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Akustische Reise durch die Welt der Mobilität

TRANSPORTATION enthält eine umfassende Sammlung professionell aufgenommener Sounds aus der Welt der Fortbewegungsmittel. Alle Aufnahmen - oft wiederholbar - wurden aus verschiedenen Entferungen aufgenommen und bieten das perfekte Maß an Subtilität, Atmosphäre und Unauffälligkeit, um perfekt für jede Arten von Anwendung geeignet zu sein, was Ihrer Szene ein ruhiges, sehr natürliches Klangbild verleiht.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

Authentic Ambience Toolkit

Build your acoustic backdrop that sounds organic and grounded while keeping the familiar human touch and making the listener more aware of their acoustic surroundings. While a good soundtrack can help in introducing a world to the audience, a believable acoustic setting completes the arrival, especially when standing on its own – one of this library’s major strenghts, next to its ability to blend in with more frontal sound design and its varied line-up of motorized vehicles: On the road, rails, water and airborne with both interior ambiences and exterior recordings.

Acoustic Purity and Flexibility

TRANSPORTATION is one of the most flexible ambient libraries, thanks to its acoustic purity and isolation of targeted sounds, allowing you to design exactly what you need without any unwanted, arbitrary noise to worry about. A strong addition to your sound pool that will enhance, or perhaps even replace earlier designs.

What we recorded

In order to capture high-quality vehicle ambiences, Boom Library has looked for desolate places that would only allow for one type of vehicle at a time and otherwise leave a minimum acoustic footprint on the recordings. That way they managed to isolate different types and movements of trains, road vehicles, boats, planes and even F1 race cars.

Included Sounds - Keywords

Transportation, car, speed, road, fast, pickup truck, diesel truck, stops, highway, ambience, loop, traffic, train, rail, engine, passenger train, interior, travelling, underground, locomotive, horn blasts, echoes, freight train, bell, hauling, rumbles, mountainside, thundering, metal strains, paddle strokes, water, idle, river, boat, cruising, propeller, underwater, motorboat, ship, ventilation, wave slaps, deck, helicopter, plane, jet, airport, take off, formula 1, race, speedway

223 royalty-free sound fx 223 WAV files • 48kHz/24bit • 4GB

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Diese Multi Format Library (enthaltenes Format bzw. Formate sind in der Produktbeschreibung aufgeführt) enthält keine Wiedergabesoftware. Zum Laden und Abspielen der in diesem Produkt enthaltenen Sounds ist eine geeignete Software erforderlich.

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