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AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, VST3, Win

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A Legendary Giant Reborn

PS-3300 ist eine exakte virtuell-analoge Emulation des kolossalen und extrem seltenen semi-modularen analogen polyphonen Synthesizers, der 1977 von KORG veröffentlicht wurde. Cherry Audio hat alle Register gezogen, um diesen mythischen Monstersynthesizer akkurat nachzubilden und zu aktualisieren, von seinem massiven, gestapelten Klangcharakter und den charakteristischen Multi-Resonator-Sweeps bis hin zu den beträchtlichen Patching-Möglichkeiten, die den PS-3300 von allen anderen Polysynthesizern dieser Ära unterschieden.

Big in Japan... and everywhere else

Bevor Keio Electronic Laboratories (unter dem Markennamen KORG) seine berühmte MS-Monosynthesizer-Reihe herausbrachte, stellte das Unternehmen seine Polyphonic Series analoger Synthesizer vor. Das größte und teuerste Modell war der PS-3300, ein legendärer Synthesizer, der zwischen 1977 und 1981 produziert wurde. Er gilt als einer der seltensten analogen Synthesizer aller Zeiten, von dem nur etwa 50 Stück produziert wurden. Mit seinem semi-modularen Design, seiner flexiblen Architektur und seiner Neigung zu reichhaltigen, sich klanglich entwickelnden Klangfarben wird der PS-3300 oft als der heilige Gral der polyphonen Analogsynthesizer angesehen.

PS-3300 Gui

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

PS-3300's unique architecture set it apart from the handful of polysynths available at the time. It had three independent "signal generator" panels, each essentially a complete polyphonic synthesizer. Each of these synth panels included 12 independently tunable divide-down oscillator banks as well as independent discrete VCFs, envelope generators, and VCAs for every note. This enabled all 48 keys of the external keyboard to be simultaneously played with independent articulation. Dual LFOs and triple voltage‑controllable resonators for each generator further shaped its signature tone. A dedicated master panel featured a mixer with VCAs for each of the three voice panels, sample & hold, an additional envelope generator, and two control voltage processors. It also delivered extensive modulation possibilities through an astounding 67 front-panel input/output jacks. Taken as a whole, the PS-3300 was so powerful and revolutionary that even Bob Moog was impressed, stating that it was, "the best synthesizer for fat sounds."

The PS-3300's high production cost meant that only the wealthiest musicians could afford it, thus adding to its rarity and mystique. Its broad and bold sound, described as an orchestra of synthesizers, has made it a highly sought-after instrument by professional musicians and collectors alike. Its adoption by groundbreaking artists such as Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre, Aphex Twin, Kraftwerk, Klaus Schulze, Keith Emerson, and Space has further bolstered its popularity over the decades. Korg introduced the PS-3300 at $7,500 in 1977, and it is now so rare and coveted that one sold for nearly $100,000 in 2021!

PS-3300 Features

  • Exactingly faithful virtual analog emulation of the semi-modular analog polyphonic synthesizer released by Korg in 1977

  • Three independent "signal generator" panels, each with an oscillator, lowpass filter, three-peak resonators, envelope with velocity, amp, two mod generator LFOs, and per-note tuning

  • Polyphonic mode with up to 24 voices of polyphony and three monophonic modes: last, low, and high note priority

  • Semi-modular synthesizer with virtual jack and cable system, featuring unlimited mults per jack and customizable (color, transparency, animation) cables

  • Master signal mixer panel with sample & hold, general envelope generator, and two control voltage (CV) processors

  • Individual channel panning

  • User-selectable bend range and master tune

  • Studio-quality integrated effects: chorus, echo with sync, and three types of reverb (spring, plate, and Galactic)

  • Over 360 professionally designed presets in a dozen categories. These include a bonus Legacy collection of basic presets based on the patch sheets in the original PS-3300 Owner's Manual, a 3100-based Glissando patch, and a 432 Hz Equal Temperament patch, all to get your started in your own sound design adventures.

  • Standalone virtual instrument and plug-in versions

  • Complete MIDI control and DAW automation for all controls, with easy-to-use MIDI Learn and mapping

  • Cherry Audio’s popular Focus zoom-in feature, as well as standard UI zoom and resize via drag

  • Complete documentation available directly online from the instrument or in downloadable PDF format

  • User-adjustable oversampling control

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5.0 of 5
19.04.2024 Sprache: deutsch

*** was ich wollte,super sound



  • macOS 10.13 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Native Apple M1 kompatibel (inklusive Apple M1 Ultra)
  • 3.4 GHz Quad Core Prozessor oder M1 CPU
  • RAM: 8GB 


  • Windows 7 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • 3.4 GHz Quad Core Prozessor
  • RAM: 8GB

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