BFD Modern Rock Grooves Expansion Pack

BFD Modern Rock Grooves Expansion Pack


AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win

in stock
$ 29

 1.50BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Designed to inspire riffs and kickstart songs

Modern Rock Grooves is a BFD3 Groove Pack with inspirational and heavy beats for a variety of rock genres. Designed to inspire riffs and kickstart songs, the included patterns are played live and dripping with the organic feel of a human drummer.

Each of the 11 included Groove Palettes feature up to 32 4-bar Grooves alongside at least 4 Fills and an accompanying BFD3 preset to provide instant results. With over 250 patterns in total, Modern Rock Grooves is perfect for songwriting, jamming and practice sessions.d.

Product Features

  • Groove Pack for BFD3

  • Designed for heavy riff-based rock genres

  • 11 Groove palettes

  • 11 BFD3 mix-ready presets

  • Over 250 Grooves in total

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  • macOS 10.13 or higher
  • BFD3 version 3.4 or higher


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • BFD3 version 3.4 or higher

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