Spatial Audio Designer - Virtual Producer

Spatial Audio Designer - Virtual Producer

Erstveröffentlichung: 03.06.2022
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, Win

ab Lager lieferbar
$ 159

 4.77BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Binaurale Mixing-Engine

Dieses Produkt enthält die vollständige Spatial Audio Designer (SAD)-Mixing-Engine, ist jedoch auf die binaurale Audioausgabe beschränkt. Eine gute Wahl für Produzenten, die nur mit Kopfhörer-Virtualisierung arbeiten möchten, um anspruchsvolle Mischungen zu erstellen.

Der Spatial Audio Designer ist das branchenführende Pro-Audio-Tool für die Erstellung von Inhalten und das Monitoring in Surround und 3D. Anwendungsbereiche sind z.B. Film, Musik, Videospiele, VR und Broadcast-Events. Dank des fortschrittlichen virtuellen Bussystems ermöglicht SAD das Mischen und Abhören jedes immersiven Formats in allen digitalen Audio-Workstations (DAWs) und vielen Video-Workstations.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

Formats like 5.1, 7.1, Dolby Atmos 7.1.2 to 9.1.6, AURO-3D, MPEG-H, IMAX 3D and 22.2 are just a mouse-click away with the SAD. Use it to create and export multi-format mixes for custom configurations such as those in planetariums or other installations.

In addition, you’ll see that the SAD can use existing panning and volume automation data. This means that existing multi-channel 5.1 mix sessions are just minutes away from a discrete 7.1 mix - and then of evolving to a 3D audio mix for home, cinema, 360/VR or mobile entertainment applications.

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Product Features

  • 100% object-base processing: Create a mix in one certain environment and play it back instantly in the environment of your choice.

  • Unlimited inputs: Your DAW can work with hundreds of objects/track channels easily. The objects can be from either a mono, stereo or 7.1 source.

  • Up to 330 outputs: A discrete 5.1 output is as easy as 7.1.4 for MPEG-H and Dolby Atmos or 64.0 for a full-dome environment.

  • Object-based export: Following the general export of your production, any format can be rendered discretely using the separate SAD Offline Export Tool.

  • OSC control: All input objects and outputs can be controlled using OSC.

  • GUI adjustment: Customize the interface with just a few clicks and work with the panning grid in either box or sphere style.

  • MPEG-H & SONY 360 RA creation: Using Fraunhofers technology, both formats are provided in approved workflows and quality.

  • Output monitoring: Any output format can be monitored and calibrated with gain, mute, and solo functions discretely and in groups.



  • macOS 10.13 - 11.+
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Mac mit 2 GHz Dual2Core Prozessor oder höher
  • M1 (Rosetta)


  • Windows 7 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel PC mit 2 GHz Dual2Core Prozessor oder höher

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