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Sequenzergesteuerter Bassline-Synthesizer

ZeroBox ist eine akkurate analoge Simulation eines legendären, kultigen, sequenzergesteuerten Bassline-Synthesizers. Zusätzlich zu einer akribischen Nachbildung des Signalwegs und der Physik wurden eine Reihe von Funktionen, Verbesserungen und Schaltungsanpassungen hinzugefügt, die die gesamte Synthese-Engine einen Schritt nach vorne bringen.

Zu guter Letzt machen ein neu gestaltetes Sequenzer-Frontend und ein komplettes Set an Modulations-, analogen Sättigungs- und Multi-Type-Distortion-Effekten ZeroBox zu einem ausdrucksstarken, leistungsfähigen und eigenständigen Instrument für den Einsatz in jedem elektronischen Musikszenario.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

ZeroBox mimics not just the behaviour and physics of all the electronic components and the signal path, but also the miriad of quirks and idiosyncrasies found on the original hardware. From the peculiarly shaped analogue oscillator's waveforms to the iconic 4-pole diode ladder analogue filter, from the biased envelope generators to the so-called gimmick circuit, everything is faithfully preserved in ZeroBox - including the uncommon interlinks and interactions between the different components.

Zero Box GUI

The embedded digitally controlled sequencer is also modeled preserving the same vintage back-end logic and sub-pulse clock divisions of the original gear, while having the full benefit of a refreshed front-end with many easily accessible function improvements (triplets, shuffle, etc...). ZeroBox can be used in conjunction with its embedded sequencer as well as with external sequencers, or as a single-oscillator monophonic solo synthesizer with a very bold sound and an incredibly deep low-end.

In addition to the main bassline synthesizer, a total of six insert effects and two master effects are provided, all accessible from the single-view rack interface. It is possible to choose between a chorus unit, a flanger unit, an analogue modeled vacuum tube distortion unit, an analogue modeled transistor-based distortion unit, a digital foldback distortion unit, a creative bitcrusher unit, a digital delay unit and a resonator-based reverb unit.

Product Features

  • Physical modeling simulation of real analogue hardware, achieved by the adoption of the Advanced Component Simulation (ACS) approach - oscillators, filters, envelopes (,...) are built preserving their original architecture, featuring all the micro-instabilities and imperfections of the analogue technology

  • Full 64-bit processing accuracy for every single aspect of the simulation

  • An all-in-one complete setup : monophonic analogue bassline synthesizer + embedded analogue sequencer + analogue and digital insert/master effects

  • Full preservation of all quirks found on the original device :

  • An aliasing-free analogue modeled oscillator proving the same capacitors' charging/discharging responses as found on the original analogue circuits, featuring sawtooth and square waveforms with blending (morphing) control

  • A separate control for the oscillator waveshaping (from naive to analogue supersaw / pulse width modulation)

  • Two analogue envelope generators (MEG / VEG) proving the same capacitors' charging/discharging responses as found on the original analogue circuits

  • Analogue components age selector. Choose the virtual age of the components used inside ZeroBox and, as a consequence, its resulting overall instability

  • An exclusive low-frequency-oscillator (LFO) with frequency (from 0.05 Hz up to 20 Hz) and destination amount controls, affecting the oscillator waveform blending, waveshaping and filter cutoff frequency

  • Includes 130+ ready-to-use factory presets collection covering multi-genre styles

  • Available in multi-size GUI resolutions

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  • macOS 10.7 oder höher
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 7 oder höher
  • 32 bit & 64 bit
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