effects will not be heard.

  • Master Control Section: The master controls consist of the Input, Output and Routing sections at the bottom of the plug-in editor. The controls in these sections allow you to invert the input polarity, adjust the input & output trim, and set the routing order between processing elements.

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  • macOS 10.9 oder höher


  • Windows 7 oder höher

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