Detroit Soul

3.0 of 5

ACID, Apple Loops, REX, RMX, WAV

in stock
$ 69.3099

 2.08BestCoinBestCoin Bonus 

Horns, Guitars & more! Big soul loops for your productions

Detroit Soul is a tribute to the great Soul & R&B artists of the '60s and '70s. The Motor City sound changed the face of popular music forever, and it continues to influence recording artists to the present day. Now, thanks to the Funk/Soul Brothers and Funk/Soul Productions, you can add a taste of that classic R&B flavor to your own musical creations.

Detroit Soul features live drums, bass, guitars, keyboards, percussion, hand claps, finger snaps, and a funky horn section with trumpet, alto sax, tenor, sax and bari sax. The vibe is straight out of the '60s and '70s, but that soulful sound remains as vibrant today as it did generations ago. So get ahold of some Detroit Soul.


  • 2.87 GB of Original WAV Content
  • 626 loops and samples in each format
  • 28 Construction Kits

The individual multi-track drum loops of each element of the drums are in a folder called, "Drum Tracks", for complete control over the drums

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3.0 of 5
02.08.2020 Sprache: deutsch

Zwar Rand voll gepackt, aber mit zumeist 8-Taktern relativ kurze Passagen. Die Clips bestehen aus jeweils thematisch gleichen Intro und Main-Part und pro Titel fehlen Harmoniewechsel als B-Part, was die ganze Sache daher etwas eintönig macht.Soundquali ist vintage top und alles liegt dry vor und kann mit eigenen Effekten belegt werden. Auch die Drums liegen separat dry&overhead vor.Hatte mir insgesamt jedoch mehr Abwechslung erhofft.Für Trailer reicht es, für Songs eher nicht.


This Multi Format Library (included format(s) listed in product description) does not include any playback software. A suitable software is required to load and play the sounds included with this product.


Required Registration:

Big Fish Audio products require you to register with the manufacturer at to activate your license. To use Kontakt Player Libraries you also need to register with

This product requires an activation!

An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.