Desert Winds

Desert Winds

4.6 of 5
Full Product

AAX Native, AU, ENGINE, Mac, Standalone, VST2, Win
Download Size: 3.44 GB

in stock
$ 119

 5.95BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

desert winds header

Welcome to DESERT WINDS, another virtual instrument from Eduardo Tarilonte, the creator of "Epic World" and "Forest Kingdom", featuring 21 exotic and oriental soundscapes based on four unique ethnic solo wind instruments. It is a perfect tool for composers and sound designers to create ambience and music for films, documentaries, video games and new age music.

Desert Winds is a 2.5 GB library with more than 2000 individual samples. In Desert Winds you will find up to 6 different real legato types per instrument, deep sampling and amazing playability.
For each of the wind instruments you will find a microtuning folder with 16 patches featuring the most important arabic/turkish microtuning tables.

Thanks to the Best Service Engine 2 you will enjoy a beautiful and easy to use interface. Get easy real-time control over all the important performance parameters.

Desert Winds Soundscapes

Additionally the library offers 21 beautiful and inspiring bonus soundscapes to create cinematic and evolving desert ambiences. Every soundscape offers 2 to 6 different individual layers which can create indefinite new ambiences by mixing them at will.

Receive a 2,5GB library with more than 2000 samples recorded for these instruments:

  • Armenian Duduk 
  • Persian Ney
  • Turkish Ney
  • Zourna

Desert Winds Instruments

Bonus Soundscapes

Akashic Records, Alexandria, Cavern of Winds, Desert Echoes, Desert Ghosts, Desert Loneliness, Desert Sky, Desert Voice, Desert Wind, Djhin, Desert Spirtis, Doomed Sands, Dune Wind, Forbidden Sands, Lava Caverns, Lost City of Akkad, Mirage, Mumakil Drums, Sand Temple, Taklamakan Desert, Talking to the Wind, The Anunnaki

Desert Winds included in Ancient ERA Banner

Play the real thing like never before - Desert Winds will blow your mind!

Exodus Iglesias

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Flag EN spaceSound Bytes Magazine 03/2016

Sound Bytes Logo Banner

Essentials – March 2016

by A. Arsov

I’m not sure if it ever crossed your mind that you may need such specific instruments as are presented in this small boutique library, but those four ethno winds sound absolutely divine. Even if you are miles away from any ethno music production, those winds can give an extra dimension to your production. Just imagine some ambient, electro, Trop House or even classic pop ballad where all of a sudden appears some mystical, beautifully sounding instrument playing the line that would otherwise be played by a synthesizer or maybe even a guitar in the case of pop song.

Eduardo Tarilonte is an award-winning sample library developer, making many unique libraries covering all sorts of sounds. The whole library contains only four instruments along with some additional drones and various micro-tuned versions of the same instruments covering most of the Arabic and Turkish scales. This would be almost nothing to write home about if those American Duduk, Persian Ney, Turkish Ney and Zourna didn’t sound so good. All four instrument have a quite limited playable range, sometimes even smaller than two octaves, so you need to be careful making your wind line. Also an interesting thing is that all additional articulations, mostly some double notes, vibrato or even staccato with pitch bend, are programmed such that the articulation is active only when the key is pressed. I’m not big fan of this method, but in the case of those winds it even has some advantages, as you can really implement those changes on the fly during a performance. As this is not quite a new library, to say it politely, the whole graphical interface is a bit old school, but still containing all the controllers you need for adapting anything to your need. Included are buttons for Speed, Expression and Legato type for some of the instruments, for others Release knobs along with Reverb, EQ Color, Volume, Pan and Pitch that are presented in all four instruments.

Maybe all this doesn’t look much to you, maybe you have a large number of various wind instruments. But such a breathy one, with so much character, you could even say soul, is nearly impossible to find. So, that’s why this one is essential. It’s not for every taste, but it’s so unique that at least you should listen to the demo clips and decide for yourself.

ESSENTIAL for: those boutique old libraries offer a small quantity of divine sounding, breathy, exotic winds full of unique character, even if not for all occasions.

Flag EN spaceSoundOnSound 08/2012

SOS Banner Logo

With each new release in this series I half expect creator Eduardo Tarilonte to run out of fresh ideas and not warrant our top five-star rating, but he's managed it again. Indeed, I suspect that many film, TV and game-scoring musicians will approve of the move from epic soundscapes to a smaller and more focused set of deeply sampled isntruments. along with a slightly lower price. All this, combined with scene-setting sopundscapes, adds up to a top-notch release!

Martin Walker, SoundOnSound

Flag EN spaceWusik Soundmagazine 04/2012

What I think:

No doubt this is a unique, specialized library. That's cool and all, but I have to say that the detail and realism of the sounds are out of this world. I've been a fan of Eduardo's libraries ever since he released 'Sampled Landscape' a few years ago. His work always speaks quality, of which I think Desert Winds is among his best. This library is heaven-sent for those of us who do not know how to play these wind instruments. I know it takes time to practice and get acclimated with an instrument, but with Desert Winds' you get convincing sound and amazing playability that you can incorporate into your own arrangements. Producers like you and me have finally found the missing piece that was once buried in the sands of time. Best Service and Eduardo Tarilonte deliver a sure winner here.

Ginno Legaspi


Flag DE spaceKeys 03/2012

Keys Logo Banner

.. Bei Desert Winds denkt man unwilkürlich an Sandsturm und Palmenrascheln. Tatsächlich stellt diese Library orientalische Flöten, garniert mit Klanglandschaften, in den Fokus. Ein Orient Special für die Filmvertonung, Ambient und artverwandte Genres. ...

...Durch modernes Sample-Management sowie die Echtzeitsteuerung von Legatovarianten und Klangparametern gelingne schnell abwechslungsreiche und ausdrucksstarke Darbietungen. Zusammen mit den dramaturgisch mischbaren Klanglandschaften im Beipack hat man im Nu filmmusikreife Kompositionen erstellt.

Flag DE spaceBeat 02/2012

Beat Logo Banner

Eduardo Tarilonte und Best Service ist es hervorragend geglückt, die Leidenschaft,mit der diese Bibliothek produziert wurde, spiel-, hör- und fühlbar zu machen. Mit seinen vier charaktervollen und äußerst realistisch spielbaren Blasinstrumenten sowie den inspirierenden und variabel einsetzbaren Klangwelten ist Desert Winds genau das richtige virtuelle Instrument, um Ihr Publikum in den Orient zu entführen.

Flag DE 12/2011 Redaktionstipp


Desert Winds hat mich auf allen Ebenen überzeugt, ob Film & Werbemusiker, der es orientalisch braucht, oder als i-Tüpfelchen in der eigenen Ambient, sowie Türk Ethno Pop Produktion, macht das Plug-In seinen Job ausgezeichnet.

Wir leben in aufregenden Zeiten als Musiker & Produzenten, Eduardo Tarilonte´s Desert Winds sorgt dafür, dass es so bleibt.

Autor: Christian Peter Müller


Recording Testbericht DesertWinds

Flag EN spaceMusic Tech Magazin 01/2012

MTM Verdict


Flag EN spaceSoundsAndGear 12/2011

Sounds And Gear 4.5 Subs

What’s the bottom line?

You already know I’m a fan of Eduardo, I love his libraries.

They bring something unique and different to the thousands of libraries out there.

The richness and tone of his samples is what I love the most…coupled with the fact that I can go in and edit the layers and parts in each soundscape/texture…pure dopeness!

I give this library 4.5 out of 5 subs, it’s really a unique and amazing sounding library with plenty of control to make it your own.

I always look forward to whatever he does next, and I’m hoping to see a product that is full of nothing but soundscapes and textures, as those are usually my favoirte part of his libraries.

They sound amazing.

SoundsAndGear review DesertWinds



The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

3.0 of 5
09.04.2024 Language: englisch

In professional scoring productionsNo idea, maybe it's really too old.Again, maybe it's too old for today's standards

3.0 of 5
21.11.2023 langue: française

Sonorités correctes. Mais le procédé d'installation du produit est préhistorique. Il faudrait peut-être s' inspirer de ce que font les autres. Ça ne donne vraiment pas envie d' acheter autre chose dans ces conditions.

5.0 of 5
12.11.2023 Language: englisch

Excellent sounds and wind instruments. Very realistic. If you are looking for sounds from Middle Eastern wind instruments, this is the best one I have acquired. I recommend it 100%, ideal for music of all types of genres, designed for producers looking to make their own musical interpretations and arrangements.


SoundOnSound 5 stars

SoundOnSound 5 stars

SoundsAndGear 4,5 subs

SoundsAndGear 4,5 subs

MusicTech Magazine 9 stars

MusicTech Magazine 9 stars Redaktionstipp Redaktionstipp

BEAT  Empfehlung der Redaktion

BEAT  Empfehlung der Redaktion


Luc Arbogast

Luc Arbogast
French musician of old instruments and a singer, songwriter. Albums: Odysseus, Oreflam, Metamorphosis, Fjall d’yr vinur, Canticum in terra, Hortus Dei, Aux portes de Sananda, Domus.
Game of Thrones Main Title Theme

"In Eduardo Tarilonte’s sample libraries, especially “Era II Medieval Legends”, I have found exceptional sound quality creative tools and a huge variety of early instruments. In my work, I place big demands on quality and workflow, particularly orchestration and high quality atmospheres. It has been a huge pleasure for me to work with these powerful tools and adapt them to my musical universe."

Alberto Iglesias
Alberto Iglesias
Award winning composer nominated to 3 Oscars Academy Awards. Composer of Exodus from Ridley Scott, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Che Part One and Two, The Constant Gardenener and all Pedro Almodovar films.

"Working with Eduardo Tarilonte's Desert Winds for the Exodus Gods and Kings soundtrack was a huge pleasure. Absolutely playable and beautiful instruments"

David Newman 
David Newman
Hollywood Film Composer: Ice Age, Scooby Doo, Alvin and the Chipmunks, The Flintstones, Anastasia, Matilda, ...

"Desert Winds really "speaks" as a library, allowing me to write fluid, flowing lines that would be difficult with other libraries of this type"

Jesper Kyd  
Jesper Kyd

Composer of Assassin´s Creed saga among others.

"Eduardo has created another great instrument with Desert Winds. The ethnic flutes are performed with a lot of emotion and passion which makes them ideal for cinematic soundtracks."

David Arkenstone
David Arkenstone
With 3 Grammy nominations, 20 Billboard hits, and millions of fans worldwide, David Arkenstone has established himself as one of the best contemporary instrumental musicians of our time. Arkenstone was also a member of the composing team who developed the music for Blizzard Activision´s World of Warcraft videogame´s Cataclysm expansion.

"Eduardo´s beautiful sample libraries enhance the spirit of my music. They are full of unique inspiration."


Engine poweredBest Service ENGINE 2 Sample Player is included with this product!


  • macOS 10.15 - macOS 15
  • 64 bit
  • Apple Silicon (support via Rosetta 2)
  • Intel Mac
  • 2GHz
  • RAM: 2GB


  • Windows 8-11
  • 32 bit & 64 bit
  • Intel Core processor
  • 2GHz
  • RAM: 2GB 

The latest Engine 2 and a tutorial video can be downloaded here:

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