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AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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Fügen Sie Ihren Tracks Energie hinzu

MO-TT ist die erste originalgetreue Nachbildung des kultigen OTT-Presets in Abletons Multiband-Dynamics-Prozessor - ein Sound, der von Produzenten schnell geschätzt wurde, um Tracks heller, voller und überdimensionaler klingen zu lassen. Doch das ursprüngliche OTT hatte mehrere Einschränkungen. Es erforderte eine Menge Arbeit, um den Sound anzupassen, und man konnte es nur in Ableton verwenden.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

A One-To-One Reproduction of OTT

Slate's engineers studied OTT obsessively, teasing out every sonic characteristic until they fully captured its legendary sound. They figured out why other attempts to recreate OTT were never able to capture its elusive lightning in a bottle. And then they went even further by adding ways for producers to shape their sound.

All additional features

Want that classic OTT sound? Or massive, demonic low end? What about adding vast, spacious presence to vocals? Use Quick Set Modes to quickly dial in the sound you want - OTT, Hip-Hop, or Vox. Control the speed of your transients by flipping through Classic, Smooth, or Smack Timing Styles. And tweak your sound as much as you want without ever breaking the preset thanks to Global Macros.

Liberate Your Tone

You’re no longer limited to simply controlling the overall amount of the effect - MO-TT lets you dial in the amount you want for each frequency band. And you can define those frequency bands to shape your mix to perfection with super smooth HighPass and LowPass filters.

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  • macOS 10.15 oder neuer
  • 64 bit
  • Intel oder Apple Silicon Prozessor
  • RAM: 4GB


  • Windows 10 oder 11
  • 64 bit
  • Intel- oder AMD-Prozessor
  • RAM: 4GB


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