EZmix-Pack Filters & Modulation

EZmix-Pack Filters & Modulation


Toontrack EZmix 2
Download Größe: 3.73 GB

ab Lager lieferbar
$ 34.74

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50 Effektketten Presets für EZmix

Das Filter & Modulation EZmix Pack bietet insgesamt 50 Effektketten Presets für die kreative Bearbeitung von Audiomaterial.

Detaillierte Beschreibung in englischer Sprache:

Combining LFO type effects with resonant and surging echoes, phasers and sweeps, this collection of settings for EZmix 2 takes in-the-box signal chain processing to a new creative peak. The Filters & Modulation EZmix Pack comes with 50 presets based on various amounts of effects, all designed to cater to writers, sound designers, producers and engineers looking for a new creative toolbox.

This is the ultimate collection for anything from haunting soundscapes to ambient pop and tight, modern, electronic music. Throw an LFO setting on your next beat, a filter sweep on your vocal or a vibrato-filtered pitch on your guitar track – you’ll be surprised. The best ideas for in-the-box mixing come with some out-of-the-box thinking applied. Start creating!


  • 50 signal chain presets
  • For any audio source
  • LFO and modulated effects
  • Effects range from filters, sweeps, choruses, phasers and delays to wideners and more

 Ähnliche Produkte


Um dieses Produkt nutzen zu können, benötigen Sie eine installierte und aktivierte Version von EZmix2.

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