G3 MultiBusComp

G3 MultiBusComp

5.0 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

ab Lager lieferbar
$ 199

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Klassische SSL "Glue"-Kompression

Jeder Audioprofi, der den typischen SSL-Sound erreichen möchte, braucht den SSL G3 MultiBusComp, der den kultigen SSL-"Glue"-Kompressionssound über drei separat programmierbare Frequenzbänder liefert. Der G3 MultiBusComp ist das ideale Werkzeug für die Produktion von ausgefeilten und professionellen Mischungen und Mastern, die SSL seit Jahrzehnten zum Industriestandard gemacht haben. Er bietet starke Sidechaining-Funktionen, unkomplizierte Rückkopplung und Einstellungen für die Ansteuerung der Obertöne pro Band.

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

Key Features

  • Classic SSL "glue" compression - With 3 bands of classic SSL "glue" compression, the G3 MultiBusComp delivers the same unparalleled sonic characteristics that SSL is known for, now frequency-dependent. Whether you're mixing, mastering, or working in post-production, the G3 MultiBusComp is the ultimate tool for achieving a professional sound.

  • Parameter link - The G3 MultiBusComp allows you to link parameters and apply quickly and easily inverse changes between the input/output gain or the threshold and makeup gains in each frequency band. Simply hit the ‘link’ icon or hold down the shift key.

  • ‘4K’ drive - With the G3 MultiBusComp's per-band drive feature inspired by our ‘4K’ drive circuit, you can add warmth and character to your mix all while retaining dynamic control of your signal.

  • Band graph view - The band graph view provides an intuitive way to set your threshold and frequency crossovers, giving you greater control over your mix and allowing you to achieve the sound you want with precision and accuracy.

  • Powerful sidechaining and filtering options - The G3 MultiBusComp lets you customize your sidechain filters to accentuate or diminish response to certain frequencies. Unlink the sidechain filters from the band crossover and external sidechaining to drive the dynamics from a different frequency band, or a completely different signal entirely.

  • Auditioning - You can use the mutually exclusive soloing on each band and each band's sidechain input to make informed decisions about your mix. This feature allows you to hear each band in isolation and fine-tune your settings to perfection.

  • Resizable GUI - The G3 MultiBusComp's resizable and high-resolution GUI lets you work the way you want, with a customizable user experience that can be adjusted from 50% to 200%.

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5.0 of 5
23.01.2024 Sprache: deutsch




  • macOS 10.12 - 11.6
  • 64 bit
  • RAM: 4GB oder höher


  • Windows 10
  • 64 bit
  • RAM: 4GB oder höher

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