Vacuum Classic

Vacuum Classic

Full Product

AU, Mac, VST2, Win

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Monophoner Vintage-Synthesizer mit Vacuum Tube Synthesis

Air Music Technology hat Vacuum Classic ursprünglich als Teil seiner Creative Collection von Instrumenten-Plugins entwickelt, die in Avid™ Pro Tools™ integriert wurden. Als die Popularität von Pro Tools wuchs, vertrauten immer mehr Musiker und Produzenten auf die klangliche Feuerkraft dieses erstaunlichen Synths.

Vacuum Classic ist ein monophoner Vintage-Synthesizer der den knackigen, warmen Sound der analogen Ära perfekt einfängt. Ausgestattet ist Vacuum Classic mit analogen Oszillatoren, mehreren Filtern, Hüllkurven sowie integrierten Audio-Effekten.

Für diejenigen, die noch mehr kreative Möglichkeiten benötigen, wie z.B. erweiterte Effekte, Polyphone Röhrensynthese mit sechs Schaltungen, empfiehlt sich Vacuum Pro.

Vacuum Classic GUI

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

Vacuum lets you dive deep into subtractive synthesis to recreate those sought-after analog sounds from the 70s and 80s. Tweak the switches, knobs and dials to program anything from basses, leads, pads or unique sound effects. Vacuum gives you two Vacuum Tube Oscillators. A nice touch with the four available wave shapes is that rather than just picking one, Vacuum lets you 'morph' between them. The output of the oscillators goes through a mixer, where you can apply drive/distortion and ring modulation, before being passed through high- and lowpass filters.

Included are a wide range of pre-sets designed by highly-acclaimed sound designers Richard Devine and Mark Ovenden. Covering everything from Leads, Pads, Bass, Arpeggios, Percussive, and FX sounds this library provides instant inspiration for anyone to tweak to their contentment.

The filters provide a smooth sound, but each offers a saturation control if you prefer a more aggressive sound. A really nice touch can be found in the 'age' knobs, where you can set an amount of pitch drift to apply to the oscillators, or the quantity of dust that might make the synth sound old and noisy. The Age function provides Drift and Dust controls adjusting the age from oscillator drift to crackling controls to slightly inaccurate keyboard triggering/pitch for that truly authentic hardware experience sought out by Synth lovers. This is one of the most realistic emulations you’ll hear anywhere!

Vacuum also offers a number of modulation options, including two envelopes, which can be set to retrigger in the settings page. There's also an on-board arpeggiator. For a synth plugin, Vacuum sounds surprisingly unlike a synth plugin, exhibiting a real, dirty and analog quality. The slick vintage synth-styled interface pays homage to some of the best vintage tube synths of the past, powerful and easy to use.

Product Features

  • Monophonic vintage synthesizer featuring Vacuum Tube Synthesis with vacuum tube circuit modeling.

  • Wide range of presets designed by highly-acclaimed sound designers Richard Devine and Mark Ovenden. Covering everything from Leads, Pads, Bass, Arpeggios, Percussive, and FX sounds this library provides instant inspiration for anyone to tweak to their contentment.

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  • macOS 10.8.5-10.14
  • Intel Core i5 (Intel Core i7 empfohlen)
  • RAM: 2GB (4GB empfohlen)


  • Windows 8 oder höher
  • Intel Core i5 (Intel Core i7 empfohlen)
  • RAM: 2GB (4GB empfohlen)


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