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Ancient ERA Persia

Ancient ERA Persia

release date: 28.04.2017
4.7 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, ENGINE, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win
Download Size: 11.29 GB

in stock
$ 259

 12.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

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Ancient ERA Persia – The Sound of Fairy Tales in Ancient Orient

A collection of sounds from forgotten places of the middle east.
Create your own melodies with 28 (!) fully playable instruments, deeply sampled, with true legato and glissandi, different dynamics and lots of articulations

Once again, Eduardo Tarilonte seduces you into almost forgotten sonic worlds. This time, he strikes out to capture sounds of the birthplace of magic and mystery and their ancient civilizations. Experience the arcane sounds from Arabian Nights, the soundtrack of desert sand trickling away in time and music that makes the Prince of Persia dance.

Following his works of Forest Kingdom, Desert Winds, Epic World and ERA Medieval Legends, Eduardo Tarilonte has dedicated this library to the sound of the ancient orient: Ancient ERA Persia.

GUI and Box

Two years of development formed Ancient ERA Persia into an extensive library with both popular and less known instruments from the Middle East, that will spark your fantasy with its touching sounds.

Therefore, this library is the go-to choice for movie soundtracks and television documentaries about this region. At the same time, the library is suited for traditional music productions and also provides a perfect background for videogames taking place in the Middle East.

The Instruments

For Ancient ERA Persia, Eduardo Tarilonte recorded 28 percussion-, wind- and stringed-instruments in highest quality and finest detail. In addition, you will find authentically performed phrases as well as inspiring sound atmospheres. The instruments offer all articulations being used in the phrases. Several microtunings allow the use of every desired tuning for the instruments.

Just for the percussions, there are 1.000 loops in different tempos and rhythms aside from the playable instruments.

percussion instruments

Ancient ERA Persia carries the sound and musical atmosphere of the Middle East from times past into the modern DAW-supported production environment. The carefully programmed user-interface of the Engine player enables a fast and easy workflow, that will set musicians in a state of pure creativity.

Ancient ERA Persia is suited for different applications and genres. The spectrum covers scoring antique compositions with authentic timbres, fantasy-games, movie soundtracks and new age songs.

The sounds of Ancient ERA Persia are truly unique and cannot be found in any other library. The excellent choice of instruments, articulations and sound atmospheres provides musicians and producers with an extensive compendium - it leaves no sound to be desired.

In detail, Ancient ERA Persia contains:

  • Percussion: Bendhir, Daf, Darbuka, Davul, Dayre, Riq, Riq plastic and Tombak

  • Wind: Turkish Mey High, Turkish Mey Low (combined in a single instrument), Turkish Clarinet, Kaval, Turkish Ney, Persian Ney, Zourna, & Duduk

  • Strings bowed: Turkish Violin, Lyra 1, Lyra 2

  • Strings plucked: Kopuz, Dutar, Santur, Oud, Baglama Big, Baglama Small, Tambur, Rabab & Tar

The instruments of this 17 gigabytes spanning library consist of extensive multisamples (24 bit, 44.1kHz) with several dynamic layers, multiple articulations, round-robins as well as real legato- and glissando-samples.

The Recordings


Ancient ERA Persia was recorded at Eldana Studios in Dueñas, Spain by Jorge Calderón and Eduardo Tarilonte. All instruments were played by virtuosos including Efrén López, Michalis Kouloumis, Stellios Petrakis, Jerome Salomon and Iván Karlón.

For the recording of the instruments, Tarilonte used selected Kahayan U47- and Neumann U87-microphones with API-preamplifiers and Kahayan Epsilon summing amplifiers. In this library, the instruments were intentionally captured close without significant room ambience, giving the user full control of the subsequent sound-design and effect selection. Thus making it easy to combine the sounds of Ancient ERA Persia with other Eduardo Tarilonte libraries. 

The complete content of “Desert Winds”, an earlier library by Eduardo Tarilonte, is included in this product.


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Flag DE spaceKEYS 08/2020


Dass diese Library in ihrem musikalischen Anwendungsgebiet zwar ein wenig spezieller sein mag, jedoch gleichzeitig eine absolute Empfehlung wert ist, steht außer Frage! Der Preis von 259 Euro mag auf den ersten Blick zwar vielleicht nicht als Schnäppchen erscheinen, geht aber aufgrund der hervorragenden Klangqualität, des Aufwands, der hier betrieben wurde, der umfangreichen eigenen Klangformungsmöglichkeiten und der Flexibilität der Library absolut in Ordnung.

Flag FR spaceKR Home-Studio 10/2017

KR Homestudio


En complément des instruments et des soundscapes, Ancient ERA Persia propose plus de 1000 boucles de percussions "live", ainsi que des phrases musicales complètes difficilement réalisables en MIDI du fait des subtilités de jeu.

Comme il nous y a habitués, Eduardo Tarilonte nous livre avec Ancient ERA Persia une banque de qualité fort utile pour la musique à l'image. Elle se mélange d'ailleurs très bien avec ses précédents opus comme ERA II, Forest Kingdom II ou Shevannai pour nous emporter dans des univers musicaux mythiques et mystiques.

Flag EN spaceThe Audio Spotlight 06/2017

The Audi9 Spotlight 5 stars


Ancient Era – Persia will set you back for 259EUR and I think it is worth every penny. This is truly a one of a kind sample library that has no competition on the market. As I have said at the beginning of this review, Eduardo Tarilonte’s libraries are true gems and work of art and Ancient Era – Persia is no exception!

Full Ancient ERA Persia review at TAS

Flag EN spaceSound on Sound Magazine 11/2017

SOS 5 stars


"This is an inspiring collection of fascinating and evocative instruments, whether you're into creating Middle Eastern mood for films or gaming, or interested in cross-fertilising with other musicla genres"

Full review: Nick Magnus for SOS Magazine, Nov. 2017


Flag EN 08/2017

Recensione Ancient Era Persia

Video review in Italian language



Flag DE spaceKEYS 08/2017

Keys logo

Fazit (Auszug)

Mit Ancient ERA Persia knüpft Eduardo Tarilonteauf beeindruckende Weise an Desert Winds und ERA Mediaval Legends II an: Die erstklassige Audioqualität der dynamisch und artikulationsreich spielbaren Instrumente sind unter den Ethno-Libraries ein Klasse für sich.Auch die Mischung aus Klassikern und seltenen Instrumenten ist einzigartig. Mit Percussion-, Saiten-, und Blasinstrumenten erhält man ein vielköpfiges, orientalisches Ethno-Ensemble, das neben der Filmmusik auch Ethno-Pop bedient. 

Den ganzen Test finden Sie im Keys Heft 08/2017


Flag DE spaceBEAT 09/2017

BEAT 5,5


Ob Sie Film- oder Game-Musik, World Musik oder Ethno-Pop produzieren: Ancient ERA Persia punktet als umfangreiche Sammlung bemerkenswert expressiv und nuancenreich spielbarer Soloinstrumente, die im Kopfkino Bilder aus 1001 Nacht hervorrufen, Für noch mehr Authentizität können Sie bei Bedarf mit den ausdrucksvollen Phrasen sorgen, deren Tempo jedoch leider nicht zum Hosttempo synchronisiert  wird. Klanglich bewegt sich Ancient ERA Persia auf gewohnt hohem Qualitäts-Level – eine weitere exzellente Kollektion von Eduardo Tarilonte.

Ganzer Testbericht in BEAT 09/2017


Flag EN spaceSound Bytes 07/2017

Sound Bytes


Final Thoughts

As always, Eduardo Tarilonte made a library that will be automatically ordered by people who already have some of his libraries. It is not a standard sound library with a wide collection of all possible articulations for one or two instruments but a collection of many different instruments and tools that will help you to tell a story in the times of ancient Persia. ERA Persia is the best tool for that purpose, as Eduardo is a great storyteller. If you are in media music production then you are reading this article just to prove to yourself that you did the right thing by buying this library in advance. If this is not the case, then it is maybe a good time to check at least some audio and video demo clips that you can find on the Best Service Era Persia webpage.

Ancient ERA – Persia is a great collection of loops, phrases, instruments and soundscapes covering one very specific era and place. A perfect tool for all games, media and movie composers.

Full Ancient ERA review at SoundBytes magazine

Flag EN spaceASK-AUDIO 06/2017



If they'd had virtual instrument libraries in ancient Persia they might have sounded like this. But what is a Kaval, anyway? Jay Asher found out with help from Best Service.  


The sound, the depth of the sampling, and the attention to detail; the GUI is so beautiful that you may want to download the wallpaper from the website. There are also videos on the website that you can simply click on to learn more about each instrument. I have not yet taken the time to do so, but I surely will. If you want or need these kind of sounds, it would be tough to beat this library.

Full Ancioent ERA Persia review by Jay Asher for ASK-AUDIO


Flag EN Moldavia 06/2017
Flag EN spaceSample Library Review 05/2017

Sample Library Review Logo


"Checking Out the instruments I really was impressed. For the mutli-sampled instruments, playback is crisp and clear with plenty of impacts and low end. Each of the instruments seem to contain that added human quality of finger slides, breaths, and touch that add a beautiful level of realism to playback of the great collections of legato, glissando, trills and ornamentation articulations." - db

Full Ancient ERA Persia review by Don Bodin for SampleLibraryReview

Flag DE spaceDigital Notes 04/2017

Digital Notes 5 stars


Mit Ancient ERA Persia ist Eduardo Tarilonte mal wieder ein großer Wurf gelungen. Die Instrumente klingen absolut authentisch und sind, durch die diversen Stimmungen bei den Saiteninstrumenten, auch für Musik aus den unterschiedlichsten Regionen der Welt geeignet. Was im Übrigen zeigt, wie weit sich diese Instrumente im Laufe der Jahrhunderte verbreitet haben. Vervollständigt wird die Library durch Loops, Phrasen und Soundscapes, welche sich nicht nur für altertümliche, persische Musik eignen, sondern auch modernen Kompositionen einen eigenen Karakter verleihen können.

Ganzer Testbericht für Ancient ERA Persia bei


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5
17.05.2024 Sprache: deutsch

Tolle Qualität, sehr netter und hilfsbereiter Service, schnell und zuverlässig

5.0 of 5
07.05.2024 Language: englisch

Oud and turkish violin are awesome, numerous tweaks and articulations to achieve a real east west mood

5.0 of 5
28.08.2023 langue: française

belle qualité du produit


SOS 5 stars
Sound on Sound Magazine
5 Stars

TAS stars

The Audio Spotlight
5 Stars

Digital Notes 5 stars
Digital Notes, 5 Stars

Beat 5,5
BEAT, 5,5 from 6


Gregson-WilliamsRupert Gregson-Williams

Wonder Woman, Disney's Bed Time Stories, Bee Movie, Over the Hedge, Made of Honor, Legends of Tarzan, Hacksaw Ridge

"Eduardo has sampled this library with great precision. As always he has made sure the articulations are authentic and easy to use. Thanks again Eduardo Tarilonte!"


Engine poweredBest Service ENGINE 2 Sample Player is included with this product!


  • macOS 10.15 - macOS 15
  • 64 bit
  • Apple Silicon (support via Rosetta 2)
  • Intel Mac
  • 2GHz
  • RAM: 2GB


  • Windows 8-11
  • 32 bit & 64 bit
  • Intel Core processor
  • 2GHz
  • RAM: 2GB 

The latest Engine 2 and a tutorial video can be downloaded here:

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