Nastro Soundscapes


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Tape-Machine Library für Kontakt

Das Wort Nastro bedeutet auf Italienisch "Band", und Soundscapes ist der erste Teil einer faszinierenden Serie, die eine Hommage an die längst vergangene Welt der Tonbänder und Tonbandspulen darstellt, indem sie eine leistungsstarke 4-Track Tape-Maschine als Kontakt-Instrument direkt in Ihren Computer bringt.

Have Audio hat einige der besten verfügbaren analogen Synthesizer verwendet, um synthetische Lead-Sounds, Loops, Texturen, Geräusche und Arpeggios für Nastro Soundscapes zu erzeugen, indem sie Samples einiger ihrer Lieblingsinstrumente verwendet haben. Um den echten Tape-Sound nachzubilden, haben sie alle Aufnahmen mit einer Vielzahl von alten Bandmaschinen nachbearbeitet, darunter Walkmans, Boomboxen, VHS und alte Kassettenspieler. Vier unabhängige Spuren, um Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen, 64 Klangquellen zur Auswahl, vier Wiedergabemodi, Geschwindigkeitsregler, 80 Factory Presets, 58 originale IR-Effekte aus Vintage-Geräten und vier weitere FX-Makros, um Panning, EQ, Kompression und Distortion zu steuern.


  • 64 Sound Sources/Patches, die in 6 thematische Kategorien unterteilt sind: Synthetische Klänge, Synthetische Akkorde, Synthetische Texturen, Arpeggiation, Hybrid & Reel Noise

  • 58 einzigartige IR-Effekte aus analogen Geräten und Bandmaschinen

  • Integrierte FX-Makros: Pan / EQ / Comp / Sat

  • 80 Factory Presets/Snapshots

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Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

Sound Sources

64 sound sources, slightly different on each track and for each playback mode, just like in the analog world! Just do your maths and here you got 1024 unique-flavored sources and you still can adjust playback speed for each of the 4 tracks to slow down, accelerate and stretch the reel, deteriorate the sounds and customize the quality of the artifacts.

The 64 sound sources are organized in 6 thematic categories:

  • Synthetic Tones - They used a wide array of Synths to create these playable patches. From warm vintage analog to modern, cutting edge digital machines, everything was carefully captured, manipulated and re-processed into different tape machines to catch the magic artifacts of the long gone, golden era of tape recording.

  • Synthetic Chords - A tonal set with one-chord-per-key synth sounds, delivering a great starting point for pad and droney stuff. You can choose between minor, major, maj7, min7, sus2, sus4 and augmented. Load chords, engage looping and start composing!

  • Synthetic Textures - Richly detailed layers of synth textures crafted by using rare and obscure pieces of equipment, often mixed with sounds of nature to add an organic touch. Add a pinch of built- in FX and turn textures into lush washes.

  • Arpeggiation - Let Arpeggiation take the creative strain out of your patches. Multi-note blocks have been sampled into beaming cascading melodies, bringing a luminous and vibrant life to static chords.

  • Hybrid - These sound sources were created with super creative phrases performed on electro-acoustic instruments such as sax, electric guitar, bouzouki, saz baglama and persian santoor, subsequently heavily-processed through tape machines in order to get that out of tune, wobbling and nostalgic tone.

  • Reel Noise - A set of noises carefully sampled directly from various vintage tape machines with no input: cassette walkmans, dictaphones and big reel to reel units. Add magic to your patches, tones of hiss, wobble and crackling motor sound. We also added a peculiar synth patch made out of a pitched hiss!

Nastro Gui

58 Unique IR Effects

Nastro's Send FXs are a big part of the game. So many hours were spent creating and fine-tuning unique convolution reverbs and IR effects to push even further Nastro’s capability. Have Audio sampled both real environment responses for organic results, and vintage pedals and devices for extremely unrealistically huge/small halos. There’s also plenty of tuned resonating IRs to enrich your patches with pedal notes of your choice.

Back in the days, iffy frequency response, distortion, tape hiss and noise were unwanted side-effects for everyone recording music on tape. Nowadays, all these artifacts are long gone and often badly missed. For this reason, they decided to develop a Kontakt instrument capable of bringing all the possibilities and "limitations" of their most beloved tape machines. Those that once were limitations can finally become enhancements in this audio engine.

You will find synthetic and hybrid samples painstakingly processed through legendary devices like R2R Akai GX210-D, Sony TC630, Philips 4307, and rare cassette players such as National RQ210-S and boombox Grundig RR1140 just to name a few.

Please note: The FULL version of Kontakt 6.5.2 is required.

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Erfordert Vollversion von Kontakt

Wichtig: Mit der kostenlosen Kontakt Player Version können Sie diese Library nicht betreiben! Sie benötigen für dieses "Open Kontakt" Format eine Kontakt Vollversion, welche z.B. in Komplete oder Komplete Ultimate Produkten enthalten ist.

Die erforderliche Kontakt Versionsnummer für dieses Produkt entnehmen Sie bitte der Produktbeschreibung oder der Herstellerseite.



  • macOS 10.14 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 oder Apple M1 (nativ)
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB empfohlen)


  • Windows 10 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 oder ähnliche CPU
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB empfohlen)

Unterstützte Schnittstellen:

  • Mac (64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, VST3,  AU, AAX
  • Windows (64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AAX

Legacy Versions:

Wenn Sie eine ältere Version von Kontakt benötigen, lesen Sie bitte diese Infoseite.

Erforderliche Registrierung:

Für die Nutzung von Kontakt Player Libraries ist eine Registrierung bei erforderlich. Für die Nutzung des Pulse Downloader ist auch eine Registrierung bei erforderlich.

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