Electro Producer Pack 2

Electro Producer Pack 2

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AAX Native, AU, Mac, Standalone, VST2, VST3, Win
Download Size: 1.16 GB

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$ 90.02

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Electro Producer Pack 2
SuperMassive Electro Construction Collection

Electro Producer Pack 2—the follow up to it‘s well known ancestor—provides 1.9 GB of full-range Electro Sounds and Samples and of course surrounding styles such as Nu Dance, House, Minimal, Trance, Techno, Dance and Breaks. These sounds are in high-demand for various professional purposes and the EPP2 content achieves optimum fidelity for this style.

EPP2 is divided into 7 main folders and consists of 3.322 samples total. Material is grouped into:
• 1.153 single drum and percussion sounds,
• 777 kick-drum less and percussion loops which are packed into 113 drum less themes,
• 138 synth sounds,
• 331 synth loops,
• 355 effect sounds (sfx sounds),
• 346 effect loops which are packed into 56 sfx themes (sfx loops),
• 222 vocal samples and loops.

Content and Structure

The EPP2 system of design includes comprehensive organization and forethought for practicality and ease of use. Elastik instrument access and programming provided. Below you‘ll find a detailed description of each of the main components found in EPP2.

01 Drum Single Sounds and Percussion Sounds
Tons of grab and go ready, punch filled and over the top: kick drums, claps, snare, hi hats, cymbals and shaker samples. Also Hundreds of high impact global / hybrid percussion single sounds, custom tailored and treated for injection into the club mixing atmosphere.

02 Kick-Drum-less loops and Percussion loops
Every one of the 113 well-stocked Kick-Drum-less themes contains a main mix plus every element broken out. These are altogether 777 Loops, which you can mix with each other to create within seconds new unique loops. These loops have a wide reach of diverse styles, such as shaker, percussion, hi-hat loops and even distorted, phased, flanged or crushed drum loops are available. Some loops are mounted with sfx sounds and other effects to make them grab and go ready.

03 Synth Sounds
The 138 Synth Single Sounds are divided into bass and lead sounds, including types, such as sinus, saw, resonance, sub, noisy and distorted sounds for example. We sampled the sounds with lengths of up to 12 sec. All sounds were created with analog synthesizers: Moog Voyager, Studio Electronics SE-1, Alesis Andromeda A6, Korg MonoPoly, Oberheim Xpander, Oberheim OBMX.

04 Synth Loops
Well known from products such as Analog Attack, Liquid Electro Lines are the 346 synth loops. We fortified each folder with different sound patterns. They can be used as fill in, backing or main melody. Every Synth Loop also includes a set of variations which are different in terms of filter movement, sound and groove.

05 SFX Sounds
The 355 Sound Effects are split into sweeps, bits and pieces and into a mixed category. All sweeps where polished with additional effects, especially reverbs. The bits and pieces were divided into glitches, noises, crackles, low and high tension sounds. The mixed category including types, such as atmospheres, hits, lfos, noise sounds, weird effects and so further.

06 SFX Loops
This folder includes 56 SFX themes. These loops have the same structure as the drum-less loops—a main mix plus every element broken out. Making 346 loops overall for this category, which include different kinds of sound effects, for instance: lfos, sweeps, noisy sounds, glitches, crushed sounds and many more.

07 Vocals
The 222 Vocal samples are separated into vocal cuts and vocal phrases. Inside the vocal cuts folder you can find short shots from various female and male artists. The vocal phrases folder is made up of several catchy vocoder and talkbox phrases.

Cosmology, Metaphysics, Engineering, State-of-the-Art, Science, Voltage, Electricity, Power, Fusion, Hybrid, Transformer, Astronomy, Biophysics, Excellence, Breakthroughs, Geodesic, Numerology, Quantum Physics, Science Fiction, Invention, Tesla, Nuclear, Reactor, Architecture, Bionic

Responsible of this product is Marc Steinmeier. He has worked for Companies like Universal Music, EMI Electrola and Sony/BMG to name a few. He gave a lot of productions their break in terms of Sounddesign. This product guarantees a sound that is truly high fidelity.

1.9 GB, 3.322 Loops and Single Sounds
Elastik Soundbank for Mac/PC/AU/VST/RTAS/StandAlone
Elastik Player included - no sampler required!

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Flag EN spaceBeat, 09/2009

Electro Producer Pack 2
The second „Electro Producer Pack“ by Ueberschall convinces with its unbelievable present production

Electro Producer Pack 2

Beat, 09-2009

Electro Producer Pack 2
Good cows can be milked twice a day but most of the time a sequel of a loop collection can become as thrilling as several and exhausting Star-Wars-Epic. Not this time!
The second „Electro Producer Pack“ by Ueberschall convinces with its unbelievable present production which is a big advantage for the 1153 drum- and percussionsounds. But also the synth- and effectsounds are very powerful, in addition to the 200 vocalsamples.
This whole package is wrapped into the Elastik-Player (...)

Thomas L. Raukamp

translated by Wenzel Mehnert (ueberschall)

Flag DE spaceBeat, 09/2009

Electro Producer Pack 2
Wie bei so vielen DVDs der Hannoveraner weiß besonders die unglaublich präsente Produktion zu begeistern.

Electro Producer Pack 2

Beat, 09-2009

Electro Producer Pack 2
Ergiebige Kühe wollen mehrmals gemolken werden, was häufig dazu führt, dass Fortsetzungen von Loopsammlungen oft ebenso „mitreißend“ sind wie diverse einschläfernde Star-Wars-Epen. Nicht so beim „Electro Producer Pack“, das Ueberschall nunmehr mit einem zweiten Teil bedachte: Wie bei so vielen DVDs der Hannoveraner weiß besonders die unglaublich präsente Produktion zu begeistern, was besonders den 1153 Drum- und Percussionsounds zugute kommt. Aber auch die Synth- und Effektklänge sind druckvoll und durchsetzungfähig, hinzu kommen über 200 Vokalsamples. Verpackt ist das Ganze im hauseigenen Elastik-Player, von den einen geliebt, von Ableton-Live-Puristen hier und da verschmäht.

Thomas L. Raukamp

Flag EN spaceMusic & PC, 05/2009

Electro Producer Pack 2
Part two of the Electro Producer Pack is not a quick followup to the first one but a well-structured and enhanced sequel.

Electro Producer Pack 2

Music & PC, 05-2009

Basics: 6 months after the release of the first part comes the followup for electro producers. That means they had enough material already or it was that successful that they brought the musicians back from their holiday island and chained them to their mixing tools again. Then - in 03/09 - I wrote ”all in all it is a great playground for minimalstic electro producer that allows to create great constructions.“ Nothing has changed about that - part 2 is even better.


Sounds: As in the last part the material is not seperated in construction kits but in categories such as drum loops and drum sounds, SFX loops and SFX sounds, synth loops and synth sounds and vocals. That makes round about 3300 sounds, half of it is for drums and percussion. The big number of drum loops have a lot of variations, are very powerful produced and almost always in 130 bpm. With the wide range of single shots you can modify the loops even more. Very nice as always - the SFX: Beautiful and strange, processed with a lot of effects and far away from the usual „tchaka-tchaka“ sounds. The synth loops could have been more. At first because there are just a few and second because the compositions are very good and make hunger for more. One musical idea is dressed into many different variations in form of sound and envelope. The single synth sounds are seperated into bass- and leadsounds, all tuned in a; the sound is hiting towards ”fat”. Last but not least, the vocals include ”cuts” (little vocal bits) and just a view but very good produced vocoderlines and talkbox-phrases.

Conclusions: Part two of the Electro Producer Pack is not a quick followup to the first one but a well-structured and enhanced sequel that works great together with the first part. It‘s a sure shot: those who say EPP1 habe to say EPP2, too.

translated by Wenzel Mehnert / Ueberschall

Flag DE spaceMusic & PC, 05/2009

Electro Producer Pack 2
Teil zwei des Electro Producer Packs ist kein schnell nachgeschossener Nachfolger, sondern eine durchdachte und an vielen stellen sogar noch verbesserte Fortsetzung.

Electro Producer Pack 2

Music & PC, 05-2009

Basics: Ein halbes Jahr nach dem sehr ordentlichen ersten Teil gibt‘s nun schon den Nachfolger für Elektro-Producer. Was entweder heißt, dass man schon damals genug Material für zwei Ausgaben hatte oder das Teil damals so erfolgreich war, dass man die Macher aus dem verdienten Urlaub in der Südsee zurückholte und erneut an das Mischpult fesselte. Damals - in der Ausgabe 03/09 - schrieb ich: „Unter dem Strich ist das eine schöne Spielwiese für Electro-Minimalisten, auf der sich wunderbar sparsame Konstrukte zusammenlöten lassen“. Und daran hat sich nichts geändert - Teil 2 gefällt mir da sogar noch ein bisschen besser.


Sounds: Wie schon im letzten Teil, so ist das Material auch hier nicht auf Baukästen, sondern in Kategorien wie Drum Loops und Drum Sounds, SFX Loops und SFX Sounds, Synth Loops und Synth Sounds sowie Vocals unterteilt worden. So kommen rund 3300 Sounds zusammen, die Hälfte davon gehört zu Drums und Percussion. Die große Zahl an Drum Loops ist gewohnt variantenreich und druckvoll produziert und liegt fast durchgehend im 130er Tempo vor - das erspart Anpassungen. Mit der großen Zahl an Einzelhits können die Loops dann weiter modifiziert werden, auch gibt‘s die Loops dann ja noch einmal für jedes Instrument einzeln. Hervorragend auch wieder die SFX: Schön schräg, mit vielen Effekten aufbereitet und fernab vom üblichen Tschakka-Tschakka-Einheitsbrei.
Die Synth Loops hätten gern noch etwas zahlreicher sein können. Zum einen, weil sie doch etwas dünn besetzt sind, zum anderen, weil sie sehr ansprechend komponiert sind und Appetit auf mehr machen. Hier wird dann eine musikalische Idee in verschiedenen Sounds und Klangfarben aufbereitet, was vielfältige Variationen zulässt. Die Einzelsounds sind unterteilt in Bässe und Leadsounds und alle schön auf Kammerton gestimmt; klanglich geht‘s da eher in Richtung „fett“. Die Vocals schließlich sind unterteilt in zahlreiche „Cuts“ (kurze Lautäußerungen und Ausrufe) und weniger zahlreiche, dafür aber sehr ausgefallen produzierte Vocoderlines und Talkbox-Phrasen. Besonders letztere kommen richtig gut.

Fazit: Teil zwei des Electro Producer Packs ist kein schnell nachgeschossener Nachfolger, sondern eine durchdachte und an vielen stellen sogar noch verbesserte Fortsetzung, die sich ganz wunderbar mit ihrem Vorgänger ergänzt. Klare Sache: Wer hier EPP1 gesagt hat, muss zwangsläufig auch EPP2 sagen.



The following reviews have been placed by customers who also bought this product from us. All reviews are provided through eKomi, Europe’s largest independent customer review company.

5.0 of 5
09.12.2023 Language: englisch



Free ELASTIK 3.6.3 Loop-Player is included in this product.
With its intuitive Loopeye editing environment, the high-quality pitch, key, scale and tempo manipulation algorithms and the huge collection of Elastik-ready sample libraries, spanning almost every conceivable musical genre, Elastik is a powerful workstation for loop-based musicproduction. It can be used either as a standalone application or as plugin within almost any DAW on both Windows and macOS platforms.


  • macOS 10.12 or higher
  • Apple Silicon Support
  • 64 bit


  • Windows 8 or higher

Required Registration:

Ueberschall products require you to register with the manufacturer at www.ueberschall.com to activate your license.

This product requires an activation!

An internet connection is required to authorize / activate the product.