Reformer Pro

Reformer Pro

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, Win

max. 1 Arbeitstag
$ 399

 19.60BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

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Innovatives Plug-in für Filmvertonung & Sounddesign

Reformer Pro ist ein äußerst innovatives Plug-in, das sowohl bei der Filmvertonung, im Sounddesign als auch für Klangforschungszwecke eingesetzt werden kann. Innerhalb des Plug-ins werden geladene Samples in Echtzeit analysiert und verformt, dabei kannst Du zwischen dem mitgelieferten Content (3.8GB) oder deinen eigenen Samples wählen. Über das intuitive X/Y Pad können bis zu vier Sample Libraries miteinander „gemorpht“ werden, den Attack  jedes Sounds bestimmst du individuell.

Im Überblick

  • innovatives Plug-in für Filmvertonung, Sounddesign und Klangforschung
  • ersetzt bzw. ergänzt Audiosignale mit bis zu vier überblendbaren Sample Libraries
  • Dynamic Input für Echtzeitanwendung über Audio, MIDI oder direkt im Interface
  • Analyse und Integration eigener Soundlibraries mit Analysis Tool
  • perfekt zum Erstellen von variierenden Soundscapes
  • Transient Engine für klar definierte Klänge
  • frequenzabhängiges direktes Triggern von Transienten über anschlagdynamischen MIDI-Eingang
  • inklusive 3,8 GB Samplebibliothek (Krotos Bundle)

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:


You do your best sound design work when you can manifest what you hear in your mind. Reformer Pro offers a whole new way of interacting with sound.

  • Analyse sound libraries with the Analysis Tool.
  • Perform sounds in real-time via the world’s first Dynamic Input – using a microphone, MIDI or directly from the UI.
  • Replace or add texture to pre-recorded audio in your DAW.
  • Automate your audio directly from the timeline.
  • Select or mute any sound from within your libraries.
  • Perform impacts and add extra definition using the unique Transient Engine.
  • Create constantly evolving soundscapes and variations.


Turn your sound libraries into a performable sound palette

  • Switch between an audio input and Dynamic Input for different ways of interacting with your own libraries
  • Use a microphone, automation or midi to control your libraries
  • Perform impacts and add extra definition using our unique Transient Engine
  • Trigger transients directly, based on frequency via velocity-sensitive midi input
  • Add variation quickly and easily

Use high-quality libraries

  • Reformer Pro ships with our fantastic Krotos Bundle, that’s over 3.8 GB of high-fidelity sounds waiting for you at start-up. Libraries include: Bengal Tiger, Electronic, Leather Foley, our Fruit & Veg Collection, Gun Foley and more
  • Looking for even more variety? All Reformer libraries are compatible with Reformer Pro. Shop the entire assortment here

Blend and control up to four libraries in real-time with the X/Y pad

  • Perform to picture in real-time and achieve seamlessly synced, sculpted results
  • Render single shots or set up automation to create audio that evolves with your scene

Reformer Pro GUI Screen

Set individual parameters for each library

  • Choose response times for each library using the parameter bar
  • Tweak playback speed and volume to refine results
  • Select or mute any sound within any Library

Perform sound libraries like instruments in real-time

  • Analyse your own libraries, packs, and collections for use in Reformer Pro with our Analysis Tool
  • Include up to 1 GB of samples in every Reformer Pro library that you create
  • Draw from a broad and diverse library or aim for consistency and focus with micro libraries
  • Analyse at the sample rate that’s ideal for you

Replace or add texture to pre-recorded audio in your DAW

  • Create constantly evolving sounds using ‘continuous mode’ – perfect for environmental effects or electronic textures
  • Combine with Extended Library View for a comprehensive range of results from a single library

Comes with the Krotos Bundle for FREE, that’s over 3.8 GB of high-fidelity sounds to get you started.

 Ähnliche Produkte



  • macOS 10.13 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Dual-Core Prozessor
  • 2.4 GHz
  • RAM: 4GB


  • Windows 10 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Dual-Core Prozessor
  • 2.4 GHz
  • RAM: 4GB

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