Club Electro

Club Electro

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AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 700 MB

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$ 90.29

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Club Électro
musique électronique deluxe


Sync your system with the stealthy sounds of the current worldwide high-tech Club happenings. Club Électro provides synth groove fury and finesse in an all new approach. 28 towering construction kits which contain edgy minimal to maximal electronic Club sounds. This collection combines an epic spectrum of sequences, deep lead sounds, resonant bass lines, pads, atmospheres and effects as well as hundreds of finely conditioned drum and percussion samples and loops.

Turbo Synth Immersion

Club Électro was developed with analog synth and signal processing gear of today and classics of yesterday. The rich and edgy instrumentation of this production was derived from synths such as:
• Andromeda
• Minimoog
• Moog Voyager
• Prophet 5
• SH 101
• Se-1x
• Omega 8
• Oberheim OBMX and Oberheim xpander

All with advanced techniques to spice up your production and give you that “little extra” on top.

All material is ultra-flexible and can cater to individual tastes and treatment visions. Easy access is guaranteed through the Elastik sample-player. All loops provide BPM and root key information within the sample´s name, simplifying optimal selection and rapid fusion to productions.

Applications Identified

These are sounds for anyone who wants to incorporate state-of-the-art electronically emphasized Club tracks and samples into their productions and performances. The included building-blocks construction kit concept enables diverse use of the sounds for your project needs. Top destinations for these sounds are:
• DJ Performances
• GameAudio
• PodCasts
• Jingles
• Cues
• Video Tutorials


Responsible for this Ueberschall production is Marc Steinmeier:

He has collaborated on dozens of productions, worked and remixed for some of the biggest Artists in the Music industry like Eminem, LL Cool J, Christina Aguilera, Jungle Brothers, George Clinton to name only a few. He is still a pioneer of music and has constantly developed unique and fresh styles, creating new standards all the time.

Elektro Impulse Overdrive!

935 MB 28 Construction Kits
Elastik Soundbank for Mac/PC/AU/VST/RTAS
Elastik Player included - no sampler required!

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Flag DE spaceSound On Sound, November 2009

Wie man bei dem Namen schon erahnen kann zielt Club Electro auf die moderne Clubmusic mit einem Hauch von 80er Electro. Das Material ist aufgeteilt in 28 Construction Kits und aufgebaut um jeweils eine individuelle musikalischen Idee. Innerhalb jedes Kits befinden sich mehrere Samples. Ein Demo-Loop der zeigt wie die individuellen Loops arrangiert werden könnten, diverse einzelne Spuren von Drums, Bass, Synth und ab und an Vocals. Die Single-Drums sind auch vorhanden. Die einzelnen Layer sind sehr Vielseitig und innerhalb des Kits sehr flexibel einsetzbar. Am besten stellt man sich vor jedes Kit ist Teil eines kompletten Songs. Wenn man weitere Elemente wie Breaks, Chorus, etc. braucht muss man sich die Parts entweder aus den anderen Kits basteln oder seine eigenen Ideen hinzufügen.
Club Electro ist es definitiv wert ausgecheckt zu werden. Es passt perfekt in die wachsende Auswahl an elektronischen Libraries aus dem Hause Ueberschall.

John Walden

Übersetzt von Wenzel Mehnert / Ueberschall

Flag EN spaceSound On Sound, November 2009

As the name suggests, Club Electro takes a modern clubland sensibility and delivers it with a hint of ‘80s-influenced electro. The material is organised into 28 Construction Kits, each of which is based around a single musical idea. Within each kit a ‘demo‘ loop illustrates how the individual loops might be arranged, while the other loops contain the usual range of layers, featuring drums, bass, synths and the occasional vocal. Individual drum hits are also provided. The layers themselves are plentiful, so, within the limitation of each construction kit‘s basic musical pattern, there are plenty of possibilities for variation. The best way to think of these kits is as a single song section - and if you want further variation for something like a chorus / verse structure, you need to add some of your own elements, or find two construction kits that work together.
Club Electro is (...) well worth checking out, and fits neatly into the growing range of electro-based titles in the Ueberschall range.

John Walden

Flag DE spaceBeat, 10-2008

Potzblitz - so ein netter Kerl ist uns in der Rubrik ja lange nicht mehr über den Weg gelaufen! Doch nicht nur das Cover von „Club Electro“ weiß ganz und gar famos zu entzücken, auch der Inhalt der Sample- und Loop-Bibilothek aus dem Hause ueberschall lässt frohlocken: 28 Construction-Kits, vollgepackt mit durchsetzungsfähigen Leads, Basslininen, Drums und Sequenzen warten auf ihren Geradeaus-Einsatz im Club und in frohgelaunten Electro-Produktionen à la Mr.Oizo. Kurzum: Eine der besten Veröffentlichungen des Jahres.

Flag EN spaceBeat, 10-2008

Such a nice little fellow hasn‘t been around here for a long time. But the cover of Club Electro isn‘t the only special thing about it. The content of the sample- and loop-library from Ueberschall knows how to convince, too. 28 construction-kits, loaded with punchy leads, basslines, drums and sequences are waiting for their show in every club or electro production à la Mr. Oizo.
In a nutshell: One of the best releases this year.

Translated by Wenzel Mehnert / Ueberschall

Flag EN spaceMusic Tech Magazine, 12/2008

Club Electro
The beats are solid and the synths are suitably crunchy.

Club Electro
Music Tech Magazine, December 2008
Club Electro, which is the latest sample pack from Ueberschall (...) features 28 construction kits of tight-sounding electronic loops. Each kit has approximately 20 loops covering basses, synths, pads, FX, beats and single drum hits. The synths on offer are a contemporary mix of cutting-edge new and classic analogue models, such as the Alesis Andromeda, Moog Voyager, Prophet 5 and Oberheim Xpander, to name but a few. The overall quality is excellent, although occasionally dipping into synth demo-song territory. Some of the tracks sound a little cluttered when all the mix elements are present, but this is not really a problem because the parts are designed to be used individually. The beats are solid and the synths are suitably crunchy, although a little further production polish may be needed to really help them stand out in the mix.
Rating: 7/10

Flag DE spaceMusic Tech Magazine, 12/2008

Club Electro
Die Beats sind solide und die Synth knarzen ordentlich.

Club Electro

Music Tech Magazine, December 2008

Club Electro, die neuste Veröffentlichung von Ueberschall (...) beinhaltet 28 Construction Kits voll mit tighten electronic Loops. Jedes Kit hat im Durchschnitt 20 Loops mit Bass, Synth, Pads, FX, Beats und Single Drum Sounds. Die Synths bieten einen breiten Mix von neusten und klassichen analog Synths wie z.b. Alesis Andromeda, Moog Voyager, Prophet 5 und Oberheim Xpander, um nur ein par zu nennen. Die Qualität ist exzellent, auch wenn einige Synth sich etwas nach Demo-Song anhören. Manche Tracks klingen im kompletten Mix etwas überladen, ist aber kein Problem da es ja auf die Einzelspuren ankommt. Die Beats sind solide und die Synth knarzen ordentlich. Meistens ist jedoch noch ein wenig politur nötig um die Sounds im Mix hervorstechen zu lassen.

Rating: 7/10

Flag EN spaceKeys, 04/2009

Club Electro
This library is just right for fans of the hard electro style of today.

Club Electro

Keys, 04/2009

Club Electro represents the total opposite to Minimal Electro Vibes. The producer, who also made the Electro Producer Pack, worked with similar equipment. This library shows where electro is today. The dominatig instruments are 4/4-kickdrums and monoton bass- and synthlines. The grooves are closer to typical techno as to funky old-school electro from the 80s.
The drumsounds are relatively hard while the synthsequences compromise with aggressive sound, resonating filtersweeps and deep basslines.
While even the rhythm section is seperated in the single lines the drums can be exchanged very fast to vary the beat. Club Electro is aiming on grooves with an assertive sound. All in all the offered sounds are very versatile (...). This library is just right for fans of the hard electro style of today.

Translated by Wenzel Mehnert / Ueberschall

Flag DE spaceKeys, 04/2009

Club Electro
Für Fans des etwas härteren Electro ist die Library genau das Richtige.

Club Electro

Keys, 04/2009

Völlig gegensätzlich zu Minimal Electro Vibes präsentiert sich Club Electro. Hier war der gleiche Produzent des Electro Producer Packs mit ähnlichem Equipment am Werk. Diese Library zeigt, wo der Electro heute steht. Es dominieren 4/4-Bassdrums und eher monotone Bass- und Synthesizerlinien. Die Grooves stehen dem klassischen Techno viel näher als den funky Old-School-Electro-Tracks der Achtziger.

Die Drums klingen relativ hart, während sich die Synthesizersequenzen durch aggressiven Sound, resonierende Filtersweeps und tiefe Bässe auszeichnen.
Da auch die Rhythmen in ihre Bestandteile zerlegt sind, können Drums schnell ausgetauscht und die Beats variiert werden. Club Electro setzt auf treibende Grooves mit sehr durchsetzungsfähigem Sound. Insgesamt ist das Angebot sehr vielfältig (...). Für Fans des etwas härteren Electro ist die Library genau das Richtige.


Free ELASTIK 3.6.3 Loop-Player is included in this product.
With its intuitive Loopeye editing environment, the high-quality pitch, key, scale and tempo manipulation algorithms and the huge collection of Elastik-ready sample libraries, spanning almost every conceivable musical genre, Elastik is a powerful workstation for loop-based musicproduction. It can be used either as a standalone application or as plugin within almost any DAW on both Windows and macOS platforms.


  • macOS 10.12 or higher
  • Apple Silicon Support
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 8 or higher

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