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GRM Tools Classic 3

GRM Tools Classic 3

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AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 149189

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Ina GRM Tools Classic 3 Bundle

Kreative Sound Design Tools

Das GRM Tools Classic Bundle beinhaltet acht Audio-Plug-Ins, die leistungsstarke Funktionen für die Audioverarbeitung und kreatives Sounddesign bieten. Von subtilen Audiokorrekturen bis hin zu den kreativsten Klangeffekten werden die GRM-Tools Classic von renommierten Künstlern und Sounddesignern auf der ganzen Welt eingesetzt.

Die CLASSIC Version 3 wurde von Grund auf neu verfasst und bietet vollständige Kompatibilität mit aktuellen DAWS.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

This Bundle includes:

  • BandPass: Gives you a dynamically controllable electronic chisel to carve your way through the highs and lows of a sound. Create dramatic effects as you focus on the high or low frequencies in a sound, simulate analog subtractive synthesis techniques.

  • Comb Filters: Lets you add power and resonance to a sound, transform a sound's timbre, smooth rhythmic sounds into long continuous sounds.

  • Delays: Lets you create and control any type of delay line from echo to reverberation to phase shift, soften instrumental attacks, create a wide variety of very special effects.

  • Doppler: Lets you move sounds through an audio space with changes in pitch that correspond to their movement. You can also transform sounds through loudspeaker modulation, create unusual vibrato effects.

  • Freeze: Lets you freeze a fragment of a sound and scrub through the fragment with loops of different sizes at different pitches.

  • Pitch Accum: Lets you create two distinct 'shadows' of a sound at different transposition levels and at different delay intervals.

  • Reson: Lets you create new sounds from current sounds by re-balancing and redistributing the sound's resonant frequencies.

  • Shuffling: Lets you create an unusual resonance or reverberation, fill an audio space with overlapping fragments of a sound, turn a single voice into a crowd.

 Ähnliche Produkte



  • macOS 10.8 oder höher
  • Kompatibel mit Apple Silicon Native


  • Windows 7 oder höher
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