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Hollywood Fantasy Percussion
Erstveröffentlichung: 28.07.2023

Hollywood Fantasy Percussion

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AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win

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Fantasy Percussion & Instrumente

Um selbst die epischsten Soundtracks zu bereichern, bietet Hollywood Fantasy Percussion eine große Auswahl an dröhnenden, ätherischen Schlag- und Schüttelinstrumenten. Während sie gut zu den meisten orchestralen Soundtracks passen, bringt das Hollywood Fantasy Farbschema ihre besten Qualitäten zur Geltung. Es gibt mehrere bombastische Drum-Libraries, aber keine Percussion-Library, die ausschließlich für die Erstellung großer Fantasy-Soundtracks entwickelt wurde.

Drums in the deep

Bei der Vertonung von Fantasy-Szenen gibt es zahllose Schauplätze, an denen herkömmliche Percussion einfach nicht ausreicht - feurige Eisenschmieden, königliche Feiern, traditionelle Volksfeste, und das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Da braucht man ein Schlagzeug, das nicht nur die Dramatik der Szene trägt, sondern sich in der Welt, für die man komponiert, perfekt zu Hause fühlt. Jedes Instrument in dieser Sammlung wurde so ausgewählt, dass es alle vorstellbaren Szenarien abdeckt, so dass Sie unabhängig von der Vertonungsaufgabe über die Instrumente verfügen, die nicht nur das Drama auf dem Bildschirm unterstreichen, sondern auch das Publikum in eine völlig neue, fantastische Hör-Welt eintauchen lassen.


Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

  • 3 Bodhrans - If you’ve ever listened to Celtic folk music, chances are you’re familiar with the rich quality of the bodhran. This handheld drum is typically played with a two-sided mallet or by hand, offering a gentle but firm pulse to keep the music moving. Listen to how this delightful folk drum livens up the score to Braveheart and Titanic!

  • 3 Gran Cassas - A bass drum has been added to this collection to help extend the low end of the orchestra, which is notably absent in many traditional ensembles. Rather than the rounded, mellow mallet hits in conventional orchestral playing, the Gran Cassa is struck in a much wider range of impacts.

  • 3 Large Taikos - This drum likely needs no introduction due to its omnipresence in video game and film scores, but a tight-knit ensemble was recorded to provide the glorious bassy rumble these massive drums are famed for. Their ominous low end simply can’t be beaten. Okami, The Last Samurai, and countless other soundtracks have used Taikos for their incredible tone and power.

  • 600 LB Nagado Ensemble - Unlike other Taikos, the massive Nagado-daiko was designed for rituals and spiritual uses, and as such is a great way to underscore austere ceremonies with a single, haunting low impact. This drum ensemble especially shines in slow, quiet passages with little competition in the orchestra.

  • Ceng Ceng - These Balinese cymbals have a splashy, resonant character perfect for background ambience; they’re much softer than their Western counterparts and work wonders for broadening your palette of metals without the normal harshness of cymbals.

  • Crotales - Small chromatic cymbals that blend the quality of a glockenspiel and wind chimes - these are a great way to sustain a gradual, regal melody and offer a delightful contrast with wind and stringed instruments. James Horner used crotales to great effect in the 90s film Sneakers.

  • Cymbal and Gong Ensemble - A collection of assorted struck, rolled, and tapped metals for whenever you need a dose of inspiration. Inside this diverse collection you’ll find all manner of shapes and sizes (literally) you can use to brighten up your Fantasy Orchestra.

  • Goatnail Shaker - This unique shaker is a collection of hoof trimmings gathered by indigenous peoples while milking their goats. The result is a dry, brittle rattle ideal for underscoring eerie, mystical rituals performed by ancient cultures.

  • Goatnails and Ceng Cengs - A mixture of alternate performances of other instruments above, focused on ease and playability to quickly introduce a variety of timbres into your score. This is a great starting point when you need a little inspiration to move your ideas along.

  • Krakeb - North African castanets with a similar tone to the ceng ceng, but with a rounder timbre and lower in pitch. Their hollow quality sets them apart from other cymbals and adds a floating, soft feel to this percussion suite.

  • Metal Shaker - This shaker provides a soft, dispersed sound ideal for gently driving the rhythm; its airiness creates the perfect high-end complement to a drum ensemble without the splashiness of cymbals to round out the arrangement with a nice accent layer.

  • Nagara Rub FX - Imagine a deep, atonal bowed instrument howling in the night and you’ll arrive at a similar sound to this rubbed Indian drum. This festival and temple staple is evocative and mysterious, and a great tool for letting your imagination run wild.

  • Nagara and Ashiko - A combination of multiple folk drums evoking images of festivals, street performances, rituals, and any manner of other fantasy cultural settings. You’ll find a collection of hits, rolls, rim taps, and more to build your own robust drum ensemble. The nagara is often used in the popular dance form Ghoomar, commonly attributed to the 2018 movie Padmaavat.

  • Orchestral Bell Ensemble - They’ve also included chimes to help round out the collection and lock in with a more conventional orchestra, though they’re equally suited to adding the sound of church bells in a castle town or scoring joyous ceremonies that demand regal treatment.

  • Orchestral Metallurgy - A collection of large metals being grazed, struck, and beaten for a suite of heavy industrial sounds; if you need the sound of a forge or assembly line from a distant realm, this is exactly how to do it.

  • Snare Ensemble - No Fantasy Percussion suite would be complete without the sound of a traditional drum corps - when great armies are marching into battle, this snare ensemble is an essential tool to convey the grandeur and scale necessary to get the job done.

  • Toms - The deeper, rounder cousin to the snare ensemble, this creates a hefty lower-mid power layer for additional oomph in your drum core (or simply a nice thwack when needed).

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In dieser Software ist "Opus" als Sample-Player enthalten.


  • macOS 10.13 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Quad-Core CPU (Octa-Core empfohlen)
  • 2,7 GHz oder höher
  • RAM: 16GB (32GB oder mehr empfohlen)
  • SSD-Festplatte (SATA or PCIe)


  • Windows 10 oder höher
  • ASIO-Soundtreiber
  • Quad-Core CPU (Octa-Core empfohlen)
  • 2,7 GHz oder höher
  • RAM: 16GB (32GB oder mehr empfohlen)
  • SSD-Festplatte (SATA or PCIe)


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