Cinematic Metal Titan - Bundle

Cinematic Metal Titan - Bundle

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$ 212.93

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Cinematic Metal Titan Bundle

Optimized for trailers, action scenes, in-game cinematics and special effects, the Designed edition brings fresh and exciting sounds to the table. Discover the force of aggressive, low, soft, processed, clean and tonal HITS, BRAAMS, IMPACTS, SCREECHES, STINGERS and SLAMS.

The Construction Kit in particular starts off with an unusual amount of kick. While foley and other, more meticulous applications are certainly possible, the main purpose here is to bring out the big guns and stomp any hint of moderation into the ground.

What's inside

braam, impact, rattle, squeak, rumble, clang, crunch, bell, groan, creak, cymbal, stinger, rusty, gate, container, flam, click, chain, dragging, thwack, bolt, door, train, metallic, iron, sliding, pole, oil drum, scrap, nail, gutter, break, steel, rim, scaffold, crowbar, swell, brass, hook, grate

Lock and load

Supplement your designs with detailed, high-end metallic sounds. The Construction Kit allows you to build unique, multi-accent effects that not only impress in scale, but also in fidelity, rhythm and character. This library particularly shines in situations, where the visible picture doesn’t necessarily produce the envisioned sound, but warrants its own supernatural emphasis.

Blow your audience away

Beefed up to the maximum, Cinematic Metal - Titan packs considerable punch, delivered straight to your face – whether in the movie theatre, car, home stereo or on the phone.

Your own unique sound design

More objects, more interactions, more sizes, characteristics and design possibilities than ever before. Get inspired and make it your own.

400 Royalty-Free Sound FX • 100 WAV Files • 96kHz/24bit • 1.5GB

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This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


Required Registration:

BOOM Library products require you to register with the manufacturer at and with to activate your license.

For your own protection this library is provided as individual personalized files including a Digital Water Mark - DWM!