Alpine Volksmusik 1

Alpine Volksmusik 1

4.5 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, ENGINE, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win

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$ 169

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To the Alps and beyond!

Alpine Volksmusik offers 24 single instruments, from Accordion to the „Zillertaler“ violin. This collection offers everything you need to compose music in the authentic Alpine and Upper Carniola style. Only the best artists of this genre were recorded for these instruments.

Alpine Volksmusik is the first professional sample-library dedicated to the incredibly wide field of traditional Austrian, Bavarian as well as Upper Carniolan folk and brass music. Whether you need a familiar orchestration or an entire Bigband, these 24 high-quality instruments got you covered. 

Alpine Volksmusik covers the whole spectrum of instruments, that are necessary to produce this kind of folk music in a digital environment. Accordion, styrian harmonicas, clarinets and brass instruments are available just like guitar, bass and drums. And of course, we didn't forget traditional instruments like the dulcimer, the Zillertal fiddle and the alpine bells.


All instruments were recorded in every details and offer different articulations that can be keyswitched to deliver authentic sounds. In the clear user interface of the Engine player you can also adjust certain parameters of the accordion such as release-noises. Levels, panning, legato, reverb and further functions can be set here as well.

All instruments were played by masters of the Volksmusik genre, just read the list below. These experienced musicians are not only virtuosos of the corresponding instruments; they also know how to get that characteristic folklore sound out of them. And with this library you now have that characteristic sound at your fingertips, too.

Alpine Volksmusik can be used in many ways. You are a singer or soloist, who wants to arrange his/her own compositions? You need semi-playbacks for live-performances? You plan to add specific sounds to your real studio-recordings? You need a pre-production for guest-musicians? Alpine Volksmusik covers all of this with ease. Use the outstanding instruments of this library to compose and arrange songs in your digital work station to your liking and in highest quality.

Alpine Volksmusik can sound both traditional and modern. Simply choose the instruments that fit your music. Select a dulcimer and an accordion for family music or go for a small marching band from the upper Carniolan region! Are you in need of a soft sounding nylon-string guitar for a ballad or do you want modern drums, brass, vocal effects and a special synth-bass from Zillertal? Alpine Volksmusik will deliver it all! Naturally, you may complete this library with other instruments to create party-music, cover-versions and Après-Ski-tunes with authentic folkloristic sounds.

And that's not even all: The instruments of Alpine Volksmusik can be used in multiple musical genres such as American polka, Balkan pop or even Hip-Hop. Whenever cheerful brass instruments, vivid accordions and nice-sounding acoustic guitars are needed, Alpine Volksmusik will offer you a perfect selection of instruments.


  • Bass Trombone: The Bass Trombone, was played by Sebastian Fuchsberger, a great musician and founding member of the Austrian band Global Kryner.

  • Baritone Horn: Sepp Mattlschweiger is the number 1 baritonist in Austria. Even while playing the “Big C” his baritone horn has the same power as in the higher ranges. Sepp and his group, Juchee, are also great live performers!

  • Trumpet: Ivan Prešern longtime member of the Alpenoberkrainer group from Slovenia

  • Tuba: The internationally renowned tuba soloist Jon Sass is the master of the special Jazz Tuba sound.

  • Clarinet: Prof. Vito Muženic unique and emotional style is a main ingredient for the original Oberkariner Sound.

  • Guitars: Renato Verlic & Sabrina Klotz, two beautiful guitars, featuring picking & authentic volksmusik chords.

  • Voice: Freddy Pfister, original sound bites in Zillertaler dialect, incl. Yodelling!

Alpine Interface Banner

Additional Instruments

In addition to the great musicians, the library features 14 more instruments with unique articulations,
ready to lift your music into the alps!

Full instruments / articulation list:

  • Solo trumpet = Long / Marcato / Staccato

  • Trumpet ensemble = Sustain

  • Clarinet = Long / Soft long

  • Baritone Horn = Marcato / Staccato

  • Bass Trombone = Staccato / Soft Staccato / Marcato / Long

  • Guitar Picking = Picking long / Alternative single strum

  • Guitar Chords = Major / Minor / 7th / Dim / Open

  • Nylon Guitar Bass = Picking long / Picking short

  • Nylon Guitar Chords = Major / Minor / 7th / Dim

  • Tuba = Staccato / Marcato long

  • Accordions = Register: Piccolo / Musette / Violin / Basson

  • Alpenschellen (Alpin Bells) = Sustain

  • Drums (All) = Various Drum sounds & claps

  • Drumkit = Full Drumkit

  • Dulcimer = Sustain

  • Zillertaler Geige (Fiddle) = Long / Marcato

  • Steirische A – D (diatonic button accordions) = Sustain

  • Synthbass (CS01 & DX100) = Sustain

  • Walzer Bass = Sustain

  • Voice FX = vocal phrases / yodelling


The interface of the Alpine Volksmusik Library provides an easy way to customize the sound of the instruments. In addition to the standard controls volume, pan, and reverb, each instrument / patch has its own parameters, incl. some special features like Legato, Filters, Delay-FX and more.

Developed in cooperation with V3sound.

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Flag DE spaceOKEY Magazin 07/2016

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Die Qualität der Instrumente ist durch die Bank weg hervorragend.

Flag DE spaceBuenas Ideas 04/2016

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Das Ziel, ein vor Livepublikum brauchbares akustisches Playback zu produzieren kann man mit dem Plugin Alpine Volksmusik erreichen. Man ist damit nicht so flexibel, wie mit einem an das Alleinunterhalter-Keyboard angeschlossenen Soundmodul, das man immer noch in der Geschwindigkeit anpassen oder Spuren ein- oder ausblenden kann. Mit entsprechender Vorbereitung und abspeichern von Alternativen lässt sich auch das halbwegs ausgleichen.

Für die Studioproduktion des nächsten Volksmusik-Hits reicht die Klangqualität und die Flexibilität der Instrumente wohl nicht aus. Je nach Stück, mit einem guten Toningenieur an der Hand vielleicht aber schon. Wenn man die hier gebotene Qualität, was die Anzahl der Artikulationen und die des Klangs an sich betrifft steigern will gibt es im mittleren Preisbereich bei Blasinstrumenten nicht so viele Alternativen. Solo-Bläser leiden ja schon immer unter dem Problem, dass sie mit traditionellen Methoden des Samplings nicht angemessen expressiv und natürlich wiederzugeben sind, sondern immer etwas zu steif und unflexibel erscheinen.
Wirklich einen großen Schritt weiter gekommen sind abseits der Solo-Bläser der großen und teuren klassischen Orchesterbibliotheken, deren grundsätzlicher Klang und Dynamik hier eher nicht passt in meiner Wahrnehmung nur zwei Firmen: Sample Modeling und Wallander Instruments. Sie schaffen es aber nur mit semi-physikalischem Modeling oder bei Wallander mit reinem physikalischen Modeling sehr Ausdrucksstarke und differenziert spielbare Instrumente zu programmieren. Das hat aber seinen Preis, alle fünf Blasinstrumente würden von diesen Firmen zusammen ca. 1500 Euro kosten. Dazu käme noch ein Dulcimer, ein Akkordeon usw.

Angesichts dessen ist Alpine Volksmusik eine genau auf das Einsatzgebiet zugeschnittene verhältnismäßig günstige Instrumentensammlung, die ihren Zweck innerhalb der gegebenen Grenzen gut erfüllt.

+ Erste Instrumentensammlung, die auf die Produktion von Volksmusik abgestimmt ist.

+ Übersichtliche Bedienung

+ Braucht verhältnismäßig wenig Speicherplatz und RAM

– Wenige Artikulationen

– Die Artikulationen sind teils etwas unterschiedlich in der Lautstärke

– Einstellmöglichkeiten der Klänge für heutige Standards eher rudimentär


ganzer Test für Alpine Volksmusik bei Buenas Ideas

Flag DE spaceProfessional Audio Magazin 04/2016

PAM Test

"Best Service belegt mit Alpine Volksmusik eine bislang sträflich vernachlässigte Nische, die endlich mit Leben gefüllt wird und von der wir uns alsbald mehr wünschen"

Kompletter Test in der Printausgabe des Professional Audio Magazins 04/2016

Flag EN spaceSound Bytes Magazine 03/2016

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In General

I know I mentioned a few less than favorable things during the review, but still there is more than enough quality material that can liven up this genre. Actually, count this investment as buying some essential instruments for this specific genre that cannot be found anywhere else. At least those instruments are on such a solid level that with some third party solo instruments, you could easily recreate an Alpine Volksmusik arrangement that will be far away from some general MIDI recreations, sounding as authentic and realistic as sampled music today can sound.

As I’ve made clear, I’m not big fan of such music, but last week while driving my car and listening to local radio, I thought that some songs are not so complicated and could easily be recreated with virtual instruments. All you need is one good clarinet or flute (thanks Chris Hein for those), a good accordion, Bass Trombone, Staccato Tuba, Bass guitar and some acoustic guitar chords along with a good drum kit – all presented in this library. I don’t know … maybe, maybe … actually, never say never.

By A. Arsov, March 2016

Full review for Alpine Volksmusik at Sound Bytes

Flag DE spaceBonedo 03/2016

Bonedo 3,5


„Alpine Volksmusik‟ punktet mit genretypischen Instrumenten in guter Qualität. Die Patches klingen hochwertig und lassen sich per Key-Switches authentisch spielen. Die Bedienung ist übersichtlich, bei nur sieben Parametern allerdings auch kein großes Kunststück.
Alexander Eberz

ganzer Test für Alpine Volksmusik bei Bonedo


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5
25.09.2024 Language: englisch

A beautiful set of instruments, as long as you have your expectations set. There are no legato intervals (just a crossfade option), and there are very few round robins. But the patches in here are instantly usable in a huge range of contexts, giving a great "big band" sound without a lot of effort. I love the accordions, horns and fun synth basses, but the two unexpected stars for me were the baritone and the fiddle. The guitar chords are also very useful and come in a couple different lengths. Although clearly designed around capturing the Alp folk sound, I actually think you could use these instruments in any kind of composition (and I plan to).

3.0 of 5
20.08.2024 Sprache: deutsch

Schwierige Installation

5.0 of 5
19.06.2024 Sprache: deutsch

Gute Library


PAM gut Alpine Volkmsik


Engine poweredBest Service ENGINE 2 Sample Player is included with this product!


  • macOS 10.15 - macOS 15
  • 64 bit
  • Apple Silicon (support via Rosetta 2)
  • Intel Mac
  • 2GHz
  • RAM: 2GB


  • Windows 8-11
  • 32 bit & 64 bit
  • Intel Core processor
  • 2GHz
  • RAM: 2GB 

The latest Engine 2 and a tutorial video can be downloaded here:

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