Transformizer Pro

Transformizer Pro

Full Product

AAX Native, AU, Mac, VST2, Win

ab Lager lieferbar
$ 399

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Innovatives Plug-in für kreative Klanggestaltung - Pro Version

Transformizer ist eine innovative Methode zur Klangmanipulation, mit großartigen Funktionen, die einen einzigartigen Workflow bieten, der in keinem anderen Plugin auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Ihr ideales Tool zum Erzeugen außergewöhnlicher Texturen und neuer Sound-Layer.

  • Erstklassige Sound-Qualität
  • Speed +/- 500%
  • 4 leistungsstarke Algorithmen
  • Tonhöhenänderung +/- 60
  • 4 separate Stereo Outputs
  • Hi/Low-Pass Filter
  • Komplett automatisierbar
  • Lock-to-Host Sync-Funktion
  • AAX/VST/AU Unterstützung

Wozu brauchen Sie Transformizer?

Transformizer PRO ist einfach das Go-to-Audio-Tool für die Erstellung einzigartiger Texturen und Sound-Layer. Es verleiht Impacts Punch, Motoren Gebrüll, Waffen Wucht und fügt Vocal Sounds Charakter hinzu. Die Möglichkeit, originelle Inhalte zu produzieren und Ihren kreativen Output im Wesentlichen zu vervielfachen, spart nicht nur Zeit und Geld... es ist entscheidend für die persönliche kreative Zufriedenheit - und Ihre Kunden werden es lieben!

Transformizer PRO Version GUI

Weitere Details in englischer Sprache:

What Is It?

Transformizer PRO is an innovative sound manipulation software plugin, which makes sounds “intelligently” adapt to each other, by forcing ‘Child section sounds' to intimately follow the flow and structure of a ‘Parent section sound’ – thus providing users with unique, powerful and creative options in seconds instead of hours. With Transformizer PRO you get a powerful creative edge, with a yet unseen tool, that some of the most influential sound designers in the world, have praised welcome and helped us to perfect.

How Does It Work?

Transformizer PRO is designed to vitalise and emphasise your sounds and give a unique sonic impression by using the pitch, amplitude, time and formant values from one sound to transform another completely random sound in real time, changing the sonic characteristics radically and instantly. Through creative blending of sources and intuitive tweaking of parameters, new sounds will be brought to life in seconds.  Like mixing colours on a canvas.

The technology behind Transformizer, is based on advanced analyses of the pitch, amplitude, duration and timbre of a sound. Under the hood is advanced and patented DSP coding with solutions for interpolation, alteration and enhancement of various spectral elements of a sound, all mixed out in a mixed stereo output or 4 separate stereo outputs. The Randomizer function presents thousands of sonic nuances by blending sounds and keeping their original “DNA”, using this unique approach. You can also go completely nuts with Transformizer and create sounds that you have never heard before – backwards playback, separate tempos of the 4 sections, single out specific parts of a sound and loop it in instant sync, speed it up, pitch it down 60 semi tones etc. The team behind transformizer want to empower users with powerful tools, to easily and fluently create original sound design. It’s all about transforming your idea into something creatively concrete in seconds - and with minimal attention to technical setups and complicated plugin workflows.Transformizer PRO is for anyone looking to seriously boost their sonic creative output, regardless of genre and medium.

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  • macOS 10.10.5-10.14.6
  • RAM: 16GB oder höher


  • Windows 10
  • RAM: 16GB oder höher

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