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GRM Creative Bundle

GRM Creative Bundle

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 99129

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Drei FX-Plugins

INA-GRM hat eine Sammlung einiger ihrer berühmten Plugins ausgewählt, die in einem musikalischen Kontext speziell für Mixing-Engineers und Sounddesigner, DJs usw. verwendet werden können. Wenn Sie noch nie die Gelegenheit hatten, mit diesen Plugins in Ihrem Fachgebiet zu arbeiten, werden Sie sicher begeistert sein!

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

This Bundle includes:

  • Delays: This plug-in lets you create and control any type of delay line from echo to reverberation to phase shift, soften instrumental attacks, create a wide variety of special effects. Delays consist of a set of delays which are variable from 0 to 6 seconds. Depending on the power of the processor, it is possible to have up to 128 simultaneous delays, whose amplitude and position are controlled. In the stereo version, the delays are assigned alternately to the left hand and right hand channels.

  • Evolution: is used to obtain continuous evolution of timbre by frequential sampling of the input signal. The timbre of the input signal is sampled at more or less regular intervals. The output signal is obtained by interpolation between the sampled timbres. Evolution can turn any audio signal into astonishing textures or subtle smoothing effects.

  • SpaceGrain: enables the generation of up to 100 ‘ grains’ and their placing in a multi-channel sound space.. This gives you 100 points where your sounds are randomly assigned from point to point. Each grain provides a mono site for the sources to be heard. The input channels (up to 8) are randomly allocated to the grains. You can add delay and feedback to create extremely creative effects.

 Ähnliche Produkte



  • macOS 10.8 oder höher
  • Kompatibel mit Apple Silicon Native


  • Windows 7 oder höher
Erforderliche Registrierung:

Für die Nutzung von Ina-GRM Produkten müssen Sie sich beim Hersteller unter www.inagrm.com sowie bei www.ilok.com und my.plugivery.com/redeem registrieren, um Ihre Lizenz zu aktivieren.

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