Chris Hein Winds Complete

Chris Hein Winds Complete

4.9 of 5

AAX Native, AU, Kontakt Player, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 21.42 GB

in stock
$ 399

 19.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Winds Complete Header

Orchestral woodwinds for your computer in unheard perfection!

Chris Hein – Winds is an extensive woodwind library meeting the highest expectations regarding sound, quality, expression and usability. The library's instruments are based on painstakingly recorded and edited multisamples, with numerous articulations and up to eight dynamic layers. Producer Chris Hein has brought thirty years of sampling experience into this masterpiece, giving the user maximum flexibility and a high level of customization, while maintaining the ease of use.

Version 2 now features the following improvements:

  • improved tuning of almost all samples
  • improved phase-aligned samples
  • drastically reduced resource demand
  • improved legato transitions
  • optimised transition speed function
  • glide mode-slur for more realistic runs
  • optimised Touch OSC MIDI remote control
  • minor bug fixes

Registered users of the first version will find a free download of version 2 in their Best Service account!

Chris Hein – Winds consists of four individual volumes, also being available separately or combined in a bundled complete version. The library contains a total of 13 instruments: four transverse flutes, three clarinets, three oboes and three bassoons.

Vol. 1 - Flute

  • Flute Piccolo
  • C-Flute 1
  • C-Flute 2
  • Alto-Flute

Vol. 2 - Clarinet

  • Eb-Clarinet
  • Bb-Clarinet
  • Bass-Clarinet

Vol. 3 - Oboe

  • Oboe  
  • Oboe D´Amore
  • English Horn

Vol. 4 - Bassoon

  • Basson
  • Bassoon Barock
  • Contra Bassoon

Chris Hein – Winds focuses on orchestral woodwind sounds maximum flexibility, while maintaining the ease of use.


The library is arbitrarily configurable to embrace individual workflow techniques and demands of different producers. The available options and solutions take care of almost every practical application, leaving almost nothing to be desired – everything has been thought of! The extensive amount of samples is handled by Native Instruments´ powerful sample-engine, Kontakt Player. Expect a custom tailored user-interface and extensive scripting to meet the specific requirements of these instruments.Clarinet

Chris Hein – Winds lives up to the expectations of both woodwind lovers and specialists demanding outstanding samples, comprehensive details, an elaborate selection of articulations and a versatile adaption to specific workflows.

The instruments can be loaded as full sample-sets, offering all articulations ready to be played on the keyboard. Thanks to the library´s modular concept, you can also call up significantly reduced versions to keep loading-times fast and memory usage low. In clean-start configuration, only a sustain-set is loaded into memory. Whenever needed, you can add further articulations and functions with a single click. This allows fluent and efficient work, even on compact and mobile production systems with less powerful specifications.


Chris Hein – Winds offers orchestral woodwind sounds tailored to perfection. Both the high quality gear such as selected Neumann microphones and the musician's significant performaces drive the sound aesthetics. Unlike the award-winning Chris Hein – Horns, this library takes advantage of the renowned WDR Symphonic Orchestra.

For this library, dry close mic´ing was an intentional decision. All instruments were recorded individually avoiding any crosstalk. Despite that CH Winds incorporated the inevitable interaction of an orchestra. Therefore, the participating musicians used headphone monitoring, to complement each other. Consequently, time-dependent articulations such as Dynamic Expression receive an especially coherent tone, allowing you to combine individual instruments to perfectly matched ensembles.


Due to the sample-engine’s dual convolution reverbs and the intentionally dry sound of Chris Hein - Winds, you can easily adapt the instruments to various situations. The Kontakt Player allows a free instrument-placement in the stereo panorama. Separate convolution engines for the corpus-sound (body) and the ambience (room) allow creating any spatial environment, ranging from close intimacy to large orchestral halls. This makes Chris Hein – Winds significantly different to many competitors and their fixed spatial characteristics. It makes this library greatly variable and, additionally, combinable with almost any other library available.

CHW Screen Vibrato

Unique functions

Perfect dynamic transitions thanks to phase alignment

Over a research-period of six months, all samples were fully aligned in phase. Accordingly, the instruments offer perfect seamless transitions of dynamic layers without sonic degradation.

Unique combination of short and long notes

The combination of long and short notes is a major problem in sample-libraries, that often fails to deliver authentically sounding results. With real musical instruments, the note length often influences the attack behavior as well as the note end. Chris Hein – Winds addresses these aspects by its „Note Head Designer“. For each sustain, you can call up short, adjusted sample variations, so called shorts, via the controllers. These Shorts not only offer the corresponding correct attack-behavior but also a note-end that perfectly matches the note length. These user-defined selections of short-note-variations are available in eight dynamic layers each and can be combined with the corresponding sustained phases, leading to astonishingly realistic results that cannot be achieved using random round-robin based selections. Of course, these shorts are also available as individual articulations.

True Legato

The instruments of Chris Hein – Winds offer true legato in up to four dynamic layers. For example, while playing the French Horn, the sample-engine picks the perfect note-transition out of more than 2,200 samples, resulting in unheard legato-realism. At the same time, it is possible to combine these realistic combinations with additional artificially inserted legatos.

CHW screen 1

Library extend

The library´s performance-data directly reflects the immense investment of recordings and configuration possibilities. Each instrument builds upon almost 10,000 single samples, 14 articulations and up to eight dynamic layers. This makes Chris Hein – Winds the most in-depth-library of orchestral woodwinds currently available. The custom-tailored user-interface of the Kontakt Player not only offers numerous functions to adapt the library´s sound character and articulations but also offers immense configuration choices to live up to specific demands and workflows. At the same time, you can effectively play the library without any deep edits. 26 pre-programmed key-switch-presets at the lower part of the keyboard (A-1 to A#1) allow fast tryouts of all available types.

Thanks to four "Dynamic Modes", the "Note-Head Designer", "Key-Vibrato", "Hot-Keys" and the revolutionary concept of articulation-presets, the user-interface will give you the impression of actually playing these instruments live.

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Main Features

  • 13 Orchestral Woodwind Instruments, 50 GB Content, 130.000 Samples, 13 Articulations

  • Up to 8 Dynamic Layers

  • Unique Phase-Align Technique, 4 Dynamic Modes, Dynamic Expression Sustains

  • Note-Head Designer, Hot-Keys, Intelligent Legato, Glide-Mode to play realistic runs

  • 10 built in DSP-Effects, 2 independent Convolution Reverbs, 63 high class impulse responses

  • Attack- & Release controls, Special Noise Controls

  • Ensemble Maker, Micro-Tuner, Adjustable Fader Settings in the UI

  • Intelligent LFO-Vibrato including EQ, Customizable Auto-Vibrato, Key-Vibrato

Free Kontakt Player included (version 5.5.0 or higher required)



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Flag DE spaceBuenasIdeas 04/2016

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Fazit (Auszug)

Was will ich groß sagen?! Klingt genauso, wie man sich das von orchestralen Bläsern vorstellt. Die Holzbläser klingen schön warm und nuanciert, das orchestrale Blech von hauchig matt bis rotzig frech. Es sind beide Libraries auf alle Fälle sehr gelungen. Man erkennt die klanglichen Eigenheiten und Timbres der jeweiligen Instrumente deutlich und gut unterscheidbar. Kombiniert mit den angebotenen Artikulationen und dem Vibrato lässt sich damit auf alle Fälle schon ein Großteil an „orchestralen Bedürfnissen“ abdecken. Und das zu durchaus moderaten Preisen!

Wer also nicht wirklich auf ausgefuchsteste Anpassungsmöglichkeiten angewiesen ist und wem die gebotenen fünf Artikulationen reichen, der ist mit der „Light“ Version der Chris Hein Libraries bestens beraten.


Ganzer CH Brass/Winds Test bei BuenasIdeas

Flag DE

Bonedo 4,5Fazit

Chris Hein hat mit seinen Woodwinds einen äußerst erfolgreichen Aufbruch zu den neuen Ufern der Orchestermusik gestartet. Die Library bietet die Möglichkeit, hochgradig realistische Holzbläser-Passagen zu programmieren, und vor allem die Tatsache, dass die meisten Artikulationen gleichzeitig von den verschiedenen Instrumenten eingespielt wurden, trägt zu seinem homogenen Klangbild bei. Vor allem im Vergleich zu früheren Vertretern dieser Reihe sind längst nicht mehr so viele Anpassungen nötig. Dass bei Chris Hein trotzdem sehr ausgiebig programmiert und an einer Vielzahl an Parametern und MIDI-CCs geschraubt wird, hat sich dagegen nicht geändert, und dies ist durchaus eine der großen Stärken der Library und macht sie vor allem für erfahrenere Anwender interessant. Dass manche Artikulationen von vornherein etwas lauter wirken als andere und dass sich die Samples nicht unabhängig vom Hall im Panorama platzieren lassen, sind Details, mit denen man definitiv leben kann. Wer möglichst realistische und gleichermaßen flexible Holzbläser aus der Dose sucht, darf ruhigen Mutes zuschlagen!
Alexander Berger, für Bonedo

Ganzer CHW Test bei Bonedo

Flag DE spaceAnwender Testimonial von Jörg Magnus Pfeil

Die Chris Hein Winds library besticht schon beim ersten Laden der Instrumente durch die flexible Spielweise, die Laune macht.

Schon die Grund-Patches lassen sich fliessend spielen, erkennen legato oder non legato, reagieren auf Velocity, und auf kurze oder lange Noten. 

Die zahlreichen Keyswitches, mit denen man verschiedene Artikulationen anwählen kann, bieten eine grosse Auswahl. Dabei sind die verschieden langen „Shorts"-Artikulationen hervorzuheben. Diese 6 verschiedenen Längen sind sinnvoll ausgesucht und reichen von langem Portato zu staccatissimo in bis zu 8 Velocity layern. Selbst komplizierte rhythmische Phrasen lassen sich dadurch überzeugend echt darstellen. 

Wenn man etwas tiefer in die Anpassung der Patches einsteigen will, bietet die Chris Hein Library viele Möglichkeiten die Spielbarkeit der Patches an die eigenen Vorlieben anzupassen. 

Die Funktionen sind klug durchdacht, der Grundsound sehr geschmackvoll, die Artikulationen sind sehr musikalisch eingefangen.

Ein Highlight sind für mich die Vibrato up/down - Keyswitches, mit denen man eine bereits gespielte Note retriggern kann, diese dabei aber nach oben oder unten „verstimmt" . Man kann damit sein sehr persönliches Vibrato - aber auch ethnische klingende Phrasierungen und Ornamente generieren. Kombiniert mit den Fall-retrigger-Keyswitches, die leider nur in den Oboen vorliegen, eine geniale Kombination.

Insgesamt eine aussergewöhnlich musikalische Library

Jörg Magnus Pfeil

Joerg Magnus Pfeil

Flag DE spaceKEYS 09.2014

Keys Logo

Auszug / Fazit

Die Chris Hein Winds nehmen mit ihrer Artikulationsvielfalt, dem nuancierten, dynamischen Spiel sowie durch ihre Ausstattung mit innovativen Gestaltungsoptionen eine Spitzenposition ein. Sie sind universell und genreübergreifend verwendbar.

Ihr Klang präsentiert sich ausgesprochen natürlich und musikalisch, die Audioqualität der trocken aufgenommenen Instrumente ist exzellent. Bei vielen Anwendungen reichen die mitgelieferten Presets vollkommen aus und man kann sofort loslegen. Zudem sind auch anspruchsvolle klassische Partituren umsetzbar und können von der vitalen „Persönlichkeit“ dieser Instrumente profitieren. Die Bedienung ist trotz der Vielzahl von Optionen übersichtlich. Das Einspielen mach wahre Freude und die Klangerlebnisse sind inspirierend. Will man an aufwändigen Arrangements möglichst latenzfrei arbeiten, ist ein schneller Mehrkernrechner jedoch Pflicht.


  • Die Chris Hein Winds sind ohne Zweifel ihren Preis wert. Neben der kompletten Version ist die Library zudem in vier einzelnen Teilen verfügbar.
  • Note-Head Designer für Attacks
  • Nuanciert dynamisch spielbar
  • Umfangreiches Angebot an Artikulationen
  • Exzellente Audioqualität
  • Umfangreiche Optionen zur gestaltung des Speilverhaltens
  • Relativ leicht bedienbar
Flag EN spaceSoundbytes Magazine 07/2014

Soundbytes Magazine Logo


40 GB, Kontakt player included. That’s all you need to mimic a real wind ensemble. No more complaining about hiring a real player. We live in a time when fake is real and real is fake. Can you spot the difference? I can’t, and I’m not even sure that creator Chris can.

Aleksander Arsov

full Chris Hein Winds review at Soundbytes Magazine

Flag EN spaceThe Audio Spotlight, 06/2014

TAS review Hrisn Hein Winds

Chris Hein Winds is a good instrument bundle and it includes everything you need to create a realistic woodwinds section. The sound is extremely good but the cluttered GUI might keep you so busy that you forget how good it really is.

TAS full review Chris Hein Winds


The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5
29.11.2023 Sprache: deutsch

*** *** makes great products. This wasn’t my first by him, most likely not the last one.

5.0 of 5
02.07.2022 Language: englisch

I needed a sampled solo bassoon for a piece I was working on, but wanted something I could load up and tweak without reading a 500 page PDF. The sound was most important though. After trying out two other libraries, I settled on the ** Hein product from Best Service. The price was reasonable and, because I could use it easily with Kontakt, I was confident I made the right choice. As indeed I did! The product is wholly satisfying to use and produces the results I am looking for in a complex piece. I highly recommend it to composers, arrangers, etc., without hesitation.

5.0 of 5
31.05.2019 Language: englisch

Lovely. Best Winds library I have ever put my hands on. Has lots of controls for handling stuff like vibrato, breath and key noises, legato and glissato speed and so much on. Extremely satisfied with my purchase. Can't wait to get my hands on the Strings library by Chris Hein


The Audio Spotlight 4,3
The Audio Spotlight, 4,3 / 5

Bonedo 4,5/5, 4,5 / 5


Joerg Magnus Pfeil
Joerg Magnus Pfeil
Musician and composer, Merit Award for Music, numerous nominations

The Chris Hein Winds Library is fun to play from the very first encounter on. The default patches can be fluently played and are configured to react to legato or non legato, velocity and short or long notes. A highlight for me are the Vibrato up/down keyswitches, which can be used to retrigger a played note slightly “detuned” making it easy to play ethnic phrases and ornaments.  
For me a superb wind library!


Made for Kontakt Player

This product works with the free Native Instruments Kontakt Player, the latest version can be downloaded through Native Access, Native Instrument’s download manager!

The minimum required Kontakt version for this product is stated in the product description or can be found on the manufacturers wesite.

System Requirements:


  • macOS 10.14 or higher 
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or Apple M1 (native)
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)


  • Windows 10 or higher
  • 64 bit
  • Intel Core i5 or similar CPU
  • RAM: 4GB (6GB recommended)

Supported Interfaces:

  • Mac (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AU, AAX
  • Windows (64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, VST3, AAX

Legacy Versions:

If you require legacy installers of Kontakt Player please refer to this Knowledge Base Article.

Required Registration:

All Best Service products require you to register with the manufacturer at for downloads or activation.

Best Service products for Kontakt Player Only require you to additionally register with

This product requires an activation!

This product requires Native Access for installation, registration and activation. Start the Native Access-Software and log in using your Native Instruments credetials to start the setup.

To sucesfully activate your product Native Access requires a working internet connection.

An Offline Activation on a different computer is Not Available with this product.