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AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3

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$ 119149

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Raumanalyse- und Equalizer-Plugins für macOS

Duy31 ist eine Suite von 3 hochwertigen Plugins

  • Duy31 Graphic: graphischer 31-Band-EQ, der mit umfangreichen Funktionen ausgestattet ist

  • Duy31 Analyzer: detaillierter 31-Band-Spektrumanalysator

  • Duy31 Noiser: White- und Pink-Noise Generator

Dieses 3-in-1-Produkt enthält praktische Tools für jeden Profi oder Heimstudio-Nutzer.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

The 31-band Graphic Equalizer features very precise control over frequency, it even allows a feedback scan control when using the software in live applications! The fader controls included in Duy31|Graphic can even handle a dynamic range of up to 48 dB! (+/- 24dB above/below your 0 dB gain value).

You can use Duy31 Graphic jointly with the Duy31 Noiser (included). Doing this allows you to calibrate your room or space, ensuring that the audible sound in your environment is as close as possible to the audio being reproduced by your system. This is extremely useful in live applications, or if you have a small home studio with improper acoustic conditions.

Also included in this suite is the amazing Duy31 Analyzer, which delivers a visual spectral frequency representation of your signal. This spectrum analyzer also contains some special surprises: it includes several unusual yet helpful types of sound representation. You can even see the evolution of the spectrum throughout the timeline.

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  • macOS 10.7 oder höher
  • AU, AAX, VST und VST3
  • ProTools 12 und 64-Bit-Systeme werden unterstützt

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