Special Keyboards

Special Keyboards

4.0 of 5
VSL Std. Library or *Upgrade

AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win

ab Lager lieferbar
$ 90

 1.90BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Special Keyboards Header

Einzigartige alte und neue Klänge

Die Special Keyboards Collection bietet 8 GB an außergewöhnlichen, ungewohnten, aber auch klassischen Klängen, die auf den Festplatten von Sound-Designern und Arrangeuren nicht fehlen sollten.

Cembalo de

Das Cembalo (englisch: Harpsichord) verfügt über einen hellen, obertonreichen Klang. Als typisches Barock-Instrument spielte es in klassischen und romantischen Werken eine untergeordnete Rolle. In der Gegenwartsliteratur wird es aufgrund seines charakteristischen Klanges u. a. auch in Film- und TV-Musikproduktionen wieder verstärkt eingesetzt. In unserer „Silent Stage“ wurden Einzeltöne als auch „Repetition Performances“ eines zweimanualigen Instruments in folgenden Variationen aufgenommen: 8' Solo-Register, 8' doppelchöriges Register sowie Tutti (Kombination aus zwei 8' Registern und einem 4' Register).

harmonium gerDas Harmonium ist ein Zungen-Instrument. Der Klang entsteht, indem Luft über Zungen unterschiedlicher Länge geführt wird, die auf diese Weise in Schwingung versetzt werden. Anders als bei den Pfeifen einer Orgel entstehen beim Harmonium mehr unharmonische Obertöne und dadurch bedingt ein sanft schwebender Klang.



prepared piano deDie Technik des Prepared Piano erlangte in erster Linie durch den US-amerikanischen Komponisten John Cage größere Bekanntheit. Auf der Suche nach neuen Klängen experimentierte er um 1940 mit Objekten wie Radiergummis, Nägeln, Drähten, Papier etc., die er zwischen den Klaviersaiten platzierte und so neuartige, perkussive Klänge und Harmonien erzeugte, die mitunter Assoziationen zu indonesischer Gamelan-Musik hervorrufen. Der Bösendorfer Konzertflügel wurde mit dieser Technik präpariert und mit bloßen Händen (z. B. Glissandi über die Saiten) sowie Holzschlägeln zum Klingen gebracht, um eine Vielzahl interessanter Klangfarben zu erzeugen.

Anders als bei den meisten Vienna Instruments Collections gibt es hier keine Unterteilung in Standard- und Extended Libraries – Special Keyboards enthält bereits mit der Standard Library die vollständigen Samples sowie das Software Instrument mit unserer exklusiven Vienna Instruments-Engine. 

Umfang der Library

  • Standard Library: Samples 4.380 | Downloadgröße 2,4 GB | Installierte Dateigröße 5,5 GB


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Flag EN spaceSound on Sound 10/2007

The budget priced Vienna Special Edition (SE) lets you test VSL's wares without breaking the bank. SE is an 80GB (53.5GB when installed) compilation of instruments drawn from VSL's vast sample database, which runs solely on the Vienna instrument engine. A snip at £230, the standard version contains solo and ensemble strings, 13 solo woodwind and brass instruments, three brass ensembles, standard orchestral percussion, tuned perc, the fabulous Vienna hard, a celeste and an eight-octave Bosendorfer grand piano. In short, a working orchestra (including a pianist with very long arms) lacking no significant instruments.

SE's extended library offers a large number of very useful extras : scaled-down 'chamber' strings, supplementary solo woodwinds and brass, woodwind ensembles, the cinematic 'Epic Horns' and three solo saxophones. A harpsichord, classical guitar, a hairy, overdriven rock guitar and even the Vienna Konzerthaus Organ are thrown in for good measure, along with sustains and staccatos from VSL's ever popular, lush Appasionata Strings. Everything but the kitchen sink, and I wouldn't be against VSL sampling that at some point. (See http://vsl.co.at/shop/articulationsspecialeditionnew.htm? for a full listing)

The patches are cut down versions of their Vienna Instruments equivalents, with fewer velocity layers and samples, spanning a tone rather than a semitone. Despite this, I found little difference between SE's 14 violins and the full VI version; the non-chromatic sampling had no detrimental effect, and having three dynamic layers rather than four was something I could live with. The same isn't true of the Bosendorfer - three velocity levels simply can't do justice to an
acoustic piano.

Though blessed with a comprehensive instrumentation, SE offers relatively few performance styles - potentially a problem if you want to recreate a full orchestral score.

But alongside the no-frills deliveries (typically, sustain, staccato, and sforzato, plus detache, temolo and pizzicato for the strings) you'll find the wonderful performance legatos and 'Bollywood' portmanteau slides that other sample libraries can't touch. Now that the Pro Edition and Horizon series titles are discontinued, Special edition is the only single VSL collection capable of creating full orchestrations. That alone should make it a serious proposition, but whether you factor the superb musicianship, beautiful close-up sound an legato samples, SE begins to look like a must-have product. For those already hooked on the Vienna Sound, the latest trio of Vienna Instruments offer some mouth watering (if somewhat specialised) additions. Special Woodwinds (31GB) has five new, rare instruments. The bass flute sounds beautifully warm and breathy, especially in its sumptuous low register. Played in combination with strings, it creates a psychoacoustic effect akin to being wrapped in cotton wool and dipped in warm caramel. If that thought makes you feel amorous, you might fancy a quick tottle on the lovely oboe d'amore (a warm exotic-sounding reed instrument reminiscent of a cor anglais, but with a slightly brighter tone). Sounding like a bass oboe, with which it is often confused, the hecklephone is stunningly expressive and lyrical, and one of the nicest sounding woodwinds in VSL's collection.

Musicologists will be pleased (English football fans less so) to see the Basset horn included. To the untutored ear (of which I have two) it sounds like a clarinet, but this instrument has a more penetrating one, and sounds more assertive that the rather retiring B-Fat clarinet in woodwinds 1. If your looking for depth, check out the might contrabass clarinet: its practically subsonic low register sounds almost electronic, while its upper range is clear and rotund: a
sonorous, melancholy timbre. Perhaps as a nod to brass band enthusiasts, the 22.5GB Vienna Instrument Special Brass includes a cornet and euphonium, both played with pinpoint accuracy, The cornet provides subtle alternative to solo trumpet and is fast becoming a favourite with VSL fans. The euphonium (a type of tuba) and alto trombone extend their respective instrument family's high resisted by a fourth; the latter plays some great slides which track intervals of up to six semitones. While these instruments have their uses, most people will be interested in special brass 'fanfare Trumpets'. Designed to complement the eight player Epic Horns, the new section features six unison trumpets with a fat, slightly chorused sound. There crescendos and sffz performances are a knockout and will add great brilliance, power and sonic majesty to orchestral arrangements.

Playing a real harmonium involves non stop pedal pushing, but VSL have banished the leg strain on their 8GB Special Keyboards by sampling eight harmonium stops, ranging from a plain, hymnal bourdon to the multi-octave wheeze of "Grangjeu'. We can now enjoy long sessions of this folksy Victorian reed organ without coming away feeling that we've been man marking `Chistiano Ronaldo'. SK also features a harpsichord (here given its Italian/German name
'Cembalo'). Only three stops are provided one on them couples a high octave to the fundamental pitch, making that bright, crashing metallic racket I associate with Iconic 1960's TV themes. Say 'prepared piano' and you can bet your life someone will say 'John Cage' the being the name of the zany American Chap who first inserted erasers, nails, wire , paper and so on between the piano strings (perhaps as a protest against childhood piano lessons?) VSL haven't exactly followed Cage's Preparation instructions, but they do have an extensive fiddle about inside the fortunate Joanna, totally messing up its sound by inserting chains, screws, foil and glass in the strings. In addition to the resulting set of jangly industrial percussive noises, there are delicate harmonics, zither-like stick hits and some nice spooky glissandi. All good fodder for the creative composer's sound palette, and recommended if you've a couple of
hundred quid to spare.

5 Stars Testbericht : Vienna Symphonic Library Special Edition & Special Woodwinds, Brass & Keyboards  Sound On Sound - October 2007 The budget priced Vienna Special Edition (SE) lets you test VSL's wares without breaking the bank. SE is an 80GB (53.5GB when installed) compilation of instruments drawn from VSL's vast sample database, which runs solely on the Vienna instrument engine. A snip at £230, the standard version contains solo and ensemble strings, 13 solo woodwind and brass instruments, three brass ensembles, standard orchestral percussion, tuned perc, the fabulous Vienna hard, a celeste and an eight-octave Bosendorfer grand piano. In short, a working orchestra (including a pianist with very long arms) lacking no significant instruments.

SE's extended library offers a large number of very useful extras : scaled-down 'chamber' strings, supplementary solo woodwinds and brass, woodwind ensembles, the cinematic 'Epic Horns' and three solo saxophones. A harpsichord, classical guitar, a hairy, overdriven rock guitar and even the Vienna Konzerthaus Organ are thrown in for good measure, along with sustains and staccatos from VSL's ever popular, lush Appasionata Strings. Everything but the kitchen sink, and I wouldn't be against VSL sampling that at some point. (See http://vsl.co.at/shop/articulationsspecialeditionnew.htm? for a full listing)

The patches are cut down versions of their Vienna Instruments equivalents, with fewer velocity layers and samples, spanning a tone rather than a semitone. Despite this, I found little difference between SE's 14 violins and the full VI version; the non-chromatic sampling had no detrimental effect, and having three dynamic layers rather than four was something I could live with. The same isn't true of the Bosendorfer - three velocity levels simply can't do justice to an
acoustic piano.

Though blessed with a comprehensive instrumentation, SE offers relatively few performance styles - potentially a problem if you want to recreate a full orchestral score.

But alongside the no-frills deliveries (typically, sustain, staccato, and sforzato, plus detache, temolo and pizzicato for the strings) you'll find the wonderful performance legatos and 'Bollywood' portmanteau slides that other sample libraries can't touch. Now that the Pro Edition and Horizon series titles are discontinued, Special edition is the only single VSL collection capable of creating full orchestrations. That alone should make it a serious proposition, but whether you factor the superb musicianship, beautiful close-up sound an legato samples, SE begins to look like a must-have product. For those already hooked on the Vienna Sound, the latest trio of Vienna Instruments offer some mouth watering (if somewhat specialised) additions. Special Woodwinds (31GB) has five new, rare instruments. The bass flute sounds beautifully warm and breathy, especially in its sumptuous low register. Played in combination with strings, it creates a psychoacoustic effect akin to being wrapped in cotton wool and dipped in warm caramel. If that thought makes you feel amorous, you might fancy a quick tottle on the lovely oboe d'amore (a warm exotic-sounding reed instrument reminiscent of a cor anglais, but with a slightly brighter tone). Sounding like a bass oboe, with which it is often confused, the hecklephone is stunningly expressive and lyrical, and one of the nicest sounding woodwinds in VSL's collection.

Musicologists will be pleased (English football fans less so) to see the Basset horn included. To the untutored ear (of which I have two) it sounds like a clarinet, but this instrument has a more penetrating one, and sounds more assertive that the rather retiring B-Fat clarinet in woodwinds 1. If your looking for depth, check out the might contrabass clarinet: its practically subsonic low register sounds almost electronic, while its upper range is clear and rotund: a
sonorous, melancholy timbre. Perhaps as a nod to brass band enthusiasts, the 22.5GB Vienna Instrument Special Brass includes a cornet and euphonium, both played with pinpoint accuracy, The cornet provides subtle alternative to solo trumpet and is fast becoming a favourite with VSL fans. The euphonium (a type of tuba) and alto trombone extend their respective instrument family's high resisted by a fourth; the latter plays some great slides which track intervals of up to six semitones. While these instruments have their uses, most people will be interested in special brass 'fanfare Trumpets'. Designed to complement the eight player Epic Horns, the new section features six unison trumpets with a fat, slightly chorused sound. There crescendos and sffz performances are a knockout and will add great brilliance, power and sonic majesty to orchestral arrangements.

Playing a real harmonium involves non stop pedal pushing, but VSL have banished the leg strain on their 8GB Special Keyboards by sampling eight harmonium stops, ranging from a plain, hymnal bourdon to the multi-octave wheeze of "Grangjeu'. We can now enjoy long sessions of this folksy Victorian reed organ without coming away feeling that we've been man marking `Chistiano Ronaldo'. SK also features a harpsichord (here given its Italian/German name
'Cembalo'). Only three stops are provided one on them couples a high octave to the fundamental pitch, making that bright, crashing metallic racket I associate with Iconic 1960's TV themes. Say 'prepared piano' and you can bet your life someone will say 'John Cage' the being the name of the zany American Chap who first inserted erasers, nails, wire , paper and so on between the piano strings (perhaps as a protest against childhood piano lessons?) VSL haven't exactly followed Cage's Preparation instructions, but they do have an extensive fiddle about inside the fortunate Joanna, totally messing up its sound by inserting chains, screws, foil and glass in the strings. In addition to the resulting set of jangly industrial percussive noises, there are delicate harmonics, zither-like stick hits and some nice spooky glissandi. All good fodder for the creative composer's sound palette, and recommended if you've a couple of
hundred quid to spare.

5 Stars


Die hier angezeigten Bewertungen, sind von Kunden, die dieses Produkt auch bei uns erworben haben. Alle Bewertungen wurden über das unabhängige Portal eKomi abgegeben.

4.0 of 5  
26.06.2016 Sprache: deutsch

Die Handhabung mit der VSL Software ist wie immer vorzüglich. Von den 3 Instrumenten gefällt mir das Harmonium am besten, gefolgt vom Cembalo. Nicht so viel anzufangen wusste ich mit dem "prepared piano", bei dem durch Gegenstände , die zwischen die Saiten gelegt wurden, die Töne abgewandelt werden. Alles zusammen aber zu empfehlen.


SoundOnSound 5 Stars
SOS, 5 Stars


Alexandre Desplat
Alexandre Desplat

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I & II, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Coco avant Chanel, The Queen, The King’s Speech, Carnage, Renoir

“Since I’m working in Hollywood it requires a vast library and that’s why VSL is really useful.”

David Foster
David Foster

16-time Grammy Award winner, composer and producer of Chicago, Earth, Wind & Fire, Al Jarreau, Chaka Khan, Michael Jackson, Barbra Streisand, Natalie Cole, Whitney Houston, Céline Dion, Seal, Michael Bolton, Peter Cetera

“To have the magic of a full orchestra in breathtaking 3D sound at your fingertips is the best luxury someone like myself could hope for. Thank you VSL for an amazing product.”

Danny Elfman
Danny Elfman

Men in Black, Good Will Hunting, Planet of the Apes, Spiderman, Batman Returns, Corpse Bride, Alice in Wonderland, Mars Attacks!,The Simpsons, Desparate Housewives, Oingo Boingo)

“Vienna Symphonic Library has been the center of my orchestral sample library for several years now. I go to their library first every time I create an orchestral template when I´m beginning each film I score. And my demos sound great. I recommend this library to anybody getting into film scoring.”

Jochem van der Saag
Jochem van der Saag

Michael Bublé, Andrea Bocelli, Jackie Evancho, Josh Groban, Seal

“Vienna Symphonic Library is way ahead of the curve in terms of their sounds and their software; the combination of both musical expression and technical excellence is truly superb and unrivaled“


*Upgrade sowie User-Rabatte: Sie besitzen bereits VSL Produkte?

Im Warenkorb können Sie nach dem Login überprüfen, ob Ihnen ein VSL User-Rabatt zusteht und diesen übernehmen. Dies gilt für Upgrades, Crossgrades, EDU Produkte und bei der Vervollständigung von Bundles. Legen Sie einfach die gewünschten Produkte in den Warenkorb und fragen Sie anschließend den VSL User-Rabatt ab.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle rabattierten, kundenspezifischen Bestellungen von uns manuell durchgeführt werden müssen und deshalb bis zu einem Arbeitstag beanspruchen können.

Der Erwerb einer VSL-Library berechtigt Sie zum Gratis-Download des Software-Players Vienna Instruments Pro, der die Mixing- und Host-Software Vienna Ensemble enthält.


  • macOS 10.13 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 (Intel Core i7/i9/Xeon/M1/M2 empfohlen)
  • RAM: min. 8GB (16GB empfohlen)


  • Windows 10/11 oder höher
  • 64 bit 
  • Intel Core i5 oder AMD Athlon Pro (Intel Core i7/i9/Xeon empfohlen)
  • RAM: min. 8GB (16GB empfohlen)

Freier Festplattenspeicher entsprechend der Library-Größe.

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Zur Produktaktivierung benötigern Sie eine Internetverbindung auf einem beliebigen Computer sowie einen kostenlosen User-Account auf www.ilok.com. Um Ihre über iLok autorsierten Software-Produkte und Sample Libraries herunterzuladen und zu installieren verwenden Sie den Vienna Assistant.

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