True Keys: Pianos

True Keys: Pianos

4.5 of 5

AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Größe: 5.15 GB

ab Lager lieferbar
$ 349

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Drei der größten Konzertflügel der Welt in einem Bundle

True Keys ist eine virtuelle Premium-Klavier-Sammlung. Über 50.000 Audiodateien wurden aufgenommen mit den besten Mikrofonen und Audio-Equipment, um den Klang der Konzertflügel so detailgetreu einzufangen wie möglich. Die True Keys Piano Suite bietet somit  den Zugang zu drei der größten Konzertflügel der Welt: Italian Grand, American Grand und German Grand.

Detaillierte Beschreibung in englischer Sprache:

True Keys gives you the ability to choose or mix three stereo microphone positions. You can also turn on some of the most advanced pedal functionality and resonance features in any piano virtual instrument on the market.  It's no wonder our users keep telling us time and time again that True Keys Pianos are the new standard for what a virtual piano should be.

Three Pianos

3 of the most popular grand pianos in the world were sampled for True Keys. VILabs chose the pianos for this collection based on their craftsmanship and general tonality to ensure a wide array of tones between the library. From the pronounced low end and bombastic sound of the Italian Grand to the sweet and subtle nuances in the American Grand and everything in between we designed True Keys Pianos to be a versatile asset in your recording studio or for your live performance.

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A Virtual Studio

Three phase-aligned microphone setups, plus a stereo mixdown of all three offer a wide variation of tonal colors from each piano. The Side position is mono and mid-side compatible.
Grand pianos are large instruments and can be challenging to record really well. A microphone in one position of the piano may sound great for a jazz ballad but may not fit for a classical piece. In a studio recording situation, microphones can be adjusted and moved to suit the recording. Instead of limiting True Keys to one tonal option acquired during recording, multiple discreet setups were used and are selected and mixed on the interface.


The sympathetic resonances within a real piano are what bind the sound together to make the sound rich and full. Unlike other sampled and digital pianos, True Keys uses real samples for both sympathetic and sustain pedal resonance. Long sustains are rich with harmonics that naturally evolve just like real life grand pianos. True Pedal Action and Repedal add additional harmonics and enable the sound to be "repedaled" with the damper pedal. These features have been carefully developed to mimic the real pianos.


  • Una Corda - True una corda sustain and release samples give the soft pedal more realism. Use a soft pedal, or simply switch on the una corda from the interface, and experience the warm variation in tone with these samples.
  • Staccato - Release samples are carefully recorded and voiced for each key and are numerous and timed for the utmost realism. Most noticeable is having true staccato release trails that make staccato playing more enjoyable and realistic. Listen to the energy of a long bass string as it's dampened as well as the ringing trails of treble notes. Along with resonances, the release trails give body and depth to the real pianos.
  • Half Pedal - No part of the sound in True Keys is modeled or synthesized in any way, nor is the half pedal feature. When the sustain pedal is held near a user-defined halfway point the effect known as half pedaling can be heard. In a real piano, the dampers at half pedal are very light on the strings, and the sound is only partially dampened with resonant trails left over. The use of actual samples in True Keys makes this effect truly real. Also, the damper pedal noise volume can be adjusted and will respond to the speed in which the pedal is used.
  • MIDI - You have full control over the response of the library. From the minimum velocity to the velocity curve or the dynamics, you have all the tools to match your keyboard response and your taste.

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Die hier angezeigten Bewertungen, sind von Kunden, die dieses Produkt auch bei uns erworben haben. Alle Bewertungen wurden über das unabhängige Portal eKomi abgegeben.

5.0 of 5  
08.12.2019 Language: englisch

It is worth its cost, it is a quality bundle, although I expected a little more body from the Bechstein. Recommended.

4.0 of 5  
10.08.2015 Sprache: deutsch

Drei tolle Flügel. Leider klingen sie eine Spur zu steril.


UVI Powered

Die aktuelle Version von UVI Workstation 3 ist in diesem virtuellen Instrument enthalten!
Weitere Informationen zur UVI-Workstation sowie die neueste Version (kosternloser Download) erhalten sie HIER.


  • Stand Alone Anwendung für Mac und PC
  • VST für Mac und PC (Cubase und andere VST kompatible Sequenzer)
  • AAX native (Pro Tools) für Mac und PC
  • Audio Units (Logic Pro und andere AU kompatible Sequenzer)
  • "Falcon" kompatibel

UVI Workstation 3 Systemanforderung:


  • macOS 10.8-10.15
  • 64 bit
  • Festplatte: 7200 RPM (SSD Festplatte empfohlen)
  • RAM: 4GB (8GB oder höher dringend empfohlen)


  • Windows 8 oder höher
  • 64 bit
  • Festplatte: 7200 RPM (SSD Festplatte empfohlen)
  • RAM: 4GB (8GB oder höher dringend empfohlen)

57,8 MB Festplattenplatz (Mac Installation 233 MB; Windows 64 Installation: 266 MB)

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