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Hollywood Strings 2 Crossgrade OPUS
Erstveröffentlichung: 21.05.2024

Hollywood Strings 2 Crossgrade OPUS

Crossgrade ***

AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win

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$ 299499

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***Crossgrade von Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition

Sie müssen eine registrierte Lizenz von Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition besitzen, um Hollywood Strings 2 aktivieren zu können.

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Die lang erwartete Fortsetzung von Hollywood Strings ist endlich da. Diesmal wurde ein harter Schwenk vollzogen: Anstatt größer zu werden, wurde eine 21-köpfige Besetzung im EastWest Studio 2 aufgenommen, um die bisher nuancierteste Streicher-Library zu erstellen - kleinerer Raum, gleiches Produktionsteam, nicht weniger kinoreich. Alle wesentlichen Artikulationen sind zu finden, darunter legato, detache, pizzicato, staccato, spiccato, marcato, col legno und sogar seltene texturale Stile wie flautando, jeweils mit bis zu vier Dynamiken, die ein unvergleichliches Maß an Ausdruckskraft und Realismus gewährleisten. Von der zarten Intimität des Pianissimo bis hin zur souveränen Autorität des Fortissimo und allem, was dazwischen liegt, werden die Artikulationen mit einer Vielzahl von Mikrofonen detailgetreu eingefangen, was eine beispiellose Kontrolle über die Leistung und den Klang der Streicher ermöglicht.


  • Enthält alle 5 detaillierten Streicher-Sektionen, die perfekt für einen nahen und intimen Klang sind. Sie sind als separate Instrumente (6 1. Geigen, 4 2. Geigen, 4 Bratschen, 4 Celli und 3 Bässe) oder als komplettes Streicher-Ensemble mit allen 21 Spielern in Oktaven verfügbar.

  • Hollywood Strings 2 bietet sechs Mikrofonpositionen, die es dir ermöglichen, den Klang genau auf deine Bedürfnisse abzustimmen, und gibt dir die Kontrolle über jede Nuance mit einer Reihe von intimen Nah-Mikrofonen und einer Reihe von Mikrofonen, die den dichten magischen Raumklang von EastWest's Studio 2 einfangen.

  • Verwende die Moods, um das richtige Gefühl für deine Komposition zu finden. Verwende Soft-Moods für detailliertere, intime Kompositionen, die Classic-Moods für einen traditionellen Studio-Orchestersound und die Epic-Moods für einen größeren, filmischen Sound. Die Farbe der Benutzeroberfläche zeigt an, welche Stimmung gerade ausgewählt ist.

  • Enthält innovative Funktionen und eine Reihe von leistungsstarken Effekten, die in der revolutionären Opus-Software-Engine verfügbar sind.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:


Every instrument was close-mic’d closer than ever before, capturing the grit, depth, and air of every note in the finest detail possible. Three separate close mic positions (including mics attached directly to the instruments), plus main, mid-field, and surround mics, are independently controllable. There’s no limit to the depth you can create — Hollywood Strings 2 is even Atmos-ready, allowing you to craft Atmos mixes in DAWs that support Atmos. While epic arrangements are great, there’s more to strings than scale alone... and while its predecessor is indeed epic, Hollywood Strings 2 goes even further, molding itself to any task.


Hollywood Strings 2 was recorded in EastWest’s own Studio 2, just like the themes to The Beverly Hillbillies, Hawaii Five-O, and the soundtracks to Encanto and A Star is Born. The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, Weezer, and Metallica also selected Studio 2 for its tight and punchy sound! It’s only fitting that these strings suit cinematic metal or heavy rock as well as they would an epic film cue. If you’ve had your fill of massive ensembles and need focus and precision, you won’t find a more intimate string library anywhere else. Even if you already have them all.

Hollywood Strings 2 GUI


Award-winning producers Doug Rogers & Nick Phoenix and engineer Shawn Murphy, creators of the original Hollywood Strings, have returned for another groundbreaking collaboration. Their aim: to maintain the cinematic quality of the original while offering unprecedented control. The result is a clear, clean, and versatile library suitable for any genre. With multiple award-winning sample libraries under their belt, Rogers and Phoenix are industry veterans, while Murphy, an Academy Award and BAFTA winner, boasts an impressive resume including iconic film franchises like Star Wars and Harry Potter.

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What´s included:

Hollywood Strings 2 boasts an extensive library of 134 meticulously crafted instruments, offering an unparalleled range of sonic possibilities, including the best ever recorded playable trills and runs. With over 160 gigabytes of extensively sampled sounds, every note resonates with unparalleled authenticity, capturing the essence of each instrument with breathtaking detail. And powered with our state of the art OPUS engine, you can instantly download just the individual instruments you need for instant access or download them all, it's your choice.

  • 6 1st Violins: Lyrical legato, crisp, laser-focused spiccato, articulate detache — everything you could want from 1st violins, captured in pristine detail. A common issue with violin libraries is that they refuse to come to the front of the mix, no matter how you treat them with EQ. Not so with Hollywood Strings 2; you can mix for the sound you want, without wrangling other string libraries to fit inside a box they weren’t made for.

  • 4 2nd Violins: All the flexibility and rawness of the 1st violins, but in a smaller support ensemble ideal for doubling and harmonizing. The main, mid, and surround mics provide as much or as little depth as you need, or you can mute them for an in-your-face yet cinematic sound. With every articulation, style, and control mapping for maximum flexibility — spacious, bone-dry, or anything in between.

  • 4 Violas: Rich, resonant, and full. The Hollywood Strings 2 violas excel at delivering an earthy, dry, brilliant tone that pierces through any mix — but it just as easily melds into the background during soft, lyrical passages. Tight pizzicato, gritty spiccato, and tons of other articulations are at your disposal. Play through the various staccato options and you’ll find a mix of clean and staccato slur articulations for maximum realism and character.

  • 4 Celli: Sonorous in the bottom octave and brilliant in its top range, this cello section delivers a full spectrum of timbres and articulations. All, of course, with the same ultra-close miking and 6 adjustable mic positions. Many patches contain expressive vibrato controlled via the mod wheel; combined with deep slurs and portamento, you can capture any performance you need, in any style. The same grandeur as the original Hollywood Strings, but with infinitely more flexibility.

  • 3 Basses: Your double basses never need to sit in the background again. We captured every detail of their rich harmonics with fantastic balance, lending intense raw power to the bottom octave of any string arrangement. They’re equally adept with hefty staccato and lyrical melodies in their higher range, with every articulation captured in pristine detail and next to zero bleed or ambience in the close mics.

  • Full Strings: Close mics don't mean sacrificing power. EastWest Sounds stacked all 21 players in octaves for a rich, bright tone perfect for filling the entire frequency range. Of course, all instruments have 3 Mood options: Classic, Soft, and Epic.

What will you create?

If you’ve ever wanted strings that jump out of the mix, cutting through any arrangement as if they were right in front of you... Hollywood Strings 2 is your ticket. No matter the task, its 6 mic positions, broad articulation set, and control over dynamics allow it to slip into any scoring task without difficulty. Shape the sound how you want — with depth, emotion, and raw power all at your disposal. Inside you’ll discover the same care and grandeur behind the original Hollywood Strings; only this time, you have all the control.

 Ähnliche Produkte


In dieser Software ist "Opus" als Sample-Player enthalten.


  • macOS 10.13 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Quad-Core CPU (Octa-Core empfohlen)
  • 2,7 GHz oder höher
  • RAM: 16GB (32GB oder mehr empfohlen)
  • SSD-Festplatte (SATA or PCIe)


  • Windows 10 oder höher
  • ASIO-Soundtreiber
  • Quad-Core CPU (Octa-Core empfohlen)
  • 2,7 GHz oder höher
  • RAM: 16GB (32GB oder mehr empfohlen)
  • SSD-Festplatte (SATA or PCIe)


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Für die Nutzung von EastWest Produkten müssen Sie sich beim Hersteller unter www.soundsonline.com und bei www.ilok.com registrieren, um Ihre Lizenz zu aktivieren.

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